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Best School And The Police Visit


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A new low in Best's management antics,

A senior student was riding his motorcycle at the back of the school after 4pm, and one of the Thai teachers felt this was not right or appropriate and proceeded to impound the vehicle by attaching a padlock and chain to it, an altercation ensued; resulting in Pattaya's finest being summoned to the school to resolve the impasse.

Obviously they advised the errant Thai teacher to unlock the aforementioned motor cycle, regrettably, prior the their arrival a group of students had gathered round and tried to remove the locking device, resulting in damage to the teachers clamping equipment. Language not suitable for young children was being thrown around by all and sundry, (in Thai of course) and one of the students stupidly made an extremely rude gesture to the locking teacher.

At the school assembly yesterday the "new low" was achieved, when any student who was guilty "of being in possession of being a farang" and anywhere near the incident was unceremoniously hauled before the whole school and publicly humiliated for causing the Thai teachers to lose face.

According to my sources, the justice was swift and obviously totally fair, the Thai teacher was praised by his Thai colleagues and the student was suspended for 1 week.

This follows hot on the heals of girls bags being searched for illegal items (mobile phones, Ipods, make up etc etc) in the classrooms by the Thai teachers, also girls and boys having their finger nails cut (drawing blood on some of the farang students), boys having their hair hacked off from behind because it covered their ears, etc etc, the rationale for this being. the Ministry of Education might visit

Will advise more when I get further info, but would think parents need to visit this school and see for themselves

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I have had this confirmed....as to what has happened.

I am an ANGRY parent. I previously asked for support from other parents ( to make a stand ) and that was ignored.


I am withdrawing my children from that school with effect from October ( already paid for the term )

There will be NO thai " teacher " EVER touch a hair on my childs head !

The so called SCHOOL tells our children to not run........have MP3 players etc..........and yet they have a freekin thai " teacher " who wears headphones EVERYDAY and CANNOT control his class and lets them do what they want. I,m PAYING for this????

The new principal " khun Neerun " is a total disgrace to the teaching profession.

I heard on the grapevine ( jing jing ) that a student ( 100% Thai ) threw a stone at a western teacher!!! The result?? KHUN NEERUN spoke to the child and stated to the teacher it woud " NOT HAPPEN AGAIN "

Guess what??

Discipline?? HA HA HA HA HA. Freekin joke at this excuse for a school.

The MoE is coming soon...................i,m going to arrange a parents protest at the school gates. Anyone else got the balls to join me? Or are you HAPPY with the school ??

Up to you. MY childs education is IMPORTANT !!!

Edited by Manchester
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Has anybody got anything good to say about this school, its worrying to hear all this stuff. My son also attends there albeit class one. I work away alot but I would like to know is there a parents commitee of any kind, has anybody raised all these concerns we read about on this site and through other parents to the principal? If so what was the feedback / excuses?

Been on the verge of changing schools for a while now, and now the time is right. What a joke of a place.

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The educational system in Pattaya is not at an adequate level for foreign students. I would suggest moving them up to Bangkok or even trying Hong Kong. The alternative solution is to try private tutors/after school sessions. In fact, your dollars will go much further with private tutors versus paying for these schools. If you would like private tutoring or home schooling options, then please contact me for a discussion on my programs and rates. You get what you pay for in education. Unfortunately, you are not getting much for your dollar with these schools. Also, if you pay Thai prices, you will get Thai standard education. I think you can see that Thai education is not worth your time.

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The educational system in Pattaya is not at an adequate level for foreign students. I would suggest moving them up to Bangkok or even trying Hong Kong. The alternative solution is to try private tutors/after school sessions. In fact, your dollars will go much further with private tutors versus paying for these schools. If you would like private tutoring or home schooling options, then please contact me for a discussion on my programs and rates. You get what you pay for in education.

This is a discussion on a particular school. Not a POST to SELL services. The POST is for parents with students here.

Maybe not close to Pattaya but there are some very GOOD schools locally. I know.............i just enrolled my child in one today. I am not keeping my child at that school any longer. When THAI teachers attempt to PUBLICALLY HUMILIATE older students by castrigating them in FRONT of the whole school and treat them like BABIES then enough is enough. Is the NEW THAI PRINCIPAL a moron??

