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Accident With A Drunken Thai

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Alcohol, that is the problem.

Alcohol leads to nothing but problems most of the time.

In American, 50% of fatal car crashes are alcohol related. 50%!!!!

Everyone loves to get hammered at the local bar or a friends porch after a hard days work and then drive home and maybe kill a farang or two on the way.

Alcohol is a horrible invention. Car crashes are just a part of why drinking is a menace to society.


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About Achim - here is his view of the accident.


Thats what he told me. Just say: "A german living with his family in Samui for 15 years"

Sorry for my bad english translation, I am german.

On may 18 2007 about 2:30 am I drove in Bango Po area on my motorbike.

Suddenly I pickup car wheeled over to my lane and hit me right in front.

I hit the bonnet and my left arm broke through the windscreen.

As I can remember I was thrown over the drivers cab on the load area. Then I felt unconscious.

By the way the neighbored police owned video camera has taped this accident.

The driver did the normal "hit and run" with or without knowing me laying on the pickup.

About 5 am I woke up and found myself in the shrubbery close to the ring road.

As my mobile was still working I called my wife and told her that I was hurt and unable to move.

This moment I didn't realize that I was far away from the place where the accident happened.

SO nobody could find me and I had to help myself: I robbed backwards to the ring road and

luckily I could grab a cane and could make myself noticeable.

The guy who finally found me could then call my wife and tell her where I was located

- 15 km away around Ban Saket.

Friends of my wife hurried up to bring me to the Nathon Hospital -

I lost a lot of blood meanwhile and felt unconscious again.

Meanwhile the pick up involved has been seen in front of a 7-11 with a broken windscreen

and with two drunken thai men.

About the police: The found my motorbike and they secured it - where ever it will be now.

Some witnesses of the accident have called the police and told about what happened.

But in the report the police is just talking about

"Male have accident with his motorbike and has to be threatened in the local hospital".

My wife and my family in law visited the police and have cleared out that the pickup-

drivers obviously thought that I was dead and that they have "disposed" me close to

the ring road. The answer of the police was: "We don't have time for this, he should come to

see us after he has recovered already".

I stayed 5 days in Nathon hospital before having been transported to a hospital in Bangkok.

Never the local police - the headquarter is just 10 minutes away - have shown up.

I suffered the following injuries:

- fracture of the left hand wrist

- double fracture of the right shinbone

- fracture of the right tighbone

- splitting fracture of the right pelvis

- fracture of the right hip joint

I will have to stay in a Bangkok hospital about 6 weeks -later I will have to

learn to walk again. It is unclear if there will be an remaining damage of the hip.

Appendix by Claude Feller:

I talked with his wife today. She went to the head of Nathon police and tried to

get a better answer why the police is so shitty here. The answer was:

You are glad he didn't die, you have "chook dee".

Be aware that she is a local Samui but she never could imagine this full amount

of irresponsibility.

Costs so far:

200.000 B for treatment

loss of income about the same

I have contacted the german embassy - seems like they are willing to help.


I sent you two mobile numbers yesterday, you didn't call. Now this translation.

Hope it is possible for you to make a story about this case.

Please go to the Nathon Police and make an interview with the head of the police.

Anyway your newspaper will publish in english, nobody of the police will read your story.


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About Achim - here is his view of the accident.


Thats what he told me. Just say: "A german living with his family in Samui for 15 years"

Sorry for my bad english translation, I am german.

On may 18 2007 about 2:30 am I drove in Bango Po area on my motorbike.

Suddenly I pickup car wheeled over to my lane and hit me right in front.

I hit the bonnet and my left arm broke through the windscreen.

As I can remember I was thrown over the drivers cab on the load area. Then I felt unconscious.

By the way the neighbored police owned video camera has taped this accident.

The driver did the normal "hit and run" with or without knowing me laying on the pickup.

About 5 am I woke up and found myself in the shrubbery close to the ring road.

As my mobile was still working I called my wife and told her that I was hurt and unable to move.

This moment I didn't realize that I was far away from the place where the accident happened.

SO nobody could find me and I had to help myself: I robbed backwards to the ring road and

luckily I could grab a cane and could make myself noticeable.

The guy who finally found me could then call my wife and tell her where I was located

- 15 km away around Ban Saket.

Friends of my wife hurried up to bring me to the Nathon Hospital -

I lost a lot of blood meanwhile and felt unconscious again.

Meanwhile the pick up involved has been seen in front of a 7-11 with a broken windscreen

and with two drunken thai men.

About the police: The found my motorbike and they secured it - where ever it will be now.

Some witnesses of the accident have called the police and told about what happened.

But in the report the police is just talking about

"Male have accident with his motorbike and has to be threatened in the local hospital".

