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Spot Dj Pat!

DJ Pat

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I haven't seen it myself but apparently Thai Tv are re-running my ad for "Hotta" ginger energy tea.

You'll see me angry and confused at my work colleagues (1st short ad) and baffled as to why my mate can work all night at the office without stimulants (second longer ad)

If you see it, let us know.

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I haven't seen it myself but apparently Thai Tv are re-running my ad for "Hotta" ginger energy tea.

So what?

I just took a dump; does anyone care??

Yes, I'm interested. What number was it on the given chart below?


Type 1 Separate hard lumps, like nuts

Type 2 Sausage-like but lumpy

Type 3 Like a sausage but with cracks in the surface

Type 4 Like a sausage or snake, smooth and soft

Type 5 Soft blobs with clear-cut edges

Type 6 Fluffy pieces with ragged edges, a mushy stool

Type 7 Watery, no solid pieces

Stools at the lumpy end of the scale are hard to pass and often require a lot of straining. Stools at the loose or liquid end of the spectrum can be too easy to pass – the need to pass them is urgent and accidents can happen. The ideal stools are types 3 and 4, especially type 4, as they are most likely to glide out without any fuss what-soever. Also, they are least likely to leave you with an annoying feeling that something is left behind.

Personally I am usually a number 3, but since I started eating all bran i've now progressed to number 4, with a kind of fluffy coating.

I have been all 7 and am sure Thailand would have a similar scale, but would probably go up to 20. Because I never shat recognisable vegetables before I went to Thailand.

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I haven't seen it myself but apparently Thai Tv are re-running my ad for "Hotta" ginger energy tea.

So what?

I just took a dump; does anyone care??

Yes, I'm interested. What number was it on the given chart below?


Type 1 Separate hard lumps, like nuts

Type 2 Sausage-like but lumpy

Type 3 Like a sausage but with cracks in the surface

Type 4 Like a sausage or snake, smooth and soft

Type 5 Soft blobs with clear-cut edges

Type 6 Fluffy pieces with ragged edges, a mushy stool

Type 7 Watery, no solid pieces

Stools at the lumpy end of the scale are hard to pass and often require a lot of straining. Stools at the loose or liquid end of the spectrum can be too easy to pass – the need to pass them is urgent and accidents can happen. The ideal stools are types 3 and 4, especially type 4, as they are most likely to glide out without any fuss what-soever. Also, they are least likely to leave you with an annoying feeling that something is left behind.

Personally I am usually a number 3, but since I started eating all bran i've now progressed to number 4, with a kind of fluffy coating.

I have been all 7 and am sure Thailand would have a similar scale, but would probably go up to 20. Because I never shat recognisable vegetables before I went to Thailand.

rotflmao :o:D

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Personally I am usually a number 3, but since I started eating all bran i've now progressed to number 4, with a kind of fluffy coating.

On reflection I think mine may also have been a number 3.

What you neglected to mention however is that the Type 3 stool is the one most likely to float and prove difficult to flush.

For your further interest then, allow me to state that the turd in question was not only a type 3, it was also a floater.

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Personally I am usually a number 3, but since I started eating all bran i've now progressed to number 4, with a kind of fluffy coating.

On reflection I think mine may also have been a number 3.

What you neglected to mention however is that the Type 3 stool is the one most likely to float and prove difficult to flush.

For your further interest then, allow me to state that the turd in question was not only a type 3, it was also a floater.

Yeah, I'm with you bud.

You flush the loo, and one chunk comes back. WHAT THAT ONE CHUNK WANT???

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I haven't seen it myself but apparently Thai Tv are re-running my ad for "Hotta" ginger energy tea.

You'll see me angry and confused at my work colleagues (1st short ad) and baffled as to why my mate can work all night at the office without stimulants (second longer ad)

If you see it, let us know.

high again dj patricia, eye wood like 2 c youre add butt eye donut watch thai tv. thank two u n e weigh


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I haven't seen it myself but apparently Thai Tv are re-running my ad for "Hotta" ginger energy tea.

You'll see me angry and confused at my work colleagues (1st short ad) and baffled as to why my mate can work all night at the office without stimulants (second longer ad)

If you see it, let us know.

Do you look like that "Shaft" dude in your ad? Your first avatar reminds me of that movie but he never got angry and confused! :o

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This is some kind of board police subterfuge right?

Begin with an inoccuous topic and then, as nobody's reading we can start with the 'shit' topics huh?

What do the bar girl threads headline with :

"So where do you go to church?"

"5 nice things about Jim Thompson"

You know crap titles that no-one's going to read but inside it's all 'pussy, tits, katoeys (for Harry!) etc.

Clever :o

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Are u sure its DJ Pat and not DJ Pratt? all of your posts in someway are a lead in to talk about yourself, your prowess with university girls, or you DJ skills.. get a life

I beg to differ there my good friend. Take a look around the forum.

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You all took the trouble to post so I'm sure you took this thread sooo seriously. I don't feel that my ego is being stroked when somebody posts.

Ego? Far from it. I hated shooting the ad working with a bunch of real Wa*kers. I could go on.

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Are u sure its DJ Pat and not DJ Pratt? all of your posts in someway are a lead in to talk about yourself, your prowess with university girls, or you DJ skills.. get a life

And this from a guy who calls himself "luvpump"


This board's a right crack-up sometimes.

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