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Thai Teens Only Interested In Sex, Drink, Horror


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Academics lash out at behaviour of Thai youths

BANGKOK: -- The youths of today in Thailand is a selfish, consumerist bunch interested only in sex, drink and horror stories, according to educationalists from one of the nation's top universities.

Addressing a seminar yesterday on the 'eating, drinking, shopping' culture of Thailand's young people, Dr. Somphong Chitradap from Chulalongkorn University said that the young people of today found a sense of personal worth in consumerism, perceiving their drinking, eating and shopping habits as a reflection of their status in society.

Warning that the current situation could spiral into a 'crisis' of sex and violence if left unchecked, he said that the young men of today did little but eat, drink and 'shop' for women in brothels, or pornographic movies.

The eating habits of young people were also attacked, with Dr. Somphong's colleague, Dr. Amornwit Nakornsap citing research by Chulalongkorn academics suggesting that annual spending by young people aged 5-24 years of age on sweets was greater than the budgets of six government ministries, or a massive Bt161.58 billion per year.

Blaming this behaviour on advertising and the media, as well as on modern methods of child-rearing, she said that the children of today were growing up in an increasingly competitive environment, adding that young people were being lured by a new array of consumer goods.

But if the academics were critical of young people, young people at yesterday's seminar were equally scathing of adults.

Speaking up for the youths of today, young actor Mr. Thaenkhun Jitissara said that the fashions of today were being created for young people by adults who were failing to provide children with good role models.

He also blamed the current educational system for many of the problems, describing it as overly competitive, with 'crammer' schools fostering a spirit of selfishness.

The government, aware of the growing perceptions of a crisis of behaviour among Thailand's youths, is currently working on the establishment of a 'Knowledge Park' which will provide information for young people.

A temporary 'Knowledge Park' is already being set up in the World Trade Center shopping mall in Bangkok, and is expected to open in October.

-- TNA 2004-08-07

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Academics lash out at behaviour of Thai youths

BANGKOK: -- The youths of today in Thailand is a selfish, consumerist bunch interested only in sex, drink and horror stories, according to educationalists from one of the nation's top universities.

In other words, Thai teenagers are just like teens everywhere else on the planet. Luckily, enough eventually grow out of it to insure that there's someone around to run the world.

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Academics lash out at behaviour of Thai youths

BANGKOK: -- The youths of today in Thailand is a selfish, consumerist bunch interested only in sex, drink and horror stories, according to educationalists from one of the nation's top universities.

In other words, Thai teenagers are just like teens everywhere else on the planet. Luckily, enough eventually grow out of it to insure that there's someone around to run the world.

You mean like GWB Jnr? And what a role model for today's youth that little scally-wag is. :o

Trouble is Pvt. Dick, lots of them will fail to grow out of it and that's what the good ajarns are concerned about............ "The times, they are a 'changing"

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This article is highly biased, ask any youth what their interests are and they will repy: saaaaleeep, read comics..

This Dr. failed to mention these two basic pillars of the future of Thailand.

HaHaHaHa! You've just reminded me of what my last straw poll of university students' hobbies revealed too - saaaaleeeeeping - was pretty high up there along with "doo TV" and "aarn comic". :D If I'd had one that said "getting laid and pissed", think I would've marked them up for honesty/originality, but no such luck. Angels the lot, reading their Beanos and getting nice early nights, after a spot of "Songs of Praise" on the telly. :o

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I am not at all surprised with the report but I wouldn't limit the claim to The youths of today in Thailand is a selfish, consumerist bunch interested only in sex, drink and horror stories, according to educationalists from one of the nation's top universities.

Just look at their elders!, they haven't got a lot to look up too have they.

Thais in general and not just the young people are extremely acquisitive (those that can afford)

For example Thailand was (according to the newspapers) the biggest market for Mercedes Benz and BMW cars around the time of the crash (or just prior to) outside of Germany.

There is no emphasis on excellence in sport or government sponsorship of training and coaching.

It's a sad fact when a country of 65 million +/- people and they can only find 44 athletes to send to the olympics in Greece.

New Zealand with just 4 mil is send 145 and Australia with 20 mil is sending 485 approx. And both countries will win more medals on a pro rata basis than Thailand will.

The fact that Paradorn and Tammy have done so well is to their credit and not to any assistance from the the government.

The one thing missing from the report is that they didn't lay the blame on the 'westernisation' of the country as being the prime causative factor.

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There is no emphasis on excellence in sport or government sponsorship of training and coaching.

There is no emphasis on excellence in anything I guess, I can't think of anything that the Thais aim to do better than the rest of the world. Or it should be maintaining corruption as an essential part of Thainess.

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There is no emphasis on excellence in sport or government sponsorship of training and coaching.

