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What Do You Think Of Guys Who Has Dated A Trans Girl?


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Why make it an issue. Many guys I know have traveled the up chocolate esculator with a 3rd gendered thingy. Do you suppose most girls would bother to tell you that they have experimented with a little taste of the hairy pie - unless during dirty talk.

Trannys can be very nice and a change from the same same girlies - just keep your hand on your wallet. :o

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it is such a subjective question imo that you will get no real help asking but here goes....

A transgenedered girl is just that, a girl who happened to have been born a boy. For me personally it would not bother me for that basic reason.

Now if you told me you specifically went looking for a transgenedered girl to date then that would ring some alarms bells becuase it would possibly suggest some kind of fetish or unresolves sexuality issues but if you met a girl & liked here then found out she was transgenedered then it wouldn't bother me.

Does that make sense? :o

I would also have a lot to do with the girl you were telling, how & where she was raised. Like I said, you will get no definate answer imo.

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it is such a subjective question imo that you will get no real help asking but here goes....

A transgenedered girl is just that, a girl who happened to have been born a boy. For me personally it would not bother me for that basic reason.

Now if you told me you specifically went looking for a transgenedered girl to date then that would ring some alarms bells becuase it would possibly suggest some kind of fetish or unresolves sexuality issues but if you met a girl & liked here then found out she was transgenedered then it wouldn't bother me.

Does that make sense? :o

I would also have a lot to do with the girl you were telling, how & where she was raised. Like I said, you will get no definate answer imo.

It would certainly be good if everyone thought like that. Most of the people I talked to on this subject straight jump to conclusion that they are gay, so if I date one, I am part gay.

Thing is, after staying here a while, I can tell the difference so there is no "finding out". But yes, to some degree I specifically go looking for a trans girl to date at this moment. I have to admit, it brings a fresh perspective on things.

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it is such a subjective question imo that you will get no real help asking but here goes....

A transgenedered girl is just that, a girl who happened to have been born a boy. For me personally it would not bother me for that basic reason.

Now if you told me you specifically went looking for a transgenedered girl to date then that would ring some alarms bells becuase it would possibly suggest some kind of fetish or unresolves sexuality issues but if you met a girl & liked here then found out she was transgenedered then it wouldn't bother me.

Does that make sense? :o

I would also have a lot to do with the girl you were telling, how & where she was raised. Like I said, you will get no definate answer imo.

It would certainly be good if everyone thought like that. Most of the people I talked to on this subject straight jump to conclusion that they are gay, so if I date one, I am part gay.

A fairly common misconception...

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thats like asking your present girlfriend if it bothers her if u went out with vvvvv (put in any colour, culture, style) girls.

who cares?

the only issue is with yourself. if u are a faithfull partner, no matter what way u go. and trandgendered doesnt mean u are gay. he, is now a she. thats it. if u were going bak and forth as bi sexual yourself, that might be a problem with maintaining present relationship, but other then that? also, the transgendered girl doesnt need everyone to know her private story... unless she herself reveals it to your present gf.


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Hi ladies, what do you think of a guy who is dating or have dated a transgendered girl? Say I tell my current girlfriend that one of my ex-girlfriends was a transexual girl. Would she freak out?
If I understand the definitions, 'transgendered' usually refers to a fully post op person who is the opposite of their birth anatomy. A transgendered boy has no penis, no testicles, full breasts, and a vagina. In other words, she's become a complete woman, but infertile. They are females. Women. However, I have no idea why a straight man would intentionally seek out a transgendered woman as a partner. But I have no problem with it whatsoever, any more than I do with a man who insists on a partner who has always been a female.

dude, welcome to NationThaiVisa.

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Most thai girls I know would not react well to this revelation. In fact I do not know a single one who would react well to hearing this, from my rich or poor friend, well educated or not educated, it would probably damage your chances of being seen in a good light. At worst disgust, at best the butt of a joke. Thailand "tolerates" transgender a lot better than most countries but secretly wishes it wasnt around. YMMV.

For me personally if you told me, I would instantly give you +1 points. I think it shows a lot of good character traits to be so honest and independent. But im not a girl or Thai.

If you're at all worried what your girlfriend might think, wait until she knows you well already and has decided you're a good guy inside, etc. Thais dont mind if you leave secrets until much later in your relationship, because thats how they do things. Patience and time and bit by bit.

Edited by OxfordWill
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Most thai girls I know would not react well to this revelation. In fact I do not know a single one who would react well to hearing this, from my rich or poor friend, well educated or not educated, it would probably damage your chances of being seen in a good light. At worst disgust, at best the butt of a joke. Thailand "tolerates" transgender a lot better than most countries but secretly wishes it wasnt around. YMMV.

For me personally if you told me, I would instantly give you +1 points. I think it shows a lot of good character traits to be so honest and independent. But im not a girl or Thai.

If you're at all worried what your girlfriend might think, wait until she knows you well already and has decided you're a good guy inside, etc. Thais dont mind if you leave secrets until much later in your relationship, because thats how they do things. Patience and time and bit by bit.

I would second that.

'Test the water' before you start revealing any 'dark' secrets.

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Perhaps the OP is putting the cart before the horse? Since he posted in another forum looking for transgender girls and he is now posting in here asking what straight girls think of guys who go out with transgender girls, it is starting to make me wonder.

Posted this in General but they closed it. Don't know why, I reckon its the same sort of posts like how in the ladies forum they ask "How to date a thai guy?", etc.

On to the topic: Where and how to know some decent transgendered/LB/kathoey girls in BKK? Not the ones working in the nightlife. I'm a straight young lad looking to make friends with some of them, and maybe a relationship even. How should I go about this?

