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German Stabbed To Death By Wife


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Wednesday, October 20, 2004

German dies from knife wounds

RAWAI: Hans Jurgen Ottmar Bayer, 37, from Germany, died on Monday night from knife wounds sustained in a fight with his live-in partner, Nakorn Koipud, 25, at their home in the Happy Home housing estate.

Pol Capt Chana Sutthimas, of Chalong Police Station, said that Nakorn told police she was slicing vegetables in the kitchen at about 9 pm, when Mr Bayer began hitting and kicking her. He frequently beat her when he was drunk, she told police.

He said that Nakorn claimed she used the knife in her hands to defend herself, before running out of the house. “Her conscience later got the better of her and she returned [to the house] to take Mr Bayer to the Phuket International Hospital,” he said.

Mr Bayer died in the hospital at 10 pm.

Nakorn was charged with unintentional homicide. She was released yesterday on bail of 100,000 baht.

Capt Chana said the couple had lived together for about six months.

The Gazette learned late this afternoon that the German embassy has requested that Mr Bayer’s remains be sent to Bangkok for autopsy.

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yes! exactly! a farang hitting a thai woman? must be joking!!! doesn't the whole world know that all farangs who come to thailand are nice people? wicked thais!! let's see her stabbing the next victim!

thailand is a very dangerous place and people here are money and life grabbers! please don't come!

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Simbo............true...........no one will ever know the truth........I bet she is off trying to find another German/farang now.......... :o

True SK No One will ever know the truth I watched Jennifer lopez movie "Enough" about abused women, At the end of the movie she is sitting outside after killing her husband. A Police Officer walked up to her to ask "How are You Doing" She said "I'm OK" He then replied "Your one of the Lucky Ones"

I know a Thai and Farang relationship is hard, because of the difference of the two people involved. My Mom and Dad have had their Ups and Downs and in all actuality I think it has made me a better person. I know how to treat a woman.

I don't want to be like my Dad in this respect, He abuses my Mom But not physical Abuse. The News report said that The two people involved were together for six months, and what if this man did abuse her. Do you expect a woman to continue to accept it. My Mom accepts it because deep down she loves my father.

She also accepts it for the fact he supports us Sad to say but it is the truth How many more women go through this everyday in the world. :D

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and what if this man did abuse her. Do you expect a woman to continue to accept it. My Mom accepts it because deep down she loves my father.

She also accepts it for the fact he supports us Sad to say but it is the truth How many more women go through this everyday in the world. :o

Sadly, I dare say millions, IamMaiC.... millions.... :D

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Would it be another both have a drinking problem and the guy could not take the pressure from her always wanting money for the family. This is about the normal time the GF would get real pressure by the family to squeeze the farang for some cash. 6 months together is not long and if the abuse as stated was not the first time seems she would of packed up and had the moto taxis pay the guy a visit before this. More of these no win situations exist in Thailand than you could ever imagine. Then again maybe the guy was one of these aggresive drunks, I am sure one of the local phucket guys will provide some info soon. Time to post this in the Phuket area if not already done.

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Would it be another both have a drinking problem and the guy could not take the pressure from her always wanting money for the family. This is about the normal time the GF would get real pressure by the family to squeeze the farang for some cash. 6 months together is not long and if the abuse as stated was not the first time seems she would of packed up and had the moto taxis pay the guy a visit before this. More of these no win situations exist in Thailand than you could ever imagine. Then again maybe the guy was one of these aggresive drunks, I am sure one of the local phucket guys will provide some info soon. Time to post this in the Phuket area if not already done.

Geez why do you want to drag the Phuket people into it?

You're doing a great job inventing implausible reasons as it is.

I can't wait until I'm as clever as guys like you.

Cliches eh?

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