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    ___ I Live With the GREEN openSUSE GECKO !

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  1. And, it was a move that was not democratic. He thumbed his nose at almost everyone. The guy must be some sort of closet-Psychopath.
  2. And...also... Brought to you by Joe Biden.... Joe...The Evil Genius. Biden could have chosen to: Do what is right for the America he does not love. He could have, 14 months ago, made it known that he was, for obvious health reasons, completely UNFIT to run for reelection, and also UNFIT to fill the office of the Prez, even for one more year, not to mention 4.5 more years. Instead, he used every means to illegally hide his physical and mental infirmities from those who had elected him. He lied and lied and lied, and he is STILL lying. He has harmed all of America. He cannot be forgiven for his dishonesty. He should be drummed out of office, now....if it were not for the fact that this would leave a baboon in office to make the situation even worse. So, Old Joe, this dishonest fool, has now saddled America with this...this...this....Salad Woman! And, she may prove to be even more of a tragedy for the USA,...than Trump. Biden has CHEATED America out of the chance to VOTE for a Democrat for Prez. Biden STOLE this chance from America. NOBODY would have voted for The Salad Woman....if Biden did not pull this fast one. So, Biden has now gone from a Fool to a Louse. It's almost too late to clean up the mess he has left behind, in the wake of his dishonesty. Would a Trial for Treason be too good for him? Trump had HIS Trial. Maybe now, .... Biden should have HIS, too!
  3. IF and Only IF....there is no other option, other than Harris. I refuse to use her first name, ever again.
  4. I, too, love Indian music I recall the first Indian music I purchased on a 33 and 1/3rd..... Shankar and Andre Previn, a very long time ago.... But, re Kamala and music... I want to see her dance the fandango on skates. She needs to step down.
  5. It's not that I would ever want to see Trump become the next US Prez. It is only that The Salad Woman is completely unfit and unqualified for the job. The present state of affairs, with only two unfit people to vote for, and no others, is the direct doing of Biden. I once thought of Biden as an OK person. But now, he seems much more of an Evil Creep who intentionally/unintentionally sabotaged any chance for putting in office a talented, capable, and fit-for-office person. I just wonder if people living inside the borders of the USA completely realize how bad this looks. Or, does anyone around the world think that what is happening in the US looks good???
  6. I once refused to pay customs duty for several Amazon purchases sent from the USA by a friend. The friend had received the purchases, and then taken the stuff to a US post office, to be sent to me in Thailand. The friend declared a high value. Customs wanted a high amount for duty. I refused. Shipment was returned to USA, within about 2 weeks. This is all that I know.
  7. NO.... Not as good as Jack...!!!!!! THIS JOKER IS WILD!
  8. This is a good example of DISPLACEMENT.... In my view, this defense mechanism is more likely to be employed in societies that are less confrontational, such as this one. Or, in societies where aggression and anger is more repressed. a. Yes, people here love their dogs. but... b. Sometimes negative emotions of their owners become redirected to the household's canine pet. It's a dog's life in Thailand, on some days... This is why dogs are so attentive to humans, in order to read humans' emotions, just for the dog's selfpreservation.
  9. No. Not a good idea. However, a GOOD idea would be to require that any Farang wishing to ride RotDeng must show a copy of a VALID Retirement Visa. Problem solved.
  10. Impossible. Idiots watch idiocy in order to confirm their warped beliefs. Again, it's just a case of little minds seeking out whatever will make them feel comfortable, and that which will not cause any ripples, or lead to any sort of anxiety due to cognitive dissonance, which I have always defined as the juxtaposition of two or more conflicting beliefs (held simultaneously), or belief and behavior which is contradictory, etc. Most nitwits do not understand the actual meaning of Festinger's theory. This is another problem...
  11. Once in a while, the Apple Laptop of a CMU student will fall out the back of one of these busses. When this happens, not much is recoverable. Fortunately, however, CMU students are just barely smart enough to not jump out...after their laptops. Seems that ChiCom HK Cops are not as smart as Thai students. And, this obvious fact has been known for decades, ever since the Commie Takeover of Hong Kong, in 1996, and even before that, when the Reds were infiltrating the British Colony with their undercover agents. And I bet, even in bed, and under the covers, they can't even get it up...
  12. True. I would have nothing to do with US public schools. Indoctrination is not my bag.
  13. Yes. How did we know? Just more Word Salad. This is one of the strangest and most abnormal elections in US History. https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2024/02/the-weirdest-presidential-election-in-history/677356/ Love the Full Moon, though. This election should be held ....
  14. Marxism is a faith-based religion that does not belong in the modern world. China is a Leninist-Marxist state and nobody wants to live there.
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