REPS near Rayong.

Garden International


St. Andrews

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The educational system in Pattaya is not at an adequate level for foreign students. I would suggest moving them up to Bangkok or even trying Hong Kong. The alternative solution is to try private tutors/after school sessions. In fact, your dollars will go much further with private tutors versus paying for these schools. If you would like private tutoring or home schooling options, then please contact me for a discussion on my programs and rates. You get what you pay for in education.

This is a discussion on a particular school. Not a POST to SELL services. The POST is for parents with students here.

Maybe not close to Pattaya but there are some very GOOD schools locally. I know.............i just enrolled my child in one today. I am not keeping my child at that school any longer. When THAI teachers attempt to PUBLICALLY HUMILIATE older students by castrigating them in FRONT of the whole school and treat them like BABIES then enough is enough. Is the NEW THAI PRINCIPAL a moron??

REPS near Rayong.

Garden International


St. Andrews

REPS - Kindergarten & Primary only

Garden - Bloody expensive!

St.Andrews - Bloody expensive!

Regents - Bloody, bloody expensive!!!

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I agree with all that has been said here about BEST school and we are also withdrawing our children from this school at the end of this term.

It is dirty, the facilities are crap, the food and canteen services are really terrible and the teaching has gone from OK to bad to non-existent, the turnover of staff is unbelievable and they are employing more and more teachers from the Philippines as native English speakers to teach the English classes and quite frankly I do not think they have the qualifications required or the experience (they are very young) to do a good enough job. It is not value for money anymore and this latest incident just proves how bad it is getting and worse by the day! We are sending our kids to the REPS (Rayong English Programme school) school near Rayong as where we live it is as easy to get our kids to this school as to BEST and it is a much better school altogether.

I would have supported and attended a parents teacher association at this school and been active if I thought it would do any good but I have been told by a reliable source (ex-teacher) that they did have one before but none of their ideas, concerns, questions, comments or requests were ever listened too or acted upon and it was a total waste of time and I am afraid I am too busy to waste my time.

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I agree with all that has been said here about BEST school and we are also withdrawing our children from this school at the end of this term.

It is dirty, the facilities are crap, the food and canteen services are really terrible and the teaching has gone from OK to bad to non-existent, the turnover of staff is unbelievable and they are employing more and more teachers from the Philippines as native English speakers to teach the English classes and quite frankly I do not think they have the qualifications required or the experience (they are very young) to do a good enough job. It is not value for money anymore and this latest incident just proves how bad it is getting and worse by the day! We are sending our kids to the REPS (Rayong English Programme school) school near Rayong as where we live it is as easy to get our kids to this school as to BEST and it is a much better school altogether.

I would have supported and attended a parents teacher association at this school and been active if I thought it would do any good but I have been told by a reliable source (ex-teacher) that they did have one before but none of their ideas, concerns, questions, comments or requests were ever listened too or acted upon and it was a total waste of time and I am afraid I am too busy to waste my time.

Do you have any more info on REPS?

website or location ?

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There is another recent thread that gives web-site info for both REPS (primary school) and Garden Rayong (secondary school). Can't be bothered to look it up at the moment.

Garden is expensive - you would be looking at a considerable chunk of change for a child, with basic registration, twice or three times a year fees, special bus from Pattaya and other incidentals.

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Why Wait for the MoE inspection, why not write to the MoE with your complaints, at least they will know what to look for when the inspection is carried out.

Clearly a case of racism and incompetent management, education is not the place for double standards.


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Why Wait for the MoE inspection, why not write to the MoE with your complaints, at least they will know what to look for when the inspection is carried out.

Clearly a case of racism and incompetent management, education is not the place for double standards.


If the MoE inspectors came to this school any time soon there would be no doubt what the problems are! The school is filthy, the toilets a disgrace, discipline non-existent and kids running riot most of the time even in class time, if you arrive early at the school to collect your children you can see classrooms full of kids without supervision of any kind running wild. This is most obvious without going below the surface to the teaching standards, activities and what should be the minimum standards for a bilingual school which I would doubt BEST comes anywhere near at this point in time. I can not believe how fast this school has deteriorated since the beginning of this school year.

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Why Wait for the MoE inspection, why not write to the MoE with your complaints, at least they will know what to look for when the inspection is carried out.

