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Have You Ever Thougth About Writing A Book About Your Life In Thailand?


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I know that there is at least one TV member that is a published author. There seems to be a lot of other members with a lot to say and desperate for the world to listen.

Have any of you guys thought about writing a book about your experiences here in LOS. Do you think it would get published?

Please reply in less tan 2,000 words :o

Edited by garro
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yes- from the perspective of a farang girl living here... have started it but most likely will never finish it!

would be interesting,

to my knowledge all the books out there and not one from through the female farang eyes?


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I have always dreamed of writing a book but lacked motivation and time to do it. It's been a nebulous feeling for years as I tried to figure out what is the story I want to tell. About 2 months ago I found myself so full of ideas I started writing them down just for the hel_l of it, regardless if they made sense or formed a clear cohesive plot. After writing down 100 pages of notes an idea for a book emerged, I started to see themes, motifs and symbols recur and was able to wake up to my vision. I'm now organizing my notes and sometime next year plan to give it my best shot. I have very realistic expectations about its success which are low. If I didn't feel passionate about writing a book or genuinely felt I should do it for the experience and desire to make a work of art I could never even begin due to fear of failure. I will give it my best shot and hope it gets published but if not I'll be glad I tried. Maybe I'll keep a blog as I do it, though I don't really want to be thought of as a writer unless I'm sucessful, I don't want to pysche myself out. My book will be about Thailand and the USA.

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I have always dreamed of writing a book but lacked motivation and time to do it. It's been a nebulous feeling for years as I tried to figure out what is the story I want to tell. About 2 months ago I found myself so full of ideas I started writing them down just for the hel_l of it, regardless if they made sense or formed a clear cohesive plot. After writing down 100 pages of notes an idea for a book emerged, I started to see themes, motifs and symbols recur and was able to wake up to my vision. I'm now organizing my notes and sometime next year plan to give it my best shot. I have very realistic expectations about its success which are low. If I didn't feel passionate about writing a book or genuinely felt I should do it for the experience and desire to make a work of art I could never even begin due to fear of failure. I will give it my best shot and hope it gets published but if not I'll be glad I tried. Maybe I'll keep a blog as I do it, though I don't really want to be thought of as a writer unless I'm sucessful, I don't want to pysche myself out. My book will be about Thailand and the USA.

I like your comments about passionate engagement with your subject, Wasabi. You are evidently are a sensitive writer with very high standards and expectations of yourself. Go for it, and believe in yourself! If you ever need moral support from a fellow writer, please pm me. Very best to you, FB.

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Dear Fruitbatt,

How do you engage with the publishing process here in Thailand or do you have contcats elsewhere?

Hope you are keeping well,

All the Best

Bill Z

Hi Bill,

I have pm'd you, but for the benefit of others - I am not familiar with the Thai publishing scene. White Lotus and Silkworm Books seem to publish many works by farangs. Try a google search for more info, or google editors in Thailand, who are often generous with their industry tips.

Best, FB.

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<br />I know that there is at least one TV member that is a published author. There seems to be a lot of other members with a lot to say and desperate for the world to listen.<br /><br />Have any of you guys thought about writing a book about your experiences here in LOS. Do you think it would get published?<br /><br />Please reply in less tan 2,000 words <img src="style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" /><br />
<br /><br /><br />


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Yes, Carol J Nash is looking for an agent for her book, Here a Monk There a Monk, it is self-published but it needs a publishing house to do it justice.

Great read well put together book about 400 pages do you know a publisher or are you an agent? :o

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I've been thinking about writing something about Thailand and not everything is about 'no honey, no money' in this country. Understand the author might wanna send some kind of entertaining msg. out there but yet that isn't all about Thailand. I hope to have my small story published some day.

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I wrote a very long blog about my experiences at a Thai temple where I went to detox. It ended up over 46,000 words but when I re-read I realised that it was very dry and boring. It was my first attempt at writing. I am now totally re- writing the whole thing.

It may never reach a stage where it is publishable but I would like it to end up the best I can make it. I have enjoyed the experience and it is nice knowing that I can write a book (even if it is only me who wants to read it). I can also now type a lot faster :o

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Good luck for the books.

Some of the later books I bought about Thailand ( by farang authors) was very disappointing for me.

I hope the "authors" will raise a bit there standards, so, i wont waste my money, but have something really entertaining for it!


Ps: i rather keep my examples, dont like to hurt the feelings of these particular "authors"...anyway, might be only my twisted taste??