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Is there really a need to talk about past relationships much? If she asks you your dating history, you can just tell her you had other relationships but you are focusing on the relationship you have now. No need to go into detail. If she worries about a vague answer, you can say that she has no need to worry, nothing to tell, you did nothing bad to anyone (well..if thats the truth!), and parted as friends (or not). Say you just you prefer not to talk in detail about the past as it makes you uncomfortable to discuss and you are with her now. If she 'discovers' you dated someone who was trans-gender and she has a problem with it, ask her to talk about it, and address the issues she brings up then.

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Hi ladies, what do you think of a guy who is dating or have dated a transgendered girl? Say I tell my current girlfriend that one of my ex-girlfriends was a transexual girl. Would she freak out?

It's impossible for anyone to say how your current girlfriend might react.

The single fact of having "dated" a transgendered girl is almost certainly not of supreme significance. Is your current girlfriend young/old/broad-minded ... ? and you, comparatively ...? (these might affect her reaction).

Most importantly, though, how would you describe your relationship -- solid, trusting, open and honest ?

That's what matters.

It seems you'd like to share this with her. Do you fear a negative reaction ? If so, why ?

I totally agree with this comment: "I would instantly give you +1 points. I think it shows a lot of good character traits to be so honest and independent."

I also agree that Thais will tend to "leak" any (perceived) negatives later rather than sooner (if ever).

All the same, I think it's an absolute essential of a strong relationship that you can be open with your partner and receive the same, in turn. Knowing your partner's romantic and sexual history tells you a good deal about them, and where they are coming from. In my own experience, sharing these experiences with eachother is one of the foundations of intimacy.

It is entirely natural to be curious about your partner's past, and sharing your stories lets you learn about each other's values and areas of possible sensitivity, as well as simply helping to establish trust.

Personally, I think you should be able to tell a partner about almost anything; even things you may find a little baffling or shameful. There should be no reason for shame about having been with a transgendered person. I fact, if I saw a strongly negative reaction from a partner on learning of this, I might revise my opinion of that partner somewhat :o . Is that what you fear ?

Edited by sylviex
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My problem is you are actively seeking a katoey - faire enough if you meet one and get along if that is your thing. However its the person you should get to know - not male/female/3rd gender.

Was that true of you Brit? Did you not actively go out looking for girls when you were looking for a date, or them having a penis or not make any difference to you?

Whatever kick's your boat dudeyone, if you are interested in Tx, then why are you worried about girls? Or are you just experimenting (not being judgemental, just wondering) - don't forget Tx's have feeling too though and may think there's a future with you, is there?

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Experimenting, not so sure. It just seems more appealing to me at this point. I would certainly take into consideration of their feelings and treat them like I would treat any girl. I don't know if there's a long term future or how it would work out honestly. But everyone is right, it should come out sooner or later. And if my partner is disgusted, so be it, we're probably not meant for each other anyway.

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Hi ladies, what do you think of a guy who is dating or have dated a transgendered girl? Say I tell my current girlfriend that one of my ex-girlfriends was a transexual girl. Would she freak out?

whats that??? a transexual girl? It must be a girl who wants to be a man or male.

If not its a transexual male who dresses in womans clothes???

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I have no experience of this and to my knowledge none of my mates have.Not even heard of a mate waking up next morning and being told that this guy next to you has had his meat and 2 veg chopped and a pussy made from the rest.

Now if you were saying a pre-op bloke who has breasts and a dick then it would make me feel sick.

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i have a couple of post-op transgendered girlfriends. one i met post op, and the other pre-op. i love them both as i love my other female friends, and have never thought of them as men. they are women.

i dont think it would make a difference to me who a man has dated in the past. the past is nothing to do with the current relationship.

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I don't know if anyone here is familiar with "Tula", the transgendered James Bond Girl (For Your Eyes Only)


A bit of information on her is here:


I think alot of this talk is a bit silly. If all the surgical procedures were done such that the former man is physically identical to a woman, why would anyone think he is gay or has other 'issues'. A beautiful female form is a beautiful female form. I would not ban Tula from my bedroom, and I do not think that makes me gay. I also do not think any actual gay man would be very interested in her.

As for telling a girl you are with about your past transexual GF, I would treat it as the same rule as I have for all my ex's-->just don't talk about it. Transgendered female or fully biological female...talking about your ex's is not a good thing. No one wants to hear either about how much you can't stand your ex or how much you miss your ex. Either way it's gonna cause problems in your relationships. Either she thinks you are an a*hole for not being able to end a relationship on good terms, or she's gonna think you still have a thing for your Ex.

An Ex is an Ex is an Ex. If you and your current love are in a long standing relationship...then you talk about it...if she asks. You don't do it in the beginning. Frankly whoever you were with in the past is not really your current girl's business because it happened before you met her.

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Just because the girls are thai, doesn't mean they can be any less narrow minded! That sounds like a pretty narrow minded response.

HOWEVER...generally talk of exes should not be encouraged. Don't hide any information...but unless it is having implications on your relationship I don't see why you should tell her. If it comes out naturally so be it. But announcing it to her out of the blue does make it seem a little like you are kind of 'coming out' in some way. It is nothing be ashamed of but I just don't see why it would be necessary to go into such personal detail about an ex.

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Experimenting, not so sure. It just seems more appealing to me at this point. I would certainly take into consideration of their feelings and treat them like I would treat any girl. I don't know if there's a long term future or how it would work out honestly. But everyone is right, it should come out sooner or later. And if my partner is disgusted, so be it, we're probably not meant for each other anyway.

Isn't this a bit like seeking out Bi-sexual females? For the thrill of it until you settle down more into some more 'normal' mode?

As a teenager I used to love to chase Bi and Lesbian women. Had great fun and a few conquests. I was kinky then :o

Nowadays I am broad minded enough to be of the opinion that whatever 'floats your boat', go for it. You may find true happiness.

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