There is no emphasis on excellence in anything I guess, I can't think of anything that the Thais aim to do better than the rest of the world. Or it should be maintaining corruption as an essential part of Thainess.

Now hold on just a minute................haven't you forgotten the Detroit of Asia, the World's Kitchen, No. 1 holiday destination this side of France.

Be fair, and admit that Thailand does excel at making mountains of pick-up trucks, concocting wicked tom yam goongs and giving the holiday punter what he/she wants (most of the time anyway). 12 million folk or so can't be wrong!

As for the sport, Mr Big was working on becoming the joint footie and gambling capital of Asia par excellence (with a state of the art training complex in the green hills of Chaing Mai and Robbie Fowler on hand to give tips), until some rotten spoil sports ruined his Red Dream. Be fair........the Boss was willing, but the minions were doubters.

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"saaaaleeeeep" - - "doo TV" and "aarn comic"

Yeah, Thai kids are mostly like that - but is it so bad when they have not much other choice. No sports facilities, no youth clubs, no libraries (quality ones), etc.

My teenage kid and her boy friend are like the quote. Each day they read at least 4 thick, rented comic books, sometimes I think they sleep too much too, and they often set the alarm clock to 2am, to wake up and watch rented cvd's.

... but ... they also each manage to work 8 hours 6 days a week, play on my computer in the evenings, study in school on Sundays to get/further their education, and a few times a week they cook my dinner too ... and they do their own laundry.

So let us not slam everybody - my daughter even spend some of her "free" time the last month to prepare a business plan for a student competition called "Junior Investors' Imaginary Business".

I guess its a question about how you encourage and give the children a chance of life of development?

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There is no emphasis on excellence in sport or government sponsorship of training and coaching.

There is no emphasis on excellence in anything I guess, I can't think of anything that the Thais aim to do better than the rest of the world. Or it should be maintaining corruption as an essential part of Thainess.

Now hold on just a minute................haven't you forgotten the Detroit of Asia, the World's Kitchen, No. 1 holiday destination this side of France.

Be fair, and admit that Thailand does excel at making mountains of pick-up trucks, concocting wicked tom yam goongs and giving the holiday punter what he/she wants (most of the time anyway). 12 million folk or so can't be wrong!

As for the sport, Mr Big was working on becoming the joint footie and gambling capital of Asia par excellence (with a state of the art training complex in the green hills of Chaing Mai and Robbie Fowler on hand to give tips), until some rotten spoil sports ruined his Red Dream. Be fair........the Boss was willing, but the minions were doubters.

There is no emphasis on excellence in anything I guess, I can't think of anything that the Thais aim to do better than the rest of the world. Or it should be maintaining corruption as an essential part of Thainess.

I won't say for a moment that there are not some excellent aspects of life in Thailand (I mean in so far as Thais are concerned)

they also each manage to work 8 hours 6 days a week, play on my computer in the evenings, study in school on Sundays to get/further their education,

Now you're in real danger of getting me started.....what a joke it is when students have to go to school on a Sunday (or a Saturday) to get extra tutoring.

If the education system was half way decent they would receive all the education that they require between the hours of 08.30 to 15.30 Monday to Friday.

The majority of developed countries can produce graduates that can put a man on the moon and so on (without spending seven days of the week in the classroom)

In Thailand you almost need a degree to make som tam or run a noodle stand :o

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they also each manage to work 8 hours 6 days a week, play on my computer in the evenings, study in school on Sundays to get/further their education,

Now you're in real danger of getting me started.....what a joke it is when students have to go to school on a Sunday (or a Saturday) to get extra tutoring.

Now you're in real danger of getting me started

Started with what? Obviously you haven't read my post well enough. Read it again.

My "kids" have an ordinary daily job, as it says, then they study for their high school certificates on Sundays. (They are bored with the traditional school system of daily rote learning).

What you are referring to is the Thai traditional school system where kids attend school 5 days a week and then spend their weekends in cram- or tutoring classes to re-learn what they already have "learned" during the week.

If you read my post again, you will see that you have misunderstood the difference in the two learning approaches.

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If the education system was half way decent they would receive all the education that they require between the hours of 08.30 to 15.30 Monday to Friday.
I can agree with that. The educational systems is really bad here, and nobody is doing anything about it. That's why the Thai parents send their children to extra tuition in order to be able to get good grades. The cram and tutoring school business here is enormous. And the only thing the kids learn is to pass exams. That's why, when they grow up, they are so immature in many ways.
The majority of developed countries can produce graduates that can put a man on the moon and so on (without spending seven days of the week in the classroom)

The majority of developed countries

Thailand is a developing country, please remember that. Also please remember, that there are many millions of Thais abroad, and many of them are very well-educated, I don't know though, if there are any rocket scientists among them.

