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Watch Out For This Pick Pocket Thief!


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I read about them in the local rag last week and saw them in action tonight.

A gang of young girls or women all get on at once. One sits close and others distract the victom while the one beside him overlaps a big bag over him and picks his pockets. Look out..they're good at it!!

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recently there was a case reported on papers of an elderly Danish man making a citizen arrest of some thai women who tried to rob him on a bath bus. certainly that city attracts all sort of unsavoury characters like moths to light. Here an example of pathetic antics between a couple of elderly gits: "you argue, I stab"

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I was robbed last night on Pattaya second road---by the same gang of young girls I think.

I put it down to very valuable experience. They got about 400 baht, and left me 100 so I could pay my fair, other wise they would have got sprung, very clever indead!!!

The place seems to be becoming very dangerous lately

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On a related note, in April at about 2 am I was walking on 2nd heading south against traffic about to turn up soi 11 towards my hotel, hotel holiday. A young girl on a motorbike stopped and called out to me. While I was a bit tired looking I had not a single drink and was quite alert. While she parked the bike I just ignored her and kept walking. A few seconds later she had literally parked the bike and run back towards me and was hugging me and chatting at me and what not and I could feel her hands going over my pockets. I carry pocket change in my short pocket velcroed shut. Everything of value, which is not much is in my hip pack and double zippered. I grabbed her harm that had almost gotten into my shorts pocket and I gave her a yelling and threatened her with a police visit. She was stunned that I was actually awake and not a stumbling drunk at 2am. I just kept going on to my hotel.

Just a friendly warning that there are some people to watch out for. Don't wear jewelry. Don't carry much if you are out on the night. If you live there and have normal stuff to carry around, think the worse. I don't mean think the worse of the average Thai person. But do exercise due diligence. I am a big fan of a hip or fanny pack turned in front and not in back. 8 trips and haven't lost a thing yet, and that includes one or two ladyboy gropings!


didn't you forget to add: avoid pattaya like the plague? I mean come on, what a sh*thole.

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I have been pickpoketed twice successfully.

Once in Bangkok. I was in the vicinity of Soi 4. It was late at night. I saw ahead of me a group of Lady Boys. They were trying to pick pocket another person as I quickly went past them. It was late at night. I did not want to go very far down the street. Which was Sukumvit on the other side of Nana entertainment Plaza. I did however, have to return the same way I had gone before. I figured they would likely still be there and try it on me. I had not had any alcohol at all. As I went past the same spot. A lady boy approached me and started with the groping. I pushed this creature back hard. I could have pushed harder but I did not want to knock them down and perhaps injure them. You would have thought that this action on my part would have given the message that an easier less physically responsive target would be a better bet. No! it did not. The creature came back at me again with the groping. I was only carrying a couple of hundred Baht. I only carried enough for a refreshment should I have wanted one. The creature managed to get the 200 Baht out of my pocket. I reached in my pocket and realized that it was gone. I said to the creature pick pocket! The creature put it's hands up as if to show that they were empty. At the same time the creature dropped the 2 100 baht notes on the ground. Remember that it was dark at the time. I however, saw it do this. I quickly scooped up the 2 100 Baht bills and put them in my pocket. I exclaimed to it "bitch"! and then quickly turned around and walked away.

Second time was on Soi 4 near the 7 Eleven store late at night. I had not been drinking. I was out to get some Milo cold chocolate milk. The Lady Boys approached me. I thought here we go again pick pockets. I covered the pocket where my money was firmly with my hand. They did the usual groping. I had unfortunately forgotten about my mobile telephone which I had in a holder on my belt. They took my phone. I did not realize this until later when I was in the Nana restaurant.

Third time.

The attempt.

I was in Jomtien. It was late at night. I had not been drinking any alcohol. I probably may have looked like I had been because I had walked all day long. I got on this Baht bus heading to Pattaya. These two Thai females got on the bus shortly afterwards. They got on from a place you would not have expected any one to especially at that time of night. I thought probably pick pockets. I put my hand obviously firmly over my wallet which was in my front pocket. They saw this. A short time later they ran the bell and got off the Baht bus. They got of in a place where their really is nothing but a field. This departure was after a very shoret ride.They seemed to be discussing something when they got off. I think the accomplice was asking why she did not make a try for the wallet.

has it ever occurred to you that perhaps you spend too much time on soi 4? at least you are always sober though, yeh uhuh.

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this happened to me also, two ladies on baht bus, one with baby. Had my phone in a leg zip pocket next to her.

She unzipped pocket and was taking the phone out when i noticed, thought i was imagining things and brushed it off.

nice post, makes you realise..

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  • 7 months later...

Yep, and if you check the pattayaone.net website it shows that all the perpetrators have oversized bags. Last year, a group of 4/5 got on the same baht bus as I was riding. It was so obvious that they were up to no good. 4 ladies carry oversized bags in Pattaya and all getting on the same baht bus. Highly unlikely unless they had sticky fingers.


Here is the link. http://www.pattayaone.net/news/2009/june/news_29_06_52.shtml

Edit - Forgot the link. :)

Edited by TheWalkingMan
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I had a similar group of three try it in September on a 2nd Road baht bus.

Two older ladies across and the young one sat far too close in a nearly full bus. Leaned into me as the baht bus came to a halt and felt her hand in my back pocket. There was a folded up package in the back pocket and by the time I got my hand down there it was partly pulled out. I just said "kamoy!" loudly and moved away from her. She bitched at me in thai and the three got off at the next stop.


I wonder, isn't anyone creative enough to start making some kind of paint-bombs hidden in wallets?

Paint-bombs are also used in the West in clothing stores. If you try to remove the paint-bomb from the stolen item, it "explodes" and the item, including the bad person will be partially covered in paint. In Pattaya, opening the wallet will let the bomb 'explode'.

Must be possible to build in in a wallet. They will never look into the wallet while still on the BB, they will check somewhere else. It won't be long until a few people are running around covered in paint.

Next step is, replace the paint with pepperspray or even a mix would be great: some daft people running around covered in red paint, whiping their eyes because of the pepperspray and running desperately into a BB with no proper brakes.

No BIB needed, just Sawangboriboon Foundation has a few more jobs.

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Also happened me one night a couple of years ago three girls got on one a older lady one girl sat next to me and sat a bag over her leg and my leg I knew what she was up to and stared at her and while getting my phone to make a call they then got off.

It is very common there in Pattaya several groups doing it on a daily basis I pity the tourists It's a pity there is not anything in place like a brouchure advising people of theses scams but I think the brochure would need to be the size of a book.

Edited by saintofsilence
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Hat's off to you Sir for taking the time and effort to take the photos and time to post them here.

My wife thinks she might possibly recognise the girl and will make a few phonecalls to see if the said lass is still in the Pattaya area. I'll drop a line on if it does turn out to be the same lass, but it's unlikely to be honest that the girl my wife is thinking of even lives anywhere near here now.

Many thanks for the effort involved.


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I think you have to realize the police do not care about property crimes. It takes too much time away from their other activities. They are not crime fighters, they are here to make some baht and keep major crime to an acceptable level, meaning out of the international press.


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When riding the Baht Bus. Make it a habit of keeping your wallet in your front poket, and your hand firmly on top of that poket, holding it down in the poket. If you do this as a habit it will be very dificult to get your wallet.

Edited by philliphn
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anyone know where you can get those exploding dye packs from? :D:)

I tell you what. If someone can tell me where to buy these in Thailand I will personally go down to Pattaya and travel the baht bus all day long with a wallet hanging out of my pocket.

See how many of these jokers we can splat! :D

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