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Yes, i do also have strong suspicions of her being a part time pro...

It's funny what a super sweet personality & perfect body can do to a guy.

When we want something bad enough, we see what we want to see instead of what's really there sometimes..

Now that I think about it, she fails to meet my standards:

-Not available on V-Day

-Not having basic courtesy to reply & say "not interested" or anythignat all.

I guess she doesn't make the cut for me either.

I'm just angry that i didn't maintain my gaurd...

ps. I'm also guessing the cat did not receive its share of the 1,000 baht..

So the penny finally dropped, 'eh Magic?

Oh well, look at this way; it could have been worse. She might have left you with an unpleasant itch... :o

Edited for typo

Edited by micksterbs
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Don't worry Magic,maybe you'll bump into her again,and who knows she may have a plausible reason as to why she disappeared in the first place.Never assume anything just because of the majority of members here telling you she conned you.Send flowers to her workplace you just need to have closure with her.

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Don't worry Magic,maybe you'll bump into her again,and who knows she may have a plausible reason as to why she disappeared in the first place.Never assume anything just because of the majority of members here telling you she conned you.Send flowers to her workplace you just need to have closure with her.

I think you should send her an SMS that you want to buy her a car. I bet you would get a reply right away.

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well, maybe she wasn't lying about having a fever ... maybe you gave her some viral disease and therefor she doesn't want to see you again ...

very doubtful... I was recently checked & always wear protection.

Shame you didn't put some protection around your wallet, too... :o

Oh well, pick yourself up, dust yourself down and on to the next item on the song-sheet!

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Headed to my room, took showers, got more physical, did the dead, etc..

Not my idea of fun.. but each to their own... :D

Totster :D

How else to have fun :o ?

Reading a book lonely in your bed?

I think it is the last part that is not his idea of fun. Notice the typo?

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No point thrashing this out on a forum Magic and tying yourself up in knots.Geeeeeeeeeeeee be proactive and go and find out what's up.Posters here are probably drawing on their own experiences about her being a pro/not paying her enough money whatever.Why so quick to draw conclusions she may really have been sick and in hospital....only one way to find out eh?

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Don't worry Magic,maybe you'll bump into her again,and who knows she may have a plausible reason as to why she disappeared in the first place.Never assume anything just because of the majority of members here telling you she conned you.Send flowers to her workplace you just need to have closure with her.

Finally a voice of reason, not all girls in Pattaya are pro's.

I remember meeting a girl in a disco a few years back, she had travelled down from Korat for new year to see her friend, who was too busy with her boyfriend to spend any time with her. We spent 4 days together, I was convinced at first that she was a freelancer, but she was massively insulted every time I offered her some cash. She worked in an office up there, and showed me pictures of her with her colleagues etc.

We kept in touch for a month or so, she was doing most of the chasing as I wasn't really looking for a long distance relationship. Then I met my current g/f and told her on the phone that she had to stop calling etc. It took another couple of weeks before she finally got the message.

She was a lovely girl, and would have made a fabulous long term g/f or wife, but I just wasn't into the distance thing, and couldn't really see myself moving up there at the time.

Anyway after reading threads like these, and talking to all the 'knowledgable' expats, I was convinced for the first few days that there must be more to it, but she was a genuine girl here on holiday.

Although they may be in the large minority, there are a few out there. As Momo8 says it's worth another try, even if it is only to prove everyone else right, and allow you to forget about her.

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Don't worry Magic,maybe you'll bump into her again,and who knows she may have a plausible reason as to why she disappeared in the first place.Never assume anything just because of the majority of members here telling you she conned you.Send flowers to her workplace you just need to have closure with her.

I think you should send her an SMS that you want to buy her a car. I bet you would get a reply right away.

Bet she calls

I like the idea of buying her a car even a simple offer of gold should have her running back to your death bed

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No point thrashing this out on a forum Magic and tying yourself up in knots.Geeeeeeeeeeeee be proactive and go and find out what's up.Posters here are probably drawing on their own experiences about her being a pro/not paying her enough money whatever.Why so quick to draw conclusions she may really have been sick and in hospital....only one way to find out eh?

Aw, Momo8, I hope you're right. T'would restore my faith in humanity.

Magic, give it one more go and let us know what happens, ok?


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You know guys treating women like prostitutes is the problem in Thailand not the actual girls themselves who are conditioned into this behaviour by exactly this type of behaviour from farang sexpat ignoramusus.Really some people need a smack in the head to wake up to the fact that not all Thai/Asian women are turned on by cars/cash.( and if anyone posts that the majority are show us official studies)

Treating anyone like that is not on.The OP clicked with the girl for whatever reason she went awol,nobody knows what really happened.No point crying in your Chang Magic,go see what's up.