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I was looking a Thai English Textbook the other day that had Leonardo diCaprio on the cover. I couldn't help but think that it was a shame that Thai teenagers were growing up knowing all about Leonardo diC but I doubt if one in five hundred could tell you who Leonardo DaVinci was! :o

And, in case you were wondering, at age 12 I DID know who Leonardo DaVinci was and what he did!

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I was looking a Thai English Textbook the other day that had Leonardo diCaprio on the cover. I couldn't help but think that it was a shame that Thai teenagers were growing up knowing all about Leonardo diC but I doubt if one in five hundred could tell you who Leonardo DaVinci was! :o

And, in case you were wondering, at age 12 I DID know who Leonardo DaVinci was and what he did!

It's a pity they didn't decide to put a Thai movie star or democracy icon on the front, rather than some Hollywood star. By the same token, it's a pity Thai teenagers can reel off the entire Liverppol FC team verbatim, but couldn't do the same for their own national team. :D

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am I only one that sees the racist content in most of these strings on this website?

what do I mean, you ask? well, I hear so many complaints or critical remarks from foreigners about things in thailand. jesus! don't these people who complain know that many local thais are reading the stuff on this website?

this "tit" thing may seem like a cool remark by many on this forum. but you know what? ..I bet a lot of thais are pissed off by the use of it. if I were thai, I would.

...no wonder the folks in this country are making it harder for the foreigners to stay in thailand.

we're all guests in this country. so, either accept the way it is here, or get out.

I'm sure the thai people know the problems that exist here and are trying their best to resolve them. and they don't need someone from another country telling them how to do it.

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I'm sure the thai people know the problems that exist here and are trying their best to resolve them. and they don't need someone from another country telling them how to do it.

Thai people says "Mai Pen Rai" to everything.

That's why this country develops so slowly

They need us farangs to help them develop faster - after all this country wants to become a developed country - that's the vision of the present PM. :o

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Thai people says "Mai Pen Rai" to everything.

That's why this country develops so slowly

They need us farangs to help them develop faster - after all this country wants to become a developed country - that's the vision of the present PM. :o

....and now we know !!

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am I only one that sees the racist content in most of these strings on this website?

what do I mean, you ask? well, I hear so many complaints or critical remarks from foreigners about things in thailand. jesus! don't these people who complain know that many local thais are reading the stuff on this website?

this "tit" thing may seem like a cool remark by many on this forum. but you know what? ..I bet a lot of thais are pissed off by the use of it. if I were thai, I would.

...no wonder the folks in this country are making it harder for the foreigners to stay in thailand.

we're all guests in this country. so, either accept the way it is here, or get out.

I'm sure the thai people know the problems that exist here and are trying their best to resolve them. and they don't need someone from another country telling them how to do it.

Although I am inclined to agree with you there is a lot of unneccesary anti-Thai sentiment on the board, which at times steps over the line of decency, I fail to see that in this particular thread (with the exception of Johnnie Walker's contribution AFTER yours).

I think you're over-reacting to claim that there is racist content in "most of the threads" in this website. That is patently not the case, and when true racism rears its ugly head it's usually knocked off pretty quickly.

Don't confuse criticism of some aspects of life here with racism; they are not the same thing. further it is designed to be farang (oooh, what a horrible racist term! :o ) website for use mainly, but not exclusively farangs. The board welcomes one and all, if they have something to worthwhile say, and sometimes utter tripe (so long, as it's humourous tripe).

Further, it is quite natural that foreigners will be critical and want to have a vent at times. I bet there is a similar website for Thais living in UK or USA and they have a good moan about the lousy food, weather, miserable locals, service in shops, etc, etc. Nobody's being forced to read it and if it really is objectionable, then the idea of a board is that alternate views can be debated.

As for TIT - This is Thailand - is that such a bad term to use? It pretty accurately sums up what you're saying too. i.e. some things are immutable and if you don't like 'em, lump 'em. It's a bit extreme to link this with the present apparent goal of sections of the present admin. to make "things harder" for foreigners living in LOS :D (you got a problem with this term too? :D ).

So, chill out dude, or focus your angst if you must on the real vitriolic, xenophobic posts when they appear, but don't jump to conclusions too fast.

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Although I am inclined to agree with you there is a lot of unneccesary anti-Thai sentiment on the board, which at times steps over the line of decency, I fail to see that in this particular thread (with the exception of Johnnie Walker's contribution AFTER yours).

JW is not anti-Thai, not at all. JW is anti-stupid, you know lack of the Common Sense Gene. It doesn't matter the nationality.