Clearly a case of racism and incompetent management, education is not the place for double standards.


If the MoE inspectors came to this school any time soon there would be no doubt what the problems are! The school is filthy, the toilets a disgrace, discipline non-existent and kids running riot most of the time even in class time, if you arrive early at the school to collect your children you can see classrooms full of kids without supervision of any kind running wild. This is most obvious without going below the surface to the teaching standards, activities and what should be the minimum standards for a bilingual school which I would doubt BEST comes anywhere near at this point in time. I can not believe how fast this school has deteriorated since the beginning of this school year.

Why dont you take out your phone and take some shots for all of us? This way no 'disinterested' poster could come along and present "his side" of the story.

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[if the MoE inspectors came to this school any time soon there would be no doubt what the problems are! The school is filthy, the toilets a disgrace, discipline non-existent and kids running riot most of the time even in class time, if you arrive early at the school to collect your children you can see classrooms full of kids without supervision of any kind running wild. This is most obvious without going below the surface to the teaching standards, activities and what should be the minimum standards for a bilingual school which I would doubt BEST comes anywhere near at this point in time. I can not believe how fast this school has deteriorated since the beginning of this school year.

So - no different to most UK and US schools with a multi-ethnic / multi-lingual student body?

But here the minority is farang and you are having to pay, instead of the education being provided for free.

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A new low in Best's management antics,

A senior student was riding his motorcycle at the back of the school after 4pm, and one of the Thai teachers felt this was not right or appropriate and proceeded to impound the vehicle by attaching a padlock and chain to it, an altercation ensued; resulting in Pattaya's finest being summoned to the school to resolve the impasse.

Obviously they advised the errant Thai teacher to unlock the aforementioned motor cycle, regrettably, prior the their arrival a group of students had gathered round and tried to remove the locking device, resulting in damage to the teachers clamping equipment. Language not suitable for young children was being thrown around by all and sundry, (in Thai of course) and one of the students stupidly made an extremely rude gesture to the locking teacher.

At the school assembly yesterday the "new low" was achieved, when any student who was guilty "of being in possession of being a farang" and anywhere near the incident was unceremoniously hauled before the whole school and publicly humiliated for causing the Thai teachers to lose face.

According to my sources, the justice was swift and obviously totally fair, the Thai teacher was praised by his Thai colleagues and the student was suspended for 1 week.

This follows hot on the heals of girls bags being searched for illegal items (mobile phones, Ipods, make up etc etc) in the classrooms by the Thai teachers, also girls and boys having their finger nails cut (drawing blood on some of the farang students), boys having their hair hacked off from behind because it covered their ears, etc etc, the rationale for this being. the Ministry of Education might visit

Will advise more when I get further info, but would think parents need to visit this school and see for themselves

Good heavens, what is this school trying to do, enforce the rules? That has to stop!! Students should be able to do whatever they please.

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This follows hot on the heals of girls bags being searched for illegal items (mobile phones, Ipods, make up etc etc) in the classrooms by the Thai teachers, also girls and boys having their finger nails cut (drawing blood on some of the farang students), boys having their hair hacked off from behind because it covered their ears, etc etc, the rationale for this being. the Ministry of Education might visit

My daughter takes her mobile to school (Aksorn - a Thai school) as a safety precaution. She does not flash it around or show off, but if she needs to contact her mother - it is there for her to use.

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This follows hot on the heals of girls bags being searched for illegal items (mobile phones, Ipods, make up etc etc) in the classrooms by the Thai teachers, also girls and boys having their finger nails cut (drawing blood on some of the farang students), boys having their hair hacked off from behind because it covered their ears, etc etc, the rationale for this being. the Ministry of Education might visit

My daughter takes her mobile to school (Aksorn - a Thai school) as a safety precaution. She does not flash it around or show off, but if she needs to contact her mother - it is there for her to use.

Thai teachers spot search children around the school, and that includes male Thai teachers searching girls!!, my source told me that teachers go into classrooms when students are in other rooms and search the bags, taking phones and saying they can have them back in a few days, maybe!

One student from S3 (a 15yr old girl) had the phone for as you say " safety precautions" , and the male Thai teacher who went through her bag would not listen, eventually she borrowed a Western teachers phone to ring her mother, who had to come to the school and threaten Police action to recover it.

