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Moo Baan Music On Full Blast Again


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Sawasdee Khrup, TV Friends,

Once again our local loudspeakers attached to telephone pole are blaring, only it's not 6PM when they usually have a quiet program of a speech followed by some music; it's not an emergency I know of (like the floods three (four ?) years ago), to my knowledge no one of great importance to the country has died.

No : it's afternoon, and the music playing is corny luk theung complete with western style rock guitar riffs.

To my knowledge the major Thai event on the horizon, culturally, will be the beginning of Vassa (Awk Pansa) about July 8. This seems like an early and out-of-tune warm-up for Vassa.

So maybe the Phu Yai Moo Baan's son or daughter wants to be a deejay and has been given the keys to the sound equipment ?

Just curious if this is also happening at noon in your neighborhood.

It was a quiet neighborhood :)

thanks, ~o:37;

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Where Iam at now, it happens in the morning, around noon and also around 6 (1800 )

There is also one guy who drives around in a smaller p/u truck with I swear, psyop speakers on it and the other day while I was on my morning run, he waited until he got right up next to me, clicked on the speakers and commenced wailing away. :)

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Sawasdee Khrup, TV Friends,

Once again our local loudspeakers attached to telephone pole are blaring, only it's not 6PM when they usually have a quiet program of a speech followed by some music; it's not an emergency I know of (like the floods three (four ?) years ago), to my knowledge no one of great importance to the country has died.

No : it's afternoon, and the music playing is corny luk theung complete with western style rock guitar riffs.

To my knowledge the major Thai event on the horizon, culturally, will be the beginning of Vassa (Awk Pansa) about July 8. This seems like an early and out-of-tune warm-up for Vassa.

So maybe the Phu Yai Moo Baan's son or daughter wants to be a deejay and has been given the keys to the sound equipment ?

Just curious if this is also happening at noon in your neighborhood.

It was a quiet neighborhood :)

thanks, ~o:37;

was in chiang khian village at around 1pm and was the same there. public address coming through the speakers rather than music though.

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Is it really worth living in the sticks?

I do miss CM...

Breakfast at Bake and Bite, mummmm

This morning for breakfast I was handed a plate with a deep fried fish on it.

But it sure is nice in the evening, no horns, no sirens, and no screaming motorcycles.

No traffic on the road during my runs.

Everybody waves at the "man from Mars".. :)

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Is it really worth living in the sticks?

I do miss CM...

Breakfast at Bake and Bite, mummmm

This morning for breakfast I was handed a plate with a deep fried fish on it.

But it sure is nice in the evening, no horns, no sirens, and no screaming motorcycles.

No traffic on the road during my runs.

Everybody waves at the "man from Mars".. :)

Sounds nice. I've lived in Vientiane and Korat, but never a really small town or village. Being able to go for a run and breathe clean air is good. No traffic jams is good. Maybe village or small town life is the way to go in LOS. But why the loudspeakers? It sounds like North Korea?

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Ah, you guys haven't lived until a festival arrives where they block off your street and block your car in your driveway erecting a sound stage with 5-metre high walls of speakers. Without bothering to notify you.

We had to clear out and go to a hotel 30 km away - for four days. I would have been happy to do that anyway, if I had been given notice. But my wife went to the head of admin, who called in the owner of the local electric shop who was sponsoring this lunacy, and he paid for the hotel.

They even razed some vacant lots on the street to make room for the merry-makers. The owners were none too happy about that, either. And the council were very good afterwards - I understand that they cleaned up almost 3/4 of the mess that was left.

When the lease runs out on my wife's shop in October, we're moving to Udon. Life in East Overshoe, Third Buckle Up has gotten a bit...disheartening...for both of us.

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Is it really worth living in the sticks?

I do miss CM...

Breakfast at Bake and Bite, mummmm

This morning for breakfast I was handed a plate with a deep fried fish on it.

But it sure is nice in the evening, no horns, no sirens, and no screaming motorcycles.

No traffic on the road during my runs.

