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I'm Hearing Only Gagga On Radio Thailand


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Well ,what a proud 24 hours for Thailand, they can hold their heads up high..in the world community. Actually, I normally despise most of the Thai police, but the restraint last night and the early hours has to be commended, especially aftersome of the DEMOCRATIC BEHAVIOUR, i.e. that DOG that rammed the cops on the street in his pickup,(he should have been shot to pieces, disgrace)

Anyway, back to the point, does anyone here listen to the Satthani Whittayu radio broadcast in English?

It originates from Bangkok at around 7pm, then switches over to the Thai station in Chiang Mai for "Patronising Hands", sorry, "helping hand", usually presented by people teaching the Thais English who cannot grasp English themselves, and neither provide help or a hand or anything else except promoting their own EGO, great fun!, and the Thais will learn zilch!

Anyway, tonights broadcast from the Bangkok station as usual features the Thai Tourist Authority..AUTHOURITY that put a load of the usual propaganda out about how wonderful Thailand is to visit! (Goebells would have been pushed into the shadows)

First the news channel broadcast the news about the car bomb, the injured, the dead, the hospitalized and then THE Tourist Authority went on to explain how tourists should take a "Cab to China Town" or maybe venture out and see the "Wonderful Lights and nightlife of Bangkok" All spewed out in their usual sickening American accents.. I didn't catch the bit about visiting the government house to see the gas canister displays, or the beautiful kneecappings with shotguns. Kao San road got a mention, but sadly the hospitals and mortuaries seemed not to be on the list of "MUST DO'S"

The car burnings or the rubbish strewn streets, why was this not on the tourist agenda...it was like they were living in fairytale land (as usual), "Why not spend some time shopping at Paragon..the rhetoric went on...they forgot to mention the possibility of ending up dead on your way home!

"Welcome to happiness paradise Thailand...the golf courses, the maimed, the beautifuil sights of Bangkok at night, the dead, the hospitalized! What a pathetic joke!

The world laughs...but it's business as usual here in the land of STUPIDITY, except without the customers...Anyone ( especially here in Chiang Mai) notice how few flights are arriving? They used to appear about every half hour or so, so it seemed of an evening, watching the flashing lights approach CM airport...the skies are very dark these nights, and they are seemingly getting darker.

The tourist industry, as well as the spirit of Thailand DIED YET AGAIN last night..shame! Does it follow a lunar cycle? or a lunatic cycle?

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Whilst I find your post humorous in some ways, it does portray a certain amount of fact, in such that Thai "institutions" will try to "distract" people from the reality of the "goings on" in Thailand. But wouldn't any other government do the same?

First the news channel broadcast the news about the car bomb, the injured, the dead, the hospitalized and then THE Tourist Authority went on to explain how tourists should take a "Cab to China Town" or maybe venture out and see the "Wonderful Lights and nightlife of Bangkok" All spewed out in their usual sickening American accents.
I love this..."sickening American accents". I think the "septics" have definitely worn out their welcome with you & possibly every other nation on earth. 5555555


Nonetheless, certain people in Thailand will continue to grasp at straws in order to maintain the fraction of the remaining tourism industry. Let's face it...these people want money but aren't prepared to change in order to achieve their goal.

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Septics as in tanks? or Sceptics?

I Agree that the people "EMPLOYED" in tourism need the baht... but their own government is shafting them everyday!

The tourism dolllars ammounts to something like 6% GDP, but the ammount of jobs created by tourism is millions...the government doesn't seem to give a rats arse about all of these people losing their jobs! As they don't give a rats ass about democracy , human rights or anything else we in the West were LUCKY enough to enjoy!

The Thai government want to lock the doors, get the foriegners out, get to "Sufficiency Economy" whatever that CRAP is, and forget the headache that international trade has caused them!

They are not ready to deal with the US or Europe...they are still in Kindergarten, they are getting Foocked up the arse left right and centre, and instead of "learning" they bury their heads in the sand...

WAIT TIL 2009...then the bullet will have to be bitten...they are living in cloud cuckoo land! Their own Finance guys reckon the US slump....CRASH will affect Thailand by 0.01%......cough splutter....lets wait and see. I woudn't trust them with my post office savings, let alone the banking system of Thailand,...ask yourself why they still don't meet World Bank Accreditation?