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I have had this confirmed....as to what has happened.

I am an ANGRY parent. I previously asked for support from other parents ( to make a stand ) and that was ignored.


It's a pity other parents didn't back you as this is the only way to get problems resolved. :o

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Good heavens, what is this school trying to do, enforce the rules? That has to stop!! Students should be able to do whatever they please.


You are COMPLETELY missing the point. Please state your interest in this post. I doubt you are a parent with a child here. In fact......reading your post again i am 100% certain of it.

What rules allow schools to confiscate motorcy,s ? Especially when the school is closed by 4pm. Was the motorcy on school property? NO. They just happen to be students of the school.

Searching bags for phones and MP3 players? Fine.....provided that applies to the Thai teachers as well.

There is one young Thai teacher who wears his MP3 player and listens to music in the classroom. He allows the older students to run riot because he no more than a baby himself.

And its ok to cut nails in such a fashion that blood is drawn?

Where a Thai male teacher THREATENED a kindergarten grade child with " I,LL EAT YOUR LIVER! " ( when the child forgot a book ). This terrified the child.

So puh------leese ............unless you have some first hand knowledge of what you are talking about.....then allow us PARENTS to decide what is right and what is wrong with this school.

Edited by Manchester
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Is it true that the teachers can hit the pupils here ?

I don,t know if it is POLICY but my own child ( P3............. has certainly been struck on the head with a book on several occasions by a male Thai teacher. I only found out about this yesterday. My child did not tell me before because it was believed to be ok. ( that Thai teachers can assault children )

I know the Western Teachers do not hit children.

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You are COMPLETELY missing the point. Please state your interest in this post. I doubt you are a parent with a child here. In fact......reading your post again i am 100% certain of it.

What rules allow schools to confiscate motorcy,s ? Especially when the school is closed by 4pm. Was the motorcy on school property? NO. They just happen to be students of the school.

Searching bags for phones and MP3 players? Fine.....provided that applies to the Thai teachers as well.

There is one young Thai teacher who wears his MP3 player and listens to music in the classroom. He allows the older students to run riot because he no more than a baby himself.

And its ok to cut nails in such a fashion that blood is drawn?

Where a Thai male teacher THREATENED a kindergarten grade child with " I,LL EAT YOUR LIVER! " ( when the child forgot a book ). This terrified the child.

So puh------leese ............unless you have some first hand knowledge of what you are talking about.....then allow us PARENTS to decide what is right and what is wrong with this school.

No, I don't have a child in school there, but the initial rant by the OP was barely coherent and didn't make much of a case against the school. Let's revisit that shall we?

A new low in Best's management antics,

A senior student was riding his motorcycle at the back of the school after 4pm, and one of the Thai teachers felt this was not right or appropriate and proceeded to impound the vehicle by attaching a padlock and chain to it, an altercation ensued; resulting in Pattaya's finest being summoned to the school to resolve the impasse.

The OP wrote 'at the back of the school'. This implies that it was on the school grounds. If not, the OP should have written, 'behind the school' or otherwise made it clear that it was not on school property. Regardless of where it was, I really doubt the teacher decided to lock up the bike without any reason. Alas we do not know as we have very little to go on here.

Obviously they advised the errant Thai teacher to unlock the aforementioned motor cycle, regrettably, prior the their arrival a group of students had gathered round and tried to remove the locking device, resulting in damage to the teachers clamping equipment. Language not suitable for young children was being thrown around by all and sundry, (in Thai of course) and one of the students stupidly made an extremely rude gesture to the locking teacher.

OK, so now we have a group of students demanding that the bike be released and damaging the locking device. Bad language was used by all parties, and a student used a rude gesture. Gosh, sounds like a real upstanding group of students so far.

At the school assembly yesterday the "new low" was achieved, when any student who was guilty "of being in possession of being a farang" and anywhere near the incident was unceremoniously hauled before the whole school and publicly humiliated for causing the Thai teachers to lose face.

Let's just skip 'Possession of a farang'. Perhaps instead of being punished for making a teacher lose face they were punished for surrounding the teacher, damaging the locking device, and using 'rude gestures.' Just an idea.

