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2nd Tourist Visit Visa!

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Hi folks, its been a while. The Mrs is currently in the UK, she flies home on Tusday, she has been in the UK for 11 weeks on a 6 month family visit visa, that visa expires in September. We will be applying for another family visit visa later in the year to start in December, I know that on these visas the maximum time in the UK is 6 months within a year period, I just want to check that there shouldn't be a problem getting another one for December, the time spent in the UK would have only been 11 weeks and she won't be travelling until mid December so a total of 13 weeks spent in the UK on 2 different visit visas by the end of the year.

Hope that makes sense?


Edited by BIGJIMMY
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There is no legal requirement that says a visitor can only stay in the UK for 6 months of any 12: it's a guideline more than anything else.

That your wife has already visited the UK and has complied with the conditions of her stay will stand her in very good stead providing that circumstances have not otherwise materially altered.


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Thanks Scouse. One other thing, this has been the Mrs' second visit visa, both were granted without problem, as mentioned we will be back in the UK for Christmas and probably again next summer, is it worth going for a settlement visa but with no real in tention to spend continuous time here, having the 2 year visa will make it easier than applying for visit visas every 6 months and would that cause any problems in the future?



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If your wife is not going to be predominantly in the UK, I wouldn't apply for a settlement visa. Instead, she may choose to apply for a two-year visit visa. However, this does not mean that she can visit for a continuous two years in one hit. She would still only be able to stay a maximum of six months at a time, but you would not need to get a new visa every six months. Ideally, the two-year visit visa is intended for those who wish to make frequent short trips to the UK.


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Thanks Scouse, we did think of applying for that one earlier this year but went for the six month instead.

Just one more question and as always squire you never fail to deliver - if we applied for a two year visit visa and they declined it because its for two years would they automatically give us a one year or even another six monther?


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It depends upon the reasons. If they decline to issue a 2-year visa simply becuas ethey feel the length of visa is inappropriate, they can just issue a one-year or six-month visa instead. However, if they refuse the application based on a perceived lack of qualification, that's it: the application is refused.

However, as your wife has had a number of visit visas now and has complied with them all, she shouldn't have much trouble getting a visit visa of longer validity.


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