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  1. Empathy and sympathy are things that show a human cares. Narcissism is what happens when a child is abused, neglected or spoiled, and a non caring adult is the result.
  2. My ex tried control throughout the time I lived here until our divorce. She kidnapped our daughter 4 times because she didn't like me talking and standing up for myself. She still tries this now. She hates her mother and is one of 11 siblings. Many of them, if not all, are mentally ill. They talk about each other behind their backs. This is how a covert narcissist is created. Too many children, not enough time for all of them, neglect, abuse, turn a child into a monster as an adult. A woman should never try to control her husband. Mutual respect with the man as the leader is how it works.
  3. I'll re-write that for you. Many people should not have any children. Most should not have more than two. None should have more than 4 with the same woman. Sibling rivalry teaches kids how to get along. Too many children in the household creates anger, neglect and favoritism. With this creates narcissists.
  4. That's why it always makes sense to research things instead of listening to others opinions. Some things are scientific facts and some are opinions made by those in denial, or because Joe at the bar told them.
  5. The smoke problem will never go away. People burn things all over Thailand and nothing much is ever done. Northern Thailand is the worst. Being a prisoner of your house is no fun . There are many other places to live where you'll be more comfortable and not have to hide from the outside world. If it wasn't so cold so long, and I didn't have family in Texas, I'd move to Canada.
  6. Don't kid yourself. Especially if she knows. You're now a target. You'll either be cheated on, beaten, or worse, or left. Best thing you can do, is leave her, so she can be with someone more deserving of a decent woman.
  7. Why live in a country like Thailand if you need to stay inside most of the time? I came from south Texas, where , even though it gets to freezing some times, and close many times from November to February, it's still hotter on average than Thailand. More humidity here makes things harder to enjoy, especially if you're not near the beach where you can jump in the water anytime you want.
  8. The environment and ecosystem is the planet. Earth, like all other planets without life, will indeed be here long after we're gone. Only problem is that all life will be wiped out by our greed and destruction, just like all the species man has made extinct so far. But according to the prophecies, God will come before that and make things right.
  9. That's not sporting goods stores. They're called Army surplus stores.
  10. Cutting down trees by the millions does damage, and this has been done for a very long time. Burning oil and gasoline also does damage. Over harvesting the ocean does damage. Much of this is due to over population. All by people.
  11. People legitimately on disability have a real excuse. They can't work but still need to live. Those who have worked all their lives deserve a pension because of the production they've put in and those that are on Social Security gave their money weekly to the government to use, and got this, their own money back, when they retired. Everyone pays taxes in developed countries. It's how things get built and repaired.
  12. People that talk behind your back. Belittle you in private and act nice in public. Control what you do. Prejudiced, racist, misogynistic, abusive, cheaters. Alpha males that think they are better than others when they actually do less work. Politicians that promise everything but produce little, just for power and votes. Liars, dishonest people you cannot trust. Those that feel the need to brag about what they have even though many have gotten it by raping the earth, throwing people out in the streets, swindling and scamming to get ahead, over prescribing drugs instead of looking for a safer way to treat. Users of women and those who hurt animals just for power and control.
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