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Well, hopefully its only been women voting :o

Assuming so, I find the numbers interesting. Especially how many single women are here. More power to you ladies :D

forgot to add children into the poll, but oh well, too late now.

Me too, I find it encouraging to see so many single Farang women. On our tiny island there seems to be only 3 of us that I know about. I'm definately in the minority here.

How about an addition to the poll to show how many of us have consciously NOT gone down the 'dating a Thai guy' route. For all the many obvious reasons!

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How about an addition to the poll to show how many of us have consciously NOT gone down the 'dating a Thai guy' route. For all the many obvious reasons!

Egads!!! :o There are many obvious and personal reasons for not marrying most of the people in the world - why does it always have to come back to all the reasons Thai men aren't worth our time or love? :D I'm happy with mine - we've been together for almost 9 years, married for 4, and have 2 great kids. I'm 34 and he's 32.

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Well, hopefully its only been women voting :o

Assuming so, I find the numbers interesting. Especially how many single women are here. More power to you ladies :D

forgot to add children into the poll, but oh well, too late now.

Me too, I find it encouraging to see so many single Farang women. On our tiny island there seems to be only 3 of us that I know about. I'm definately in the minority here.

How about an addition to the poll to show how many of us have consciously NOT gone down the 'dating a Thai guy' route. For all the many obvious reasons!

No thanks. It kind of defeats the purpose of the poll then, doesn't it? I was just curious as to the make up of the ladies forum. Not motives :D

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Great and very interesting poll, I am a guy so did not vote but am on my second Thai wife, two wonderful kids, one on third tour in Iraq, the other a successful biz woman, oh and 3 grandkids, 4th on the way

Good poll sbk

Edited by jEFFREYk44
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How about an addition to the poll to show how many of us have consciously NOT gone down the 'dating a Thai guy' route. For all the many obvious reasons!

Egads!!! :o There are many obvious and personal reasons for not marrying most of the people in the world - why does it always have to come back to all the reasons Thai men aren't worth our time or love? :D I'm happy with mine - we've been together for almost 9 years, married for 4, and have 2 great kids. I'm 34 and he's 32.

I did NOT say Thai men are not worth our time or love, it's offensive when you put words in my mouth stemming from your own paranoia! It's a pity you deliberately chose to misinterpret me :D

I maintain there are obvious reasons why not, and was actually referring to cultural ones. Which is a fact in any and every country.

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How about an addition to the poll to show how many of us have consciously NOT gone down the 'dating a Thai guy' route. For all the many obvious reasons!

Egads!!! :o There are many obvious and personal reasons for not marrying most of the people in the world - why does it always have to come back to all the reasons Thai men aren't worth our time or love? :D I'm happy with mine - we've been together for almost 9 years, married for 4, and have 2 great kids. I'm 34 and he's 32.

I did NOT say Thai men are not worth our time or love, it's offensive when you put words in my mouth stemming from your own paranoia! It's a pity you deliberately chose to misinterpret me :D

I maintain there are obvious reasons why not, and was actually referring to cultural ones. Which is a fact in any and every country.

To give an answer to your question from one single person: I've never been interested in nationalities. For me it depends on the person himself, no matter the culture, social differences etc. So in my case, if I'm ever lucky, he can be Thai or any nationality.

I do not understand, though, what you mean with "For all the many obvious reasons!"


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How about an addition to the poll to show how many of us have consciously NOT gone down the 'dating a Thai guy' route. For all the many obvious reasons!

Egads!!! :D There are many obvious and personal reasons for not marrying most of the people in the world - why does it always have to come back to all the reasons Thai men aren't worth our time or love? :D I'm happy with mine - we've been together for almost 9 years, married for 4, and have 2 great kids. I'm 34 and he's 32.

I did NOT say Thai men are not worth our time or love, it's offensive when you put words in my mouth stemming from your own paranoia! It's a pity you deliberately chose to misinterpret me :D

I maintain there are obvious reasons why not, and was actually referring to cultural ones. Which is a fact in any and every country.

Right, paranoid....yep, that's exactly what I am.... :o

So why don't you explain all your obvious reasons that I must have missed. I'm aware of the obvious reasons that exist on other parts of this forum. The only other obvious reasons I can think of (in the sense that everyone can see them, since that's more or less what obvious means) are: 1. They're brown. 2. They're generally not very tall. 3. They have black hair.

Cultural reasons? My husband and sbk's husband (the first one I could think of with a hubby from the south) are probably as different culturally as an American and an Australian.

And I liked the phrase 'dating a Thai guy', especially the quotes. you have lumped about 30 million men (and boys) into one group.

I may have put the words in your mouth, but it seems that they were already headed in that direction, anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...
How about an addition to the poll to show how many of us have consciously NOT gone down the 'dating a Thai guy' route. For all the many obvious reasons!

Egads!!! :D There are many obvious and personal reasons for not marrying most of the people in the world - why does it always have to come back to all the reasons Thai men aren't worth our time or love? :D I'm happy with mine - we've been together for almost 9 years, married for 4, and have 2 great kids. I'm 34 and he's 32.

I did NOT say Thai men are not worth our time or love, it's offensive when you put words in my mouth stemming from your own paranoia! It's a pity you deliberately chose to misinterpret me :D

I maintain there are obvious reasons why not, and was actually referring to cultural ones. Which is a fact in any and every country.

Right, paranoid....yep, that's exactly what I am.... :o

So why don't you explain all your obvious reasons that I must have missed.

I may have put the words in your mouth, but it seems that they were already headed in that direction, anyway.

I too would like to know your "obvious reasons" for not going down the "dating a thai guy" route. You were very fast to attack someone who interpreted your post in the same way most of us probably did...nothing to do with paranoia, it's purely your phrasing without adaquate explanation. My first thoughts were perhaps you think that Thai men are just after money or status from a white g/f but then you said it was the cultural differences. From this one could assume any number of things including tendencies toward physical abuse, superiority over women, yada yada (which you do admit is in every country anyway)...it's impossible to put everyone in the same basket..my Thai husband is by far the most generous and loving man I've ever met and any "cultural" differences we have only adds to the enjoyment (and challenges!) of being in a relationship together...it never gets dull because you're learning something about the other all the time.

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