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I wrote a double novel, half of which is about Thailand, and narrowed it down from 260,000 words to...let me check currently...188,625 words. I doubt it will ever get published. I suddenly reached the point where this unknown story started screaming in my brain and had to be put on paper. It's not about Thai hookers in Nana Plaza, or detectives who find dead bodies, or any of the other stuff that passes for popular fiction about Thailand.

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its called a DVD !!

i hope you are all waiting for the exciting, stimulating, fascinating expose of foreigners in Thailand.

in production now, soon to be available world wide for a pittance and free copies to any who says its kinda ok.

will make a great stocking stuffer this xmas.

"I've never seen anything like it!!"

- Leonard Maltin

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Have you considered non-traditional forms of publishing?
Garro, thanks for asking. Yes, in spite of a short attention span, I've given several minutes of attention, more than once, to those methods. I don't want to pay for vanity publishing, and can't see that self-publishing is much different. Putting it out on the web, copyrighted, and then waiting for a publisher, is a method I don't understand. The major themes are such a unique combination that agents are going to say, "I have two pacifist publishers, four gay publishers, two Mexicans, three Thais, and nine religious publishers, but nobody does all of those!"
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yes- from the perspective of a farang girl living here... have started it but most likely will never finish it!

would be interesting,

to my knowledge all the books out there and not one from through the female farang eyes?

Karen Connelly , Touch the Dragon

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I know that there is at least one TV member that is a published author. There seems to be a lot of other members with a lot to say and desperate for the world to listen.

Have any of you guys thought about writing a book about your experiences here in LOS. Do you think it would get published?

Please reply in less tan 2,000 words :D

Yes - but I know my writing is not good enuf :D But Thailand related stuff is a genre that interests me.

But I do want to get into Publishing (for the simple reason that I beleive that Books have an inherent value which other mediums - including both sorts of TV :D - do not and never will share) - just looked up one of the Business Names I acquired for this purpose when I last looked at the idea, quite shocked to see the date 7 April 2006.........where does the time go?..........unfortunately time and money are nowhere in enough supply at the moment :D

Maybe next year :o

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Have any of you guys thought about writing a book about your experiences here in LOS...
Actually I have been penning a little noir', have plenty of real characters to draw from, plus some outrageous adventures, (well at least at the time),

Yes, The Cobra Chronicles, available in the bargain bin ... :o

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I know that there is at least one TV member that is a published author. There seems to be a lot of other members with a lot to say and desperate for the world to listen.

Have any of you guys thought about writing a book about your experiences here in LOS. Do you think it would get published?

Please reply in less tan 2,000 words :o

I began writing and taking photos in the '80s when I returned to live here and still writing a bit; just never published anything.

I do, however, have a name for it. "Dog Sh*t in Paradise". Many, many short stories. From funny to tragic.

Where did the name come from?

One sunny afternoon while lazily enjoying the sunset from my hammock strung between two coconut trees within spitting distance of the sea, not a sole in sight; needing some cool refreshment I turned out of the hammock and stepped directly into warm dog sh*t.....

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I know that there is at least one TV member that is a published author. There seems to be a lot of other members with a lot to say and desperate for the world to listen.

Have any of you guys thought about writing a book about your experiences here in LOS. Do you think it would get published?

Please reply in less tan 2,000 words :o

Hi Garro,

In broad terms getting published is imposible. In UK publishers publish about one in a thousand manuscripts that are sent to them.

In Thailand Bangkok Book House invites manuscripts on their website and is churning out large numbers of books.

On the other hand, in Thailand you can self publish quite easily.

I wrote my first novel "Thai Girl" and it is now dstributed by Asia Books in Thailand and has done very well, with 15,000 copies now in print. It has also been republished by Monsoon Books in Singapore for distribution more widely and has been number two in the Singapore best sellers list.

From a publisher, you will probably get a 10 percent royalty. If you self publish you will do better. The key though is not producing the book but getting it distributed. It's no use having a thousamd copies in your room if the book shops won't take them.

Perhaps I'll make a few more comments in reply to your next post.

Choke dee,


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I wrote a very long blog about my experiences at a Thai temple where I went to detox. It ended up over 46,000 words but when I re-read I realised that it was very dry and boring. It was my first attempt at writing. I am now totally re- writing the whole thing.

It may never reach a stage where it is publishable but I would like it to end up the best I can make it. I have enjoyed the experience and it is nice knowing that I can write a book (even if it is only me who wants to read it). I can also now type a lot faster :o

In answer to your original question, I'm just finishing a book about my experiences meeting my Thai wife and setting up home with her in Surin. Most of all I enjoy the actual writing but now I think I've got something I'd like to share with a wider audience. The flavour of it can be found on my blog on Thaivisa.