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to plachon:

..all I know is that from what I've heard, you can't do back to back tourist visa for more than 6 months now. once 6 months are up, you need to leave for 6 months before getting another back to back tourist visa.

my take on this is that somebody in thailand doesn't really want foreigners here anymore.

and I think it has to do in part because of all these websites where foreigners voice their opinions (most negative) about thailand.

otherwise, what could be the reason for many thais not being as friendly to foreigners as they used to be?

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maybe cause they like money more now then some 15 years ago and see farangs as an easy money source ????

Thais are very oppertunistic also amongst themselves, but it's easyer to rip off the crazy tourist then your next door neighbour.

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to plachon:

..all I know is that from what I've heard, you can't do back to back tourist visa for more than 6 months now. once 6 months are up, you need to leave for 6 months before getting another back to back tourist visa.

my take on this is that somebody in thailand doesn't really want foreigners here anymore.

and I think it has to do in part because of all these websites where foreigners voice their opinions (most negative) about thailand.

otherwise, what could be the reason for many thais not being as friendly to foreigners as they used to be?

you're confusing several issues and coming to a pretty dodgy conclusion Haha.

If i've read your post correctly, you're saying that cos some foreigners have been abusing the original intent of a "tourist visa" and doing more than 6 back-to-back visa runs to stay in the Kingdom, and some others have been whinging and whining on Net boards like this one, then the powers-that-be have orchestrated not only a crack-down on foreigners living here, but have managed to turn the sentiment of ordinary Thai people to be less friendly to foreigners than before? Is that the gist of it? Interesting theory.................

Of course, you're assuming that the top dogs actually read the websites regularly and that they didn't previously know that farangs habitually whinge and whine as part of their genetic make-up. :o You're also assuming that ordinary Thais are being effectively told about these despicable border-hopping foreigners' deeds by the govt and have altered their collective attitude as a result to exclude them hencewith. Mind you for a govt. that can get such an overhwelming majority in parliament, such powers of suggestion are maybe not beyond the realms of possibility.................. :D

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I think there are more thai people reading this forum than you could possibly imagine. not only this forum but many others.

why are they reading forums like these, you ask? I think because they are curious to know how foreigners think. and also as a way to practice/learn english.

now, imagine if you are reading a forum, and everybody on the forum is criticizing your country? how would you feel? if there were no rebuttals, and everything was one-sided. how would you feel?

...frankly, I would be pissed.

...I know, you are saying - don't read the forum then.

that is a solution for sure. but have you heard the saying, "be close with your friends, be closer to your enemies."?

if I knew of a website where all the people were criticizing my country, I would want to pay particular attention to that website.

why, you ask? it makes good common sense to do so. ...more so for governments than for individuals.

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That's all well and good, but you are forgetting one more potential option for Thais who read the site i.e. contribute to it and rebutt the things they find inaccurate or downright offensive. That's what I would do, if I was in the situation you mention of lurking on a board that was continually denigrating my nation. What's so difficult about it? If you can read and understand what is being said, then surely you can add your two baht's worth as well?

Perhaps you're Thai haha? Then rather than encourage the board to quit any form of criticism at all (which would kill the board stone dead, I'd posit), why don't you encourage your friends to contribute and offer some Thai viewpoints. There are already quite a few regular Thai contributors on the board (who don't get their knickers in a twist, every time a poster has a moan), and it's a richer place for their input. Not being a native speaker is not an excuse either, as half the non-native speakers are at least as coherent and literate in English (often considerably more so), than the native English speakers. And you say that they 'want to practice/learn English". Does that not include writing as well?

Finally, it's a pity you characterise the people who post on this board as "enemies" of Thailand. Yes there are a load of idiots (as on any board) and I know you were lifting a saying, but it says a lot more about you and the way you think, than it does about the board members here who come from all walks of life, all nationalities and all colours of the rainbow (especially, political!!!!). So rather than stifle diversity by saying "shut up or get out", instead open up your mind and celebrate it! :o

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In the main all sadly true

Thai tv=crap

No teen activities,sport to speak of

Nothing different to whats going on in all countries,but thailand is still third world when it comes to education system

My wifes daughter 20 yrs old has very nice thai student boyfriend stdying here in sydney.

He pays his own way and even sends money to his parents,

He is an exception

What do they do......lots of tv/videos,karoke when they can afford it and nightclubs.

Her 19year old son hangs out with the young thai lout community and is a complete loser.

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Excellent going to be a english teacher in Thailand.

My wifes daughter 20 yrs old has very nice thai student boyfriend stdying here in sydney.

He pays his own way and even sends money to his parents,

He is an exception

What do they do......lots of tv/videos,karoke when they can afford it and nightclubs.

Her 19year old son hangs out with the young thai lout community and is a complete loser.

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