My wife and my family in law visited the police and have cleared out that the pickup-

drivers obviously thought that I was dead and that they have "disposed" me close to

the ring road. The answer of the police was: "We don't have time for this, he should come to

see us after he has recovered already".

I stayed 5 days in Nathon hospital before having been transported to a hospital in Bangkok.

Never the local police - the headquarter is just 10 minutes away - have shown up.

I suffered the following injuries:

- fracture of the left hand wrist

- double fracture of the right shinbone

- fracture of the right tighbone

- splitting fracture of the right pelvis

- fracture of the right hip joint

I will have to stay in a Bangkok hospital about 6 weeks -later I will have to

learn to walk again. It is unclear if there will be an remaining damage of the hip.

Appendix by Claude Feller:

I talked with his wife today. She went to the head of Nathon police and tried to

get a better answer why the police is so shitty here. The answer was:

You are glad he didn't die, you have "chook dee".

Be aware that she is a local Samui but she never could imagine this full amount

of irresponsibility.

Costs so far:

200.000 B for treatment

loss of income about the same

I have contacted the german embassy - seems like they are willing to help.


I sent you two mobile numbers yesterday, you didn't call. Now this translation.

Hope it is possible for you to make a story about this case.

Please go to the Nathon Police and make an interview with the head of the police.

Anyway your newspaper will publish in english, nobody of the police will read your story.


Even if SE publishes this article without his name, everyone will know who it is.

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Some previous poster's comments that this kind of thing happens "all the time" and is therefore somehow more ok is absolutely preposterous! Some sort of serious pressure (The German Embassy thing is probably the best) is needed to show that in fact it is seriously NOT OK.

NOT OK. for the police to ignore it.

NOT OK. for drivers to think if they do something like this it's fine.

etc. etc. You know the rest.

If the police know they are are going to get serious grief for not pursuing this kind of stuff they are more likely to take action next time in order to avoid more of the same. So YES! Newspapers report it. Embassy create grief about it! And as I said before how about our local heroes, the Farang Tourist Police using their apparent influence with the Samui police to get this sorted. Thereby proving they really can be of some value to us all! Come on boys! Maybe you could really make a difference here!

Let's not let this be ignored and thereby seem to further confirm the open season status on Farang ( and probably even Thai) road users.

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The article will get written and I will not report his name if that's what he wants.

I also want to put other examples of this happening and am soliciting stories of such incidents (like the ones from southbot (southbot, please respond to my PM for more info)). Anyone else have a similar story to tell please PM.

The next edition comes out this weekend so this story will not be out for another two weeks.

Claude, I don't wish to speak with you if I don't have to so your post of the incident will be enough for me. The article will detail his incident but not focus entirely on it but more on the fact that it is a widespread problem.


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The article will get written and I will not report his name if that's what he wants.

I also want to put other examples of this happening and am soliciting stories of such incidents (like the ones from southbot (southbot, please respond to my PM for more info)). Anyone else have a similar story to tell please PM.

The next edition comes out this weekend so this story will not be out for another two weeks.

Claude, I don't wish to speak with you if I don't have to so your post of the incident will be enough for me. The article will detail his incident but not focus entirely on it but more on the fact that it is a widespread problem.



Maybe your artice should also focus on the way that it is well know that the police can be made to change their view on a problem for a bit of under the table . Also whenever their is an accident involving a Farang and Thai - The Farang always has to pay even though probably not at fault . It is also know that several police officers are in the pockets of some individuals , who seem to be able to get away with murder .

What is the " farang " tourist police's view of this ?

Would the chief of police agree to an interview for your paper to tell Samui Residents what he is doing to sort out these problems .

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"Hit and run" is widespread all over Thailand, but what happened to my friend is not common.

The behavior of the police is not widespread it is a more "Samui problem".

By the way you don't have to talk to me but to Achim to reconfirm my given infos.


Here an example:

I had a talk with a thai constructor.

Whenever a constructor (not him) has to repair parts of the ringroad, the construction site has to be lightened during nighttime. Thats the law and thats what they do outside Koh Samui.

For here, there is no lightening installed (NEVER!) and we all know how dangerous this can be.

If an accident occurs the constructor just has to pay tea-money to the police and the report will say: "Site was lightened following the law."

Samui wants to be a world destination so daily life here must fulfill a minimum of standards. This includes a police who at least knows, understands and follows the exciting laws.

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It would serve everyone's interest best, if any pressure applied, concentrated on this case in particular. Trying to make it a wider issue about corruption in daily life will only serve to dilute attention on this particular case and therefore lose effectiveness as a tool to change police attitudes to doing something about further cases of this particular kind. The wider aspect is so huge that it can only be minimised by dealing with one aspect at a time.

