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Farang Rak Thai


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I would like to propose that Thaivisa.com publicly begin a Farang Rak Thai Relief Fund for the Thais who've lost family members. Further, I'd suggest doing a deal with ITV to publicise the effort (maybe jointly). This is a good idea because A: it shows that those of us (farangs) who live here care about our Thai hosts and neighbours. B: It shows we're 'jing jai' or 'dee jai' (true or good hearted) and respectful, and Thais like that sort of thing..

The publicity we (and Thaivisa) would get would be worth every baht..though I'm suggesting we do it for humanitarian reasons and not just for the publicity.

There have already been a couple of news stories of resentment that the Govt is looking after the tourists and farang more than the suffering locals. Not a good thing to let fester..and grow.

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:o I also think it is a good idea. Would be great if you could use pay pal. It is a shame that we even have to consider doing something like this from the publicity point of view, because I know all of those on this list are doing what they can because they care. I lived in Thailand nearly four years and I love and respect the Thai ppl and their customs. This breaks my heart to see all the loss and suffering.
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I think no need to do such things for political reasons and for show off! better not to do at all than for some different motives than simply help out of good heart !

by the way - at least those who are out there should show basic proper respect - express their love and care at least in their behavior! no amount of Farang rak thai or Farang rak Farang would convince the victims of the geniuty of those who wanna help if such things as quoted from the article below (by the way - from BBC web site, not some TRT one !) continue to happen ! such things rathe more appropriate to call "Farang rak bia" if not "Farang rak thai pussy" ! shame !

thai people in general already have such an impression about majority of farangs visiting this country. is there need to provide more negative evidences? yeah - understandable that it is not anyone's fault, neither of those who died nor of those who survived, that it happened like this. and those tourists who happened to be in those areas (elsewhere Geroge posted that in fact 80-90% of places in Phuket etc are still operative for business) - they have paied their tickets, tour packages, hotels; BUT perhaps at least they can show some respect in some way (can use one's brains after all !) and not try to show off their enjoyment in the midst of sorrow and stench of unattained bodies? virtually like in that fabulous classic of " A Feast during the plague" !!!


In fact, amidst the carnage, some tourists are already trying to get back to a semblance of normality.

Metres away from bulldozers clearing up wreckage on Patong beach, foreigners could be seen at the Kangaroo bar drinking beer by candlelight, according to AFP.


While some tourists are mourning their dead,

others are on the beach

Very nice, huh? is it Farang rak Beach or what ? definetely those folks can't convince anybody that they Rak thai or at least even Rak fellow Farangs who has suffered in that disaster !

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What should farangs do when they have booked a holiday?

The fact that they are here and spending money in the local economy means that at least some Thais have a job and money coming in.

Better that the farangs are lying on the beach rather than getting in the way of recovery operations or simply nosing around looking at te damage and looking for a body count.

There is no social security in Thailand and if you don't have a job the government is not going to help you.

Also by coming on holiday they are saying that they are not worried about another Tsunami and they are not pulling away from Thailand as many others are who have cancelled their holidays.

At least they are giving some hope to the Thais for the future.

I was watching TV channel 7 this evening and the TV team were interviewing farangs who are willing to come and Thais who are willing to work as they did before.

Who knows, perhaps the farangs will donate something to assist those who have lost so much.

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very well said! Also I'm not going to change my holiday plans due to this disaster and will be coming on Feb 10th. And as I originally planned, of my 5 weeks of holiday, I'll spend at least 2 in Phuket and around, perhaps even 3. Not only because I know many people in the area but also because I feel that my presence and money spending is the best help that I personally can give to these wonderful people!

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What should farangs do when they have booked a holiday?

it is understandable - as I said previously, it is nobody's fault.

yes, true that people can't cancel their paid holiday.

what they can do is - to behave modestly and show some respect, like at least not drink in public in front of grieving people or those who work hard to clear the carnage and even risk their own health by contacting the decomposing bodies etc. is it respectfull to drink in front of them? perhaps in the west it is nothing disrespectfull, but in Asia it is different.

for example as I've heard - local PM has declared no celebration of New Year this time and no any drinking any alcohol.... why would Thai government decide such thing if drinking in public, especially in those affected areas WAS OK , huh?

and in general - human behaviour varies in the West ("1st world countires" - in technology yes, but in values and culture - very far behind !) and in the East (Asia, still predominately 3rd world counties). last month I went to Aranyaprathet by train and my g/f pointed to some farang couple kissing openly in the next couch and more exactly she has pointed to Thais who were staring at them with undisguised .... amazement? if not despise.... and she told me - that normally Thais would never do so in public.... and perhaps those farangs (married couple by the way, with 2 kids) don't know the local norms of behavior, but it is a bit - if not very - inpolite to do so.

yes, it is a huge subject.... it is not my intention to trigger whole long thread of arguments here.

I merely want to say: AT LEAST IN THOSE AFFECTED AREAS AND NOW while the cleaning work is still going not and far from completed - perhaps those farang-volunteers and translators and especially expatriates from that Farang Rak Thais or whatever (those who DO know the local culture after LIVING, not barely visiting for holidays, here for even decades) can politely request those others who doesn't know this, that it IS NOT ok to drink in front of grieving people - may be they can at least to make proper impression on Thais, thatthey RAK (love) them !

otherwise it is hardly expression of love: "go on guys, grieve! we gonna continue doing same things as b4 for which you mostly know us: drinking and womanising; and never mind the stench - after all it is your government's problem!"

such an attitude hardly would prove any good intentions. would it ?

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