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Pop-up Sprinkler's


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Need to fit some pop-up sprinkers to irrigate a lawn. I've seen some in HomePro which look abit basic, as well as the more 'heavy-duty' looking Naan 805's. Does anyone have any experience of the various brands available here - any to avoid/recommend ? Thanks.

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My only input is to buy those of a material that are dog proof. If dogs have access to the area they seem to use the plastic one as a chewing bone, thus replacement becomes regular. I have watched the dogs wait for sprinkler to kick on and run to the heads to have a drink/chew. Of course you could refer to the chicken killing topic to get ideas on training.

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post-32989-1239776034_thumb.jpgpost-32989-1239775999_thumb.jpgI have installed Rain bird about 3 or 4 years ago and have had no problems at all . They seem to be just about " bulletproof" I use 1- 4 station controler and a 6 station controler I have 3 sprinklers conected to each station. I also had to install a 800 liter water tank as my village water system cannot provide the needed volume quickly enough.


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Hello regedit, Super Products carries Nelson and Walla Walla USA brands for yard systems, Nelson 4/6/8/12 zone controllers, valves and valve boxes. Sprinkler heads come in, (degrees) 90, 120, 180, 240, 270, 360 and square and strip(good for flower beads). Heads can also be used on fixed risers.

Galcon controllers, valves and self controlled valves(built in timer).

rice555 'looking at the catalog'

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http://www.nelsonirrigation.com/ Yes, this Nelson!

Our Focus

Nelson Irrigation Corporation is headquartered in Walla Walla, Washington, USA. We plan, design, develop, manufacture and sell proprietary products for the agricultural irrigation equipment market. We are focused on doing things that improve the state of the art of agricultural irrigation – saving water, saving energy and doing a better job of irrigating. We believe that irrigated agriculture is absolutely essential to sustaining and improving the standard of living of a growing world population. As we move into the 21st century, water will be the most precious element on the face of the earth. We will have to produce more food and fiber on less land with less water. We feel that we have a relevant product line and that the new products we are working on will make us part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

They also have a place in OZ.

Walla Walla Whites are great onions.


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Super products are less expensive & easier to get online manuals than Rainbird. I like their selection better also. Global home carries & offers great prices as well. 30% of home pros or home works bird line.

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