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Volunteers To Help Clean Up Bangkok’s Streets


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Volunteers to help clean up Bangkok’s streets

BANGKOK: -- Picking up litter may not be the world’s most salubrious job, but Bangkok’s new governor, Apirak Kosayothin, bent on a drive to clean up the capital, is hoping that some of the city’s residents will offer to do it for free.

Mr. Apirak’s latest plan for a cleaner, greener Bangkok was unveiled yesterday at a meeting of over 2,700 city refuse collectors.

The new governor, who has made the clean-up of the capital one of his most urgent priorities, told the refuse collectors that local people were fed up with having to pay high fees for refuse collection, while still having to suffer an often filthy capital city.

Included in the measures outlined yesterday by Mr. Apirak were the collection of refuse from strategic points in the capital before 06.00hrs, the hand collection of refuse in small lanes inaccessible to rubbish trucks, and the collection of refuse in one place away from public pavements.

He also promised that street stalls would be given rubbish bins for the use of their customers, with stallholders told of the importance of good litter management.

Communities, meanwhile, would see the introduction of a volunteer system to allow local residents to participate in refuse collection operations.

Mr. Apirak said that rates of pay for the volunteers would be determined by each district, as appropriate, while noting that in several communities people would be willing to work for free in order to keep their districts looking clean.

Stressing that the scheme could give additional income to people on very low earnings, he said that volunteers would also be roped in to purchase refuse for recycling.

--TNA 2004-10-12

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yet another copy cat situation......Australians have been doing a yearly 'Cleanup Australia' campaign for years !! It is hugely succesful !

But it is always done by V O L U N T E E R S. Real true unpaid helpers

What a remarkable opportunity for the foreign BKK residents to make a positive statement by volunteering. Might help to counter some of the negative impressions.

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What happened to the cops who were fining litter bugs?

Did that scheme fail, or was it only aimed at visitors?

It provided yet another method for the police to collect bribes without having any affect on the problem. For the cops, it was a success, for the city, it was a failure.

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What happened to the cops who were fining litter bugs?

Did that scheme fail, or was it only aimed at visitors?

It provided yet another method for the police to collect bribes without having any affect on the problem. For the cops, it was a success, for the city, it was a failure.

Another one of those brilliant ideas that seemed a good idea at the time.

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