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Legal Thai Documents


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I hope I am in the right spot. If not, please forgive me and move this message to the right section.

If the Original of a Thai Document is lost and/or has to be changed, the Thai person then has to go to the corresponding place and have that document


I do know that this can be done with supporting documents and for this procedure the Thai person does also need 2 Thai citizens who guarantee that


Now my question: Do the 2 guaranteeing people have to be

a) 2 Thai officers or

:o 1 Thai officer and 1 Thai citizens holding a Thai ID card, or

c) 2 Thai citizens holding an ID card, or

d) whatever combination of Thai ID card holders

I am quite sure some long term members of this board know what I am talking about. Thank you for your replies and if I was not clear please let me know.

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If you're referring to a lost marriage certificate for example. The proceedure I took was to make a police report for the lost document. I think that cost 25 Baht and took about 10 minutes.

I then took this police report to the Umphur where the marriage was registered. The Umphur will then provide as many certified copies as you're willing to pay for. I think each copy cost about 15 Baht. They don't provide a replacement marriage certificate, only certified copies of the marriage application paperwork. These certified copies are legally the same as an original marriage certificate.

For other documents or making changes to documents I'm not sure of the proceedure.

Edited by Farma
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I hope I am in the right spot. If not, please forgive me and move this message to the right section.

If the Original of a Thai Document is lost and/or has to be changed, the Thai person then has to go to the corresponding place and have that document


I do know that this can be done with supporting documents and for this procedure the Thai person does also need 2 Thai citizens who guarantee that


Now my question: Do the 2 guaranteeing people have to be

a) 2 Thai officers or

:o 1 Thai officer and 1 Thai citizens holding a Thai ID card, or

c) 2 Thai citizens holding an ID card, or

d) whatever combination of Thai ID card holders

I am quite sure some long term members of this board know what I am talking about. Thank you for your replies and if I was not clear please let me know.


I think there is nothing for you to worry about, you are making it far too complicated. I lost all my Thai legal documents (work permit, company book, land paper, and so on) in the 2004 tsunami, and I got replacements right away by going to the proper government offices, such as the land office to get a new chanot (land paper). Absolutely nowhere they mentioned a rule of having to turn up with 2 guarantors. You do need a police report though, that states you lost the document, or that it has been stolen or whatever. Maybe you don't give enough details to describe the situation, what document exactly do you need?

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I think there is nothing for you to worry about, you are making it far too complicated. I lost all my Thai legal documents (work permit, company book, land paper, and so on) in the 2004 tsunami, and I got replacements right away by going to the proper government offices, such as the land office to get a new chanot (land paper). Absolutely nowhere they mentioned a rule of having to turn up with 2 guarantors. You do need a police report though, that states you lost the document, or that it has been stolen or whatever. Maybe you don't give enough details to describe the situation, what document exactly do you need?

Over 40 people have already read this message, but quite amazingly nobody seems to be in a position to tackle the problem.

As an example take the document regarding “Proof of Civil Status”. Fact is and you should know, any original paper issued by an Amphur has always to carry the red stamp (blue stamped papers are copies only).

The officer at an Amphur up her in Isaan told my girl, who wanted a paper for marriage and therefore proof of her status being either single, or divorced, or widow that she has to bring along 2 persons who guarantee her that she is really single, or divorced, or widow.

This has been done and the corresponding paper was shown to Swiss Embassy and approved of. Same procedure could also be applied as an example for a name change.

Upon the presence of the 2 guarantors and after checking their ID’s the document will and has been issued immediately.

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I forgot to tell you that my girl is a teacher and government officer herself. We want to play it safe and since she is running out of government officers as guarantors, we want to know if i.e. she could pick two street vendors carrying an ID card as guarantors.

Since she had to re-establish the birth certificate also, she did it the same way and the two guarantors where the "kamnan" of the village she was born in and her neighbour holding an ID card.

All my information may help others and subsequently led to my initial question that has still not been answered.

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