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A Father Writes To Stickman , Re


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I really got a chuckle out of that letter. I had a mental image of a group of "concerned fathers" hanging out in NEP looking for teachers! :o

"OK, John, you go to the Voodoo lounge and look for Phatoomteachers. George, check Obsession for any sicko Matthayom teachers. Paul, you make sure there are no science teachers in any of the upstairs bars and I'll wait in the Rainbow bar looking for devient English teachers.!" :D

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As a teacher in Thailand, I have to agree with this concerned father. We are a sorry lot of crazed freaks who have infinite amounts of time and money to shag every little working girl in sight. Heck, I had me three today.

It's a sickness. A disease. It's all I think about. Sometimes, when teaching the past perfect tense, it reminds me of last nite's perfect piece of ass. Is this normal behavior? I should be hung by my testicles and covered with honey in the badlands of Issan.

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I find his U turn on the whole sex trade an interesting one. He started off as an enthusiast, if not an active participant, and now talks as though BGs and their punters are life's greatest evil

You mean no juicy stories anymore on his girlfriends ? :o

How did it happen ,is he in to katoeys these days? :D

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As a teacher in Thailand, I have to agree with this concerned father. We are a sorry lot of crazed freaks who have infinite amounts of time and money to shag every little working girl in sight. Heck, I had me three today.

It's a sickness. A disease. It's all I think about. Sometimes, when teaching the past perfect tense, it reminds me of last nite's perfect piece of ass. Is this normal behavior? I should be hung by my testicles and covered with honey in the badlands of Issan.

You should use that to teach the kids irony!!

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I find his U turn on the whole sex trade an interesting one. He started off as an enthusiast, if not an active participant, and now talks as though BGs and their punters are life's greatest evil

You mean no juicy stories anymore on his girlfriends ? :o

How did it happen ,is he in to katoeys these days? :D

Maybe the guy is just growing up.Is it not the usual experience for young and inexperienced Anglo-Saxons ( pace Jack Reynolds' Woman of Bangkok) to embrace the Bangkok nightlife eagerly at first? From what I have read, Stickman is still a relatively naive fellow but he does seem to recognise the shabby aspects of his subject matter.Trouble is that without the bar stuff he doesn't have much subject matter and to be frank he doesn't have the knowledge and style -he writes very clumsily- to turn his column into a more general Thailand site.

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Stickman's site is the "Jerry Springer" of Thai websites. Full of nothing but trailer trash and twisted perverts (mostly teachers no doubt).

Stickman can't write worth shit, he panders to the lowest forms of sex junkees, all the while reaping in advertising dollars. It's time for that Kiwi to go home (which I thought he was?).

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Of course, all these posts are exactly what he wants. We're not talking about Trink anymore are we? No, because his column has degenerated into complete compost material; for me it is unreadable now; just a list of sh!te. As soon as the one year is up, no more Pay Pal for Trink from me, just a $12.00 experiment.

Stick is Stick, it's free, read it or don't read it. Most of you here will probably read it Sunday.

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I really got a chuckle out of that letter.  I had a mental image of a group of "concerned fathers" hanging out in NEP looking for teachers! :o

"OK, John, you go to the Voodoo lounge and look for Phatoomteachers.  George, check Obsession for any sicko Matthayom teachers.  Paul, you make sure there are no science teachers in any of the upstairs bars and I'll wait in the Rainbow bar looking for devient English teachers.!" :D


Its the music teachers that are the worst , really perverted SOBs !!

but they outwitted the snoops by finding girls round the back door of the Thermae !!

and then sneaking out the back door into a waiting taxi !

or simply rang up a hostess agency and had 5 girls delivered to their appartment .


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Trouble is that without the bar stuff he doesn't have much subject matter and to be frank he doesn't have the knowledge and style -he writes very clumsily- to turn his column into a more general Thailand site.

I remember a year or so ago Stickman writing how (in line with his new lifestyle) he would be taking the subject matter away from the nightlife. So much for that, it is now more nightlife than ever. It is probably all he can do and he has realized that it is the only thing his readers are interested in.

It is Ok for a casual read though, after all it is free. Thing that gets me is his wife's section at the bottom, where farangs ask his riaproi wife about their problems with girls from the lower end of Thai society. F***in' tremendous! They might as well be asking me about nuclear physics...


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I think that Stickman's life has changed and possibly some of his goals have also moved. At the end of the day, the whole website is Stick's creation and its about his experiences and opinions.

I wonder how namy people who are detracting Stick could have created such a thing themselves. Sure he has a big website and makes the odd Baht from it, but what about all the time when people were stealing his bandwith, not paying as advertisers, the hackers etc etc etc.