If that girl really had no hidden agenda and old Magic says 'Well,I'm angry I let some steam off and got some good advice from TV' what's that? We're just salving his poor hurt ego here so he can chuff off to the 'next song down the list'.....and if that girl fell under some misfortune well then you're all a bunch of misfits for judging aren't you?

OK had my rant for the day.

Edited by Momo8
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I thought so hard if I should post in this thread. I don't want to be abused here.

That year my family set up a man for me. I liked him and we had a drink. After a few weeks, he phoned and asked me out on the Valentine's night. That night I had an appointment to teach English as a private tutor. The man then kept quiet and never visited me again. And the boy I taught didn't show up that night! Destiny! If you're not meant for each other, something will happen to split you up.

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You know guys treating women like prostitutes is the problem in Thailand not the actual girls themselves who are conditioned into this behaviour by exactly this type of behaviour from farang sexpat ignoramusus.

You know I agree with you completely on this. And farang sexpat ignoramusus who think that any and all Thai girls are 'available' really really really really irritate me. But I would say that Magic's girl just does not seem to act like a 'regular' Thai girl, so honestly, I would think that she had more 'experience' than others. Part timer, full timer, just really amorous one night? Who knows? I don't think Magic really knows, and he's met her and clicked with her.

I would also add, that the money aspect does not seem like the main motivation...mainly because she did not get very much money. So for those worried about Magic's wallet, I don't think he get 'ripped off'? 1,000 baht is not that much, especially considering how much time she spent with him. "IF" she was a working girl, she could have asked for more.

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Lol you give pleasure and receive pleasure.

Why does money have to come into it when they met at a club and clicked? Why does the guy have to pay? If hypothetically speaking of course you and I Sub met at a club and had a two night stand and I offered you HK$1000 how would you feel if you were not a toy boy just someone I met and assumed you were one (of course if I was into this kind of thing of course). How would any posters feel if the girl you spent 2 nights with offered you money? Would be kind of demeaning to say the least.Blow to the er ego trip.

You set people up to be prostitutes and they will act like prostitutes.

You set people up to respect you,and they will respect you back.

Whether in love,life or business that's the way it goes.Always some who play games of course.

What's the fee for a gigolo/bar boy in Thailand then?

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Don't worry Magic,maybe you'll bump into her again,and who knows she may have a plausible reason as to why she disappeared in the first place.Never assume anything just because of the majority of members here telling you she conned you.Send flowers to her workplace you just need to have closure with her.

I think you should send her an SMS that you want to buy her a car. I bet you would get a reply right away.

Bet she calls

I like the idea of buying her a car even a simple offer of gold should have her running back to your death bed

if you sms me about buying me a car, even I would ring you

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It could happen Blizz if they were Thai,farang,Alaskan,Swahili......why generalize? Haven't you EVER had a one night stand? That's beside the point,offering money for services rendered is the sticking point if she is not a pro.Read my post on the previous page.Would you get upset if a girl offered you money after spending the night with her?

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y not generalize.

we chatting about a pattaya disco. not some disco in the kalaharry desert in nairobi or some eskimo disco.

connect the dots please. pattaya, disco, sex, etc.................

if im in pattaya disco and someone offered me munney i wouldnt be offended, its what happens there.

if im in christian disco in idaho i may be offended. same same in mormon disco.

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Kalaharry discos sure are wilder than Pattaya,probably goes the same for Nairobi and the Eskimos.Does it really matter where the disco was? If I as a white farang blonde,green eyed female went there and met a guy would they assume I'm a hooker?Just because it's in Pattaya?LOL.....

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Could be a mixture of things, "paying" a straight girl for services would probably upset her, however a straight Thai girl would not sleep with you on the first date, so we can safely assume that she is not a clean living virgin on the day you first met.

Being ready to jump into bed suggests she does or has played the game in the past, no contact on Valentines probably means she has other interests - maybe her regular BF came to town that day and working in a hotel is her job pending the BF marrying her or sorting out a visa.

Suggest you visit another hotel/disco.

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So, here I am now suddenly being totally ignored by my dream girl.

(She is about 30 yrs old...I am 31, a decent looking guy.)

Your dream girl that laid you on the first night? 30 years old? I question your dreams.............

Jump on the skytrain at 8:45AM in BKK and you will see 1000 more dream girls (my dreams anyway, miniskirts, hot business ladies).

She's blown you off pal, just forget her and find another, it's Thailand !!!

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