They pretend they do not need tourism, they actually probably don't want tourism at a government level, cause all those fuc_king Farangs do is compain anyway!.

Better close the doors, steal the foreign investment and behave like their MENTORS, N. Korea and Burhma

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Yes, "septics" as in "yanks".

Geez Bill, get it off your chest! At least you will feel less frustrated after your posts (I hope). Don't let the Thai world frustrate you so much. There is an "up side" to this you know. It's called "less rules & regulations" & therefore less to worry about. Of course, all of this is only true if you don't have any money invested in anything. I do not have any money investments so I do not worry. The only thing that worries me is "culture".

Edited by elkangorito
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Willy .. you are getting more and more bitter and more and more antagonistic about "the Thais" not to mention Americans. I am confused, however, how you think the TAT folks have "American accents"

Oh well ... many more of these rants and we won't have to worry too much about hearing from you in the future :o

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Willy .. you are getting more and more bitter and more and more antagonistic about "the Thais" not to mention Americans. I am confused, however, how you think the TAT folks have "American accents"

Oh well ... many more of these rants and we won't have to worry too much about hearing from you in the future :o

Its a rant I agree but there is truth behind it. I note the TAT were again trying to reassure other nations that all is well,


"According to Tourism Authority of Thailand governor Phornsiri Manoharn, following the clashes the TAT called an urgent meeting of all deputies and senior officials to assess the situation and to immediately explain the clashes to the TAT's 22 overseas offices.

Mrs Phornsiri insisted the impact on tourism from the latest clashes was likely insignificant, as they happened only in limited areas near Government House, the PAD's stronghold.

The affected area spanned only three square kilometres, with other areas in Bangkok unaffected, she said. "

Oh well thats ok then. :D

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I Just hate liars !

and this dam_n Thaksin AIS internet connection..it's like the Doors...(bet the bastard is over the moon he sold it)

Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting.

Waiting for you to tell me what went wrong,

I would NEVER hate Americans, I celebrate the 4th of July every year in the spirit that it is about 232 years we finally cut ties with those fuc_kers! It should be a national holiday in the UK...good riddance, keep your bankrupt racist carnival circus...not a loss to the UK that's for sure!

But thats me getting bitter again...be careful..maybe a smacked bottom or a warning or nay..a BAN!

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Willy .. you are getting more and more bitter and more and more antagonistic about "the Thais" not to mention Americans. I am confused, however, how you think the TAT folks have "American accents"

Oh well ... many more of these rants and we won't have to worry too much about hearing from you in the future :o

Its a rant I agree but there is truth behind it. I note the TAT were again trying to reassure other nations that all is well,


"According to Tourism Authority of Thailand governor Phornsiri Manoharn, following the clashes the TAT called an urgent meeting of all deputies and senior officials to assess the situation and to immediately explain the clashes to the TAT's 22 overseas offices.

Mrs Phornsiri insisted the impact on tourism from the latest clashes was likely insignificant, as they happened only in limited areas near Government House, the PAD's stronghold.

The affected area spanned only three square kilometres, with other areas in Bangkok unaffected, she said. "



Oh well thats ok then. :D

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Have you been eating tainted food again Willy?

LOL, what else can I eat to survive?...turnips?

well at least you won't be getting liver flukes from pork ... but you might get trichinosis :o

Really your (presumed) drunken and definitely racist/bigoted rants are boring .... (edit for accuracy)

Edited by jdinasia
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Willy .. you are getting more and more bitter and more and more antagonistic about "the Thais" not to mention Americans. I am confused, however, how you think the TAT folks have "American accents"

Oh well ... many more of these rants and we won't have to worry too much about hearing from you in the future :o

Its a rant I agree but there is truth behind it. I note the TAT were again trying to reassure other nations that all is well,


"According to Tourism Authority of Thailand governor Phornsiri Manoharn, following the clashes the TAT called an urgent meeting of all deputies and senior officials to assess the situation and to immediately explain the clashes to the TAT's 22 overseas offices.

Mrs Phornsiri insisted the impact on tourism from the latest clashes was likely insignificant, as they happened only in limited areas near Government House, the PAD's stronghold.