I've read your blog too about your experiences and I found it utterly compelling. You have a nice spare style that reads well and is potentially publishable. My upcoming book's a feel-good story while yours is more dark. Even so, Thai prison stories are equally so and sell very well, so you're in with a chance.

There might even be a specialist publishing niche via one of the societies that assist with the problems of alcoholism because I'm sure your insight into the Thai experience would be of great interest to them.

A typical novel is 100,000 words and I'm looking at about 130,000 for mine, so yours is quite short. But that could suit the topic, unless your sthe develops further dimensions.

Like me, you write for pleasure and find it therapeutic, though publication is always an ultimate dream.

I hope it happens!

Best wishes,


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Some of you might know, or know of, Dana. Yes, da man himself! He has recently asked the question: "where is that book?" in an article on a Thailand related website, which triggered some interesting comments relevant to this tread. He has posted many other stories on that site as well, also worth checking out.

Dana is wondering when the Great Expat Novel (GEN) from Thailand will be written (and by whom I guess, if not by himself of course). Some googling should get you there, since I believe I am not supposed to supply direct links to competing sites.

Dana is a very colourful person, with some interesting insight on Thailand, and some quite creative ways of looking at this country. He also writes weekly on stickman, close to 200 submissions by now.

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I wrote a very long blog about my experiences at a Thai temple where I went to detox. It ended up over 46,000 words but when I re-read I realised that it was very dry and boring. It was my first attempt at writing. I am now totally re- writing the whole thing.

It may never reach a stage where it is publishable but I would like it to end up the best I can make it. I have enjoyed the experience and it is nice knowing that I can write a book (even if it is only me who wants to read it). I can also now type a lot faster :o

In answer to your original question, I'm just finishing a book about my experiences meeting my Thai wife and setting up home with her in Surin. Most of all I enjoy the actual writing but now I think I've got something I'd like to share with a wider audience. The flavour of it can be found on my blog on Thaivisa.

I've read your blog too about your experiences and I found it utterly compelling. You have a nice spare style that reads well and is potentially publishable. My upcoming book's a feel-good story while yours is more dark. Even so, Thai prison stories are equally so and sell very well, so you're in with a chance.

There might even be a specialist publishing niche via one of the societies that assist with the problems of alcoholism because I'm sure your insight into the Thai experience would be of great interest to them.

A typical novel is 100,000 words and I'm looking at about 130,000 for mine, so yours is quite short. But that could suit the topic, unless your sthe develops further dimensions.

Like me, you write for pleasure and find it therapeutic, though publication is always an ultimate dream.

I hope it happens!

Best wishes,


Thanks a lot Andrew, it must be nice to have so many of your books in print.

Have you ever seen anybody reading 'Thai Girl'? I imagine that it would be a nice experience.

After I finished my blog I was a bit dissapointed with it.

I forced myself to write at least a 1,000 words a day and this was at the same time my son was born.

I was often rush to get it finished.

I showed it to other people and they said that it had far to much tell and not enough show.

They also said it had too much passive voice.

I am slowly re-writing in first-person present tense. I am not sure if this will work or not. The main thing is that I am learning a lot. I want to teach English full-time next year and writing has re-kindled my interest in words.

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After I finished my blog I was a bit dissapointed with it.

I forced myself to write at least a 1,000 words a day and this was at the same time my son was born.

I was often rush to get it finished.

I showed it to other people and they said that it had far to much tell and not enough show.

They also said it had too much passive voice.

I am slowly re-writing in first-person present tense. I am not sure if this will work or not. The main thing is that I am learning a lot. I want to teach English full-time next year and writing has re-kindled my interest in words.

I think many of the standard measures of good book writing are true, but I wonder if some of the amateur critics use a few of them too slavishly. Yes, it's best not to write in the passive voice, but sometimes you need to. E.g., Lincoln and Gandhi were assassinated, and it doesn't help to say the assassins' names, because they are insignificant. Of course, a novel of many characters cannot have all the people using the same speaking style, vocab, etc. But, several people can have similar styles if they come from similar backgrounds (father and his son). I use the verb to be much too often, and need to force myself to not use "he said," "she was," and other weak verbs.

I want to gag or vomit when people use way too much prose. In the middle of a mystery scene, don't stop and explain that "She gasped histrionically like Bette Davis in that famous movie, and then she surrepetitously slunk through the morose, tepid night, touching the pink damask curtains that seemed to belong on the set of that winding staircase in Gone With the Wind...." :o

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