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Age Difference...is It An Issue In Thailand?


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so...i'm living in thailand and my boyfriend is thai and 23 years old and i'm farang and 29 years old. how're age differences (where the woman is older) viewed here in thailand? and are there any farang women out there who are older than their boyfriends or husbands?

it's causing quite a stir with my family and friends back home - constant teasing about "robbing the cradle" and that kind of thing!


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My Mom is Thai and My Dad Farang She is older 12 years older in fact when they first meet my mom was 31 and my dad 19 put a spell on him i guess i wouldn't worry to much about it just enjoy your time together. :o Plus when i was 25 i dated a woman who was 42 age does not matter to me now I'm 35 and my wife is 30. :D

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Maturity/common interests are the key to any large age difference.

I quite agree with you.

This is probably why I prefer far more to go out with people much older than me (hehehe, SK, this one is for you :D ).

Also, the men I am attracted to are around 10 years older than me.

On the point, maybe it's not only a question of common interests but also because I fancy bald guys :o

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Maturity/common interests are the key to any large age difference.

I quite agree with you.

This is probably why I prefer far more to go out with people much older than me (hehehe, SK, this one is for you :D ).

Also, the men I am attracted to are around 10 years older than me.

On the point, maybe it's not only a question of common interests but also because I fancy bald guys :o

Sego...my competition! :D I thought I was the only one with a liking for older bald men! :D

I agree, age is just a number, and it has nothing to do with maturity or level of intellect. I know 30 yr olds that still act like their 13 and vice versa!

You attract a person by your character not your age, age can be one of the deciding factors but it shouldn't be the main decision maker.

Although I've enjoyed my past relationships with older men more than with younger men, but that's just my personal experience.

In the end, if you're happy with your significant other, who cares what other people think, you two are the ones in the relationship. Life

's too short to waste it on living up to other people's views of what or how relationships should be.

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Sego!!! I didnt know you liked bald men. :o ..........you never indicated that when we went out......we looked at men with hair :D

Anyway, you like what you like..........good for you. Only 10 years older?? I do recall someone was more than that.......... :D

You have a buddy now.....shopgurl.......

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What a great thread. Could it be that it is in the "Farang girls in Thailand" forum that makes it so? No "dirty old men or women" posts!!

20 to 35 year age differential has been my preference my whole life, and each relationship has only gotten better, as I have matured (I am the older). The current one is the very best in every way and there is a 30 year differential.

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:D Its up to you whatever you think is best..........maybe you can start a tread "Ladies Night Out" or something.......I am sure there will be ladies who are interested.

I am not sure whether I can make it last Sat of this month as I am off to Europe for 2 weeks early Nov. :o

I noticed you indicated Witches tavern earlier........that would be better on Wed nights......its Ladies night :D .............unless you prefer to go on Mens' Night :D and pick up all the men there for the free drinks :D

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high every1, eye only want to say that my gf is 19 & eye'm 45 & we have know problems two speak of. eye woodn't worry about a few years differential. eye don't sea n e thing wrong at aul with that. thank u 4 youre thyme.


Love your phonetical spelling... honestly!!

btw, eye'm turning 40 soon and my thai wife just turned 22...and we've got 3 kids...life is great :o

/// dfw

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