The affected area spanned only three square kilometres, with other areas in Bangkok unaffected, she said. "

Oh well thats ok then. :D

According to Blah Blah Blah whoever from the ministry of <deleted> and lies (do you think I will get next years visa?) the land of smiles is like a rosebud on the arse the world, harmony, love and respect abound...rich and poor blowing each other every night, prostrating themselves wherever they need to prostate, smiling, like Adjoy See Muang (sorry my Thai is shit)

Don't believe anything you read here, the head of the Thai bank is nothing less than a fuc_kwit, the finance minister should be shot at dawn.. go look at a site called thailandcrisis, and asiasentinel you need to do the www's yourself, as this place you cannot post links...blowashemale is worth a look too if the monetary side of things gets a bit heavy! Personally for pennance, I tend to visit the TAT website, comes in head and shoulders aqbove the rest, sort of like the shampoo!

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Have you been eating tainted food again Willy?

LOL, what else can I eat to survive?...turnips?

well at least you won't be getting liver flukes from pork ... but you might get trichinosis :o

Really your (presumed) drunken and definitely racist/bigoted rants are boring .... (edit for accuracy)

You know,

I think I have finally met the love of my life!

Can I propose to you on Thai Visa...?

We are a match made in heaven!

Only you...can make my heart.......

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Please JD, don't insinuate I am Drunk, I never touch alcohol, why if I was a drunk would I propose my undying love to you?

My sights are clear, I have seen the light, my soulmate, my WEBNINJA, come to me...fuc_k it's like Bronte....overcome with passion ...Wuthering heights..or Phatom Heights, or even Central Plaza on a rainy day!

We can skip through Com. Plaza ogether discussing Liver fluke, and other gastro intestinal diseases, say you'll be mine?

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OCH(Scottish Thai pronunciation) BYE! you cock tease!

you have led me on, for what????? We could have had beautiful Thalydimoyde children together, with their little arms flapping like birds wings in the morning mist, but you you devil, prefer a rice growing 1 inch cocked paddy field labourer..fuc_k, you could have even had my five year old daughters for 10 baht a pop

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JD.where you at, I'm just popping out to thye 7 /11 in Thung Seow, maybe we could meet up for a brisk marriage over a 37 baht Chicken burger, while I replenish my 107 year old Thai quality whisky, Not the Glenmorongoloid, I was thinking of a bottle of 15 week old Glen ma Prik porn!

Catch you later!

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JD.where you at, I'm just popping out to thye 7 /11 in Thung Seow, maybe we could meet up for a brisk marriage over a 37 baht Chicken burger, while I replenish my 107 year old Thai quality whisky, Not the Glenmorongoloid, I was thinking of a bottle of 15 week old Glen ma Prik porn!

Catch you later!

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OK. Will dig out a photo later!

had a bad morning, left a bottle of my Ya Ba pills in the kitchen last night, so I asked the mother in law if she had seen them, she said "<deleted>-ck the pills have you seen the dragon in the bedroom"

on to more serious matters..

Recently I received a warning about the use of the term, "towel heads"

A politically incorrect term.

Please note, we all need to be more sensitive in our choice of words.

I have been informed that the Islamic terrorists who hate our guts and want to kill us do not like to be called "Towel Heads" since the item they wear on their heads is not a towel but actually a small, folded sheet.

Therefore, from this point forward, please refer to them as

"Little Sheet Heads."

Thank You for your support and compliance on this delicate matter.

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OK. Will dig out a photo later!

had a bad morning, left a bottle of my Ya Ba pills in the kitchen last night, so I asked the mother in law if she had seen them, she said "<deleted>-ck the pills have you seen the dragon in the bedroom"

on to more serious matters..

Recently I received a warning about the use of the term, "towel heads"

A politically incorrect term.

Please note, we all need to be more sensitive in our choice of words.

I have been informed that the Islamic terrorists who hate our guts and want to kill us do not like to be called "Towel Heads" since the item they wear on their heads is not a towel but actually a small, folded sheet.

Therefore, from this point forward, please refer to them as

"Little Sheet Heads."

Thank You for your support and compliance on this delicate matter.

If I were you, I'd forgot about the radio and start worrying about all the 'gagga' coming from your own mind which appears to be as bent as a bad hedge.

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You know, there is more wrong with this thread than right. Better closed I think.

And a word to the wise, posting when pissed will usually result in difficulties with mods and admins. Trolling even more so.


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