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How to advise a friend near breakdown.


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Hi, a very good friend is in danger of a complete breakdown. Her husband, also my good friend, is suffering from very complicated cancer, and has turned from a super healthy handsome man ( 68 yrs) to a shadow of himself, practically overnight. They had just sold their very successful business and had planned a wonderful retirement traveling the world. They have a beautiful house and garden. Except….

Hes in and out of hospital, has marvelous care and specialists so nothing to improve on there.

ill call her Susan, is keeping a brave front when with him, and when she’s not she goes to pieces, shaking uncontrollably, she eats hardly anything, she can’t hold it down. I think, and have been , trying to get her to see a specialist. She has doctor friends. But she won’t. My questions, what sort of doctor should she see, and how can I convince her to try.  I’m really afraid she won’t last long like this with a total breakdown. They have no children , but very good friends and family. Thank you, I’m at my wits end seeing them both like this. 

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I'm so sorry for your friend and her husband. I don't really have any words of advice but wanted to say that you are so wonderful and kind for being there. Honestly, I think that is all you can do is be there for her, and perhaps encourage her to speak to someone about what she is going through, a licenced therapist perhaps? I have seen them online but of course be mindful and check reviews before choosing one. Thank you for being such a good friend, everyone needs a friend like you in hard times like these.

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