Maybe his website will move a bit with him. I think his weekly column has certainly changed. BUT a place where people can post their stories and only have limited editorial intervention is a good outlet. Sure it attracts all sorts, from gay men who fantasize over the KFC delivery boy to an ongoing saga of fishing in Issan.

I suppose those who like to slag Stick, how many of you have met him, or even sent him an email to discuss your issues with his website.

Maybe that will put you in a position of knowing the facts rather than relying on your surperiority than being anonymous allows you.

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I think that Stickman's life has changed and possibly some of his goals have also moved. At the end of the day, the whole website is Stick's creation and its about his experiences and opinions.

I agree. I think most people however are picking up on the whole hypocrisy of his anti mongering stance written on a page chock full of ads for whores.

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I think that Stickman's life has changed and possibly some of his goals have also moved. At the end of the day, the whole website is Stick's creation and its about his experiences and opinions.

I wonder how namy people who are detracting Stick could have created such a thing themselves. Sure he has a big website and makes the odd Baht from it, but what about all the time when people were stealing his bandwith, not paying as advertisers, the hackers etc etc etc.

Maybe his website will move a bit with him. I think his weekly column has certainly changed. BUT a place where people can post their stories and only have limited editorial intervention is a good outlet. Sure it attracts all sorts, from gay men who fantasize over the KFC delivery boy to an ongoing saga of fishing in Issan.

I suppose those who like to slag Stick, how many of you have met him, or even sent him an email to discuss your issues with his website.

Maybe that will put you in a position of knowing the facts rather than relying on your surperiority than being anonymous allows you.

This kind of post mystifies me.Firstly I do not see debating with Stickman as a priority.Secondly the guy has created an impressive franchise effectively replacing Trink.Most expatriates -and I date back to the Bangkok World era-were drawn to it even though it was clear Trink was a <deleted>.Thirdly Stickman is no <deleted> but a likeable though naive young man.Fourthly the attraction of his column is the readers contributions which I think many of us read with a horrified fascination.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Why all of a sudden has stickmans site become an anti teaching forum. From what I can gather the last few posts on his site are

Maybe hes trying to put off any potential competiton.

It does sound more and more like he needs a spell at home to get things in perspective.

I find his U turn on the whole sex trade an interesting one. He started off as an enthusiast, if not an active participant, and now talks as though BGs and their punters are life's greatest evil.

Maybe hes just reached one of those fabled 'stages' of expat life where you become simply better than everyone else!

he's married now, so his so called good to do misses is brain-washing him about all the evils in nightlife. she just trying to hang on him. :o

maybe you right, he's done his time and should go back home!

actually, he starting to sound weaker as trink when he was doing a heavely censored bkk post! :D

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Not being qualified to teach English, I marvel at the command of the English language the "Concerned Father" has.

I know my Grammar goes back to High school, but the only mistake I could see was he started a sentance with "And".

Maybe the "Concerned Father" is a native speaker ?

Or am i being far far too cynical ?


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  • 7 months later...
Not being qualified to teach English, I marvel at the command of the English language the "Concerned Father" has.

I know my Grammar goes back to High school, but the only mistake I could see was he started a sentance with "And".

Maybe the "Concerned Father" is a native speaker ?

Or am i being far far too cynical ?


Nothing incorrect in beginning a sentence with "and" as long as it is followed by a comma. Look it up! :o

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Maybe the concerned father is Stick.

"unreal", "not much subject matter" "good English in the article"

"this is just what he wants, us talking about him"

Maybe he's reading this right now and having a good laugh.

(Maybe I'm just a suspicious old bugger)


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The teachers here obviously are all men of very high moral standards. They spend their free time correcting and debating grammar on a forum. Exemplary :o

Where could they possibly still find the time to also do field work, investigating the moral decline of society, and teach English for free to the unfortunate, who have to scrape a living from the alchohol-drenched hellholes of the city? Unrealistic expectations.

Edited by OlRedEyes
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I think Stickman was trolled. I've never met anyone with such an extreme attitude as the writer of the piece, and then usually those types are secretly the most twisted up sexos out there.

It wouldn't be the first time. Remember PortChester/Terry/et al?

I find his U turn on the whole sex trade an interesting one. He started off as an enthusiast, if not an active participant, and now talks as though BGs and their punters are life's greatest evil

You mean no juicy stories anymore on his girlfriends ? :o

How did it happen ,is he in to katoeys these days? :D

I think you're thinking of Marko. :D


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