According to my sources, the justice was swift and obviously totally fair, the Thai teacher was praised by his Thai colleagues and the student was suspended for 1 week.

Well, so from the description so far the student sounds like a jerk. We really don't have enough info here to condemn either party, but from what the OP says the students don't sound entirely innocent at all.

This follows hot on the heals of girls bags being searched for illegal items (mobile phones, Ipods, make up etc etc) in the classrooms by the Thai teachers, also girls and boys having their finger nails cut (drawing blood on some of the farang students), boys having their hair hacked off from behind because it covered their ears, etc etc, the rationale for this being. the Ministry of Education might visit.

Students belongings can be searched in many, many countries, including such bastions of liberty as the USA. The cutting of fingernails and hair is not acceptable--now we are getting warm.

Will advise more when I get further info, but would think parents need to visit this school and see for themselves

From what I have read on this thread it sounds like the school and students deserve each other.

Edited by qualtrough
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Is it true that the teachers can hit the pupils here ?

I don,t know if it is POLICY but my own child ( P3............. has certainly been struck on the head with a book on several occasions by a male Thai teacher. I only found out about this yesterday. My child did not tell me before because it was believed to be ok. ( that Thai teachers can assault children )

I know the Western Teachers do not hit children.

Are you serious ? if anyone hits my daughter with a book ill be round there guns blazing, i need to find out more, our daughter is 5 and said something about it the other day,.
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Is it true that the teachers can hit the pupils here ?

I don,t know if it is POLICY but my own child ( P3............. has certainly been struck on the head with a book on several occasions by a male Thai teacher.

This really surprises me knowing the way Thai people feel about the head!

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SoNo, I don't have a child in school there, but the initial rant by the OP was barely coherent and didn't make much of a case against the school. Let's revisit that shall we?

A new low in Best's management antics,

A senior student was riding his motorcycle at the back of the school after 4pm, and one of the Thai teachers felt this was not right or appropriate and proceeded to impound the vehicle by attaching a padlock and chain to it, an altercation ensued; resulting in Pattaya's finest being summoned to the school to resolve the impasse.

The OP wrote 'at the back of the school'. This implies that it was on the school grounds. If not, the OP should have written, 'behind the school' or otherwise made it clear that it was not on school property. Regardless of where it was, I really doubt the teacher decided to lock up the bike without any reason. Alas we do not know as we have very little to go on here.

Obviously they advised the errant Thai teacher to unlock the aforementioned motor cycle, regrettably, prior the their arrival a group of students had gathered round and tried to remove the locking device, resulting in damage to the teachers clamping equipment. Language not suitable for young children was being thrown around by all and sundry, (in Thai of course) and one of the students stupidly made an extremely rude gesture to the locking teacher.

OK, so now we have a group of students demanding that the bike be released and damaging the locking device. Bad language was used by all parties, and a student used a rude gesture. Gosh, sounds like a real upstanding group of students so far.

At the school assembly yesterday the "new low" was achieved, when any student who was guilty "of being in possession of being a farang" and anywhere near the incident was unceremoniously hauled before the whole school and publicly humiliated for causing the Thai teachers to lose face.

Let's just skip 'Possession of a farang'. Perhaps instead of being punished for making a teacher lose face they were punished for surrounding the teacher, damaging the locking device, and using 'rude gestures.' Just an idea.

According to my sources, the justice was swift and obviously totally fair, the Thai teacher was praised by his Thai colleagues and the student was suspended for 1 week.

Well, so from the description so far the student sounds like a jerk. We really don't have enough info here to condemn either party, but from what the OP says the students don't sound entirely innocent at all.

This follows hot on the heals of girls bags being searched for illegal items (mobile phones, Ipods, make up etc etc) in the classrooms by the Thai teachers, also girls and boys having their finger nails cut (drawing blood on some of the farang students), boys having their hair hacked off from behind because it covered their ears, etc etc, the rationale for this being. the Ministry of Education might visit.

Students belongings can be searched in many, many countries, including such bastions of liberty as the USA. The cutting of fingernails and hair is not acceptable--now we are getting warm.

Will advise more when I get further info, but would think parents need to visit this school and see for themselves

From what I have read on this thread it sounds like the school and students deserve each other.

Sounds like some valied points here. :o

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