Also I have noticed that this subject has been watched with interest( A lot of viewings). Anyone who adds comment on this topic will keep it at the top of the first page rather than letting it slip down the pages list and eventually into obscurity.

I have yet to see any feedback as to whether the Farang Tourist Police have proved to be any use by using their influence with the "real" police to push for justice in this case. Come on! Lets make these B-------s pay for what they did to this guy and maybe we will all be a bit safer on the roads. If it does not make it any safer, then at least when we are laying in our hospital beds we might be able to imagine that someone, somewhere is under a bit more pressure to make someone accountable for what they did to us.

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Feel sorry for the guy he's going to be laid up for months, one point what was he doing on a motorbike at 0230am coming home from somewhere sober or what, Not trying to put the blame else where just asking the question.

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Now his wife is trying to get the story on T-ITV and she has contacted the police in Bangkok.

Nobody likes if somebody is going to ruin the life of the own family.

To be followed!

Good Good! Perfect!

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lets hope some thing gets done but i feel nothing will change, even it makes the TV or the front page of BKK post. if we are in accident its our fault for being here simple as that. when a local has the same problem the cops jump into action, but for one of us to get help, never ever will it happen.

a few mornings ago (about 5) i was having a beer in bar in Soi reggae in came the night shift of the MIB, both drunk as lords in uniform, shift finishing at 7. they were driving, stayed for over an hour drinking free JD and coke. they made a few more bob by giving out there guns for 500 baht ago then progressed it to races with the farangs on who could stip down and re-build the gun again for money. when they went they could hardly walk let alone drive.

As for the farang tourist police, waste of time to busy playing pool or supping in tropical Murphy's.

i wish a speedy recovery to the unfurtunate victim.

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About Achim - here is his view of the accident.


Thats what he told me. Just say: "A german living with his family in Samui for 15 years"

Sorry for my bad english translation, I am german.

On may 18 2007 about 2:30 am I drove in Bango Po area on my motorbike.

Suddenly I pickup car wheeled over to my lane and hit me right in front.

I hit the bonnet and my left arm broke through the windscreen.

As I can remember I was thrown over the drivers cab on the load area. Then I felt unconscious.

By the way the neighbored police owned video camera has taped this accident.

The driver did the normal "hit and run" with or without knowing me laying on the pickup.

About 5 am I woke up and found myself in the shrubbery close to the ring road.

As my mobile was still working I called my wife and told her that I was hurt and unable to move.

This moment I didn't realize that I was far away from the place where the accident happened.

SO nobody could find me and I had to help myself: I robbed backwards to the ring road and

luckily I could grab a cane and could make myself noticeable.

The guy who finally found me could then call my wife and tell her where I was located

- 15 km away around Ban Saket.

Friends of my wife hurried up to bring me to the Nathon Hospital -

I lost a lot of blood meanwhile and felt unconscious again.

Meanwhile the pick up involved has been seen in front of a 7-11 with a broken windscreen

and with two drunken thai men.

About the police: The found my motorbike and they secured it - where ever it will be now.

Some witnesses of the accident have called the police and told about what happened.

But in the report the police is just talking about

"Male have accident with his motorbike and has to be threatened in the local hospital".

My wife and my family in law visited the police and have cleared out that the pickup-

drivers obviously thought that I was dead and that they have "disposed" me close to

the ring road. The answer of the police was: "We don't have time for this, he should come to

see us after he has recovered already".

I stayed 5 days in Nathon hospital before having been transported to a hospital in Bangkok.

Never the local police - the headquarter is just 10 minutes away - have shown up.

I suffered the following injuries:

- fracture of the left hand wrist

- double fracture of the right shinbone

- fracture of the right tighbone

- splitting fracture of the right pelvis

- fracture of the right hip joint

I will have to stay in a Bangkok hospital about 6 weeks -later I will have to

learn to walk again. It is unclear if there will be an remaining damage of the hip.

Appendix by Claude Feller:

I talked with his wife today. She went to the head of Nathon police and tried to

get a better answer why the police is so shitty here. The answer was:

You are glad he didn't die, you have "chook dee".

Be aware that she is a local Samui but she never could imagine this full amount

of irresponsibility.

Costs so far:

200.000 B for treatment

loss of income about the same

I have contacted the german embassy - seems like they are willing to help.


I sent you two mobile numbers yesterday, you didn't call. Now this translation.

Hope it is possible for you to make a story about this case.

Please go to the Nathon Police and make an interview with the head of the police.

Anyway your newspaper will publish in english, nobody of the police will read your story.


Is the identity known of the alleged suspects and is the car registration known?

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The identity is not known neither the car registration. Just color and type of the car (there is a camera in Nathon) and that it has a broken windscreen. Then there were witnesses at a 7-11 who saw the guys.

Seems not to difficult for the police to find out the identity..

Attempted murder is not a little thing and the island is in fact very small, as long as you check the two car ferrys there is no way out.

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You say this accident happened in Ban Po what will a camera in Nathon see, also where in Ban Po did this happen. As for attempted murder why get so excited, accidents happen every day. Even if the driver of the other vehicle a was drunk Thai, how do you know he was Thai he could be a Foriegner.

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You say this accident happened in Ban Po what will a camera in Nathon see, also where in Ban Po did this happen. As for attempted murder why get so excited, accidents happen every day. Even if the driver of the other vehicle a was drunk Thai, how do you know he was Thai he could be a Foriegner.

A camera in Nathon can see a pick up with a broken windscreen.

If I hit you with my car and I bring you to somewhere in the outback to let you die there - is this an accident?

They are thai because witnesses have seen them.

By the way, did you read the story?

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Does anyone have any alternate numbers to the Nathon police station other than Tel: 0 7742 1095, 0 7742 1097-8?

These numbers are everywhere as the number to call the Nathon police station but have been trying to call since yesterday and nobody answers any of the numbers.


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Does anyone have any alternate numbers to the Nathon police station other than Tel: 0 7742 1095, 0 7742 1097-8?

These numbers are everywhere as the number to call the Nathon police station but have been trying to call since yesterday and nobody answers any of the numbers.



I just tried to call 191 (police emergency) but nobody is in!!

Maybe they have a meeting in a noodle soup shop or at the coffee corner.


Thats how you can start your story!!

Edited by ClaudeFeller
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Does anyone have any alternate numbers to the Nathon police station other than Tel: 0 7742 1095, 0 7742 1097-8?

These numbers are everywhere as the number to call the Nathon police station but have been trying to call since yesterday and nobody answers any of the numbers.



I just tried to call 191 (police emergency) but nobody is in!!

Maybe they have a meeting in a noodle soup shop or at the coffee corner.


Thats how you can start your story!!

Drove past there yesterday and they where very busy!, but still no excuse not to answer the phone, probably bogged down with alot of cases, as from what i noticed BKK immergration are here rounding up all the Burmase Aliens and dropping them off in the cells in Nathon causing them a big headache

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I just tried to call tourist police 1155, no answer at all. That is now a total of 5 published police numbers that have been called at not a single one answered.

As far as being too busy to answer an emergency number that is just ridiculous. Maybe one time but I have been calling the Nathon police station since yesterday and all day today.


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Does anyone have any alternate numbers to the Nathon police station other than Tel: 0 7742 1095, 0 7742 1097-8?

These numbers are everywhere as the number to call the Nathon police station but have been trying to call since yesterday and nobody answers any of the numbers.



I just tried to call 191 (police emergency) but nobody is in!!

Maybe they have a meeting in a noodle soup shop or at the coffee corner.


Thats how you can start your story!!

Drove past there yesterday and they where very busy!, but still no excuse not to answer the phone, probably bogged down with alot of cases, as from what i noticed BKK immergration are here rounding up all the Burmase Aliens and dropping them off in the cells in Nathon causing them a big headache

I know they dont like big headache but what if an emergency occurs?? Maybe they need an answer machine to tell you: "Call tomorrow again"

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I just tried to call tourist police 1155, no answer at all. That is now a total of 5 published police numbers that have been called at not a single one answered.

As far as being too busy to answer an emergency number that is just ridiculous. Maybe one time but I have been calling the Nathon police station since yesterday and all day today.


Thanks for finding out now, didn't you know it was like this?

A lawless Island, it seems, wait til the VIP's have an emergency! :o

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I just tried to call tourist police 1155, no answer at all. That is now a total of 5 published police numbers that have been called at not a single one answered.

As far as being too busy to answer an emergency number that is just ridiculous. Maybe one time but I have been calling the Nathon police station since yesterday and all day today.


Thanks for finding out now, didn't you know it was like this?

A lawless Island, it seems, wait til the VIP's have an emergency! :o

Dont worry about the VIP's they all have a special number to call!!! a bit like the bat phone, you will see it in the cheifs office, big red thing!

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I just tried to call tourist police 1155, no answer at all. That is now a total of 5 published police numbers that have been called at not a single one answered.

As far as being too busy to answer an emergency number that is just ridiculous. Maybe one time but I have been calling the Nathon police station since yesterday and all day today.


Thanks for finding out now, didn't you know it was like this?

A lawless Island, it seems, wait til the VIP's have an emergency! :o

Dont worry about the VIP's they all have a special number to call!!! a bit like the bat phone, you will see it in the cheifs office, big red thing!

My wife told me off. I have a big Bat light.Watch the sky over Bophut.Holy smoke batman.

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