Everybody waves at the "man from Mars".. :)

Sounds nice. I've lived in Vientiane and Korat, but never a really small town or village. Being able to go for a run and breathe clean air is good. No traffic jams is good. Maybe village or small town life is the way to go in LOS. But why the loudspeakers? It sounds like North Korea?

Sorry, double posting due to "flooding" message.

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Is it really worth living in the sticks?

I do miss CM...

Breakfast at Bake and Bite, mummmm

This morning for breakfast I was handed a plate with a deep fried fish on it.

But it sure is nice in the evening, no horns, no sirens, and no screaming motorcycles.

No traffic on the road during my runs.

Everybody waves at the "man from Mars".. :D

Sounds nice. I've lived in Vientiane and Korat, but never a really small town or village. Being able to go for a run and breathe clean air is good. No traffic jams is good. Maybe village or small town life is the way to go in LOS. But why the loudspeakers? It sounds like North Korea?


They announce the news and happinings ( new word..just made it up ) from around the Realm and the village..

The guy in the truck with the psyop speeks...have no idea what he's yakin' about. Allot of Lao intermixxed ( another new spelling of a older word..I just made this one up to :D ) in and quite possibly the guy has been toasting his SamSong all morning, and he also holds the microphone to close to his sewer to understand a darn word he says..but he does enjoy saying it to me for some reason, on his psyop speeks cranked up "full".

( if you have ever been around, well, lets say vehicles in Nogales, MX., playing their "uupa uppa" full bore and have done so for so long, the speakers are cracked..thats what he sounds like..)

It is all in all, an interesting slant on life.

And I can now run on asphalt, not concrete!

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Oh yeah...

The locals drive like shit here. Never seen it this bad. Makes Chiang Mai driving feel safe.

I'll have to get a picture of the "Kowboy Kadalac" as it putts down the road for ya.. Stuffed full of workers, looks like a Jethro Bodine freak show on the move. I laughed for a good 15 minutes.

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My in laws live right next to the speakes and the first time I heard them I almost soiled myself when the phuyai bahn started his talk at 0600. When I decided to build here I drove down to the building site when the speakers were wailing and made sure I couldn't hear it well there, I told the wife I couldn't possibly deal with that. Now the house is finished I haven't heard it once, but as for weddings etc. I can't say too much as I had a massive stage and dancers etc. but we had the good manners to knock it on the head at about 1900 hrs.

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Sawasdee Khrup, TV Friends,

Once again our local loudspeakers attached to telephone pole are blaring, only it's not 6PM when they usually have a quiet program of a speech followed by some music; it's not an emergency I know of (like the floods three (four ?) years ago), to my knowledge no one of great importance to the country has died.

No : it's afternoon, and the music playing is corny luk theung complete with western style rock guitar riffs.

To my knowledge the major Thai event on the horizon, culturally, will be the beginning of Vassa (Awk Pansa) about July 8. This seems like an early and out-of-tune warm-up for Vassa.

So maybe the Phu Yai Moo Baan's son or daughter wants to be a deejay and has been given the keys to the sound equipment ?

Just curious if this is also happening at noon in your neighborhood.

It was a quiet neighborhood :D

thanks, ~o:37;

Mate; I symphatize with you. I was rudely introduced to this absurd phenomena when visiting my wifes home; a small farm (220 Rai) between Kabin Buri <> Sae Keow; approx. 2 hour drive from our home in Pattaya.

I particularly love the mornings there; so tranquil, so peaceful and still fairly cool . . . . . I would sit there, with my bowl of coffee and slowly, heavenly wake-up, taking in the "Real Thailand" view and count my blessings. My wife and I have been married for 17 years and her mom & dad are super-people and I keep counting my blessings.

A year or so back, I am going through this morning-ritual, enjoying the hel_l out of it, when suddenly, for no apparent reason, from the top of the light-post accross the sandy road came this incredibly loud noise. And I mean 1,000,000 decibels of volume, from this relativelly small speaker. All of a suden, I thought I was in some big Shopping Mall, where some idiots on microphones triy to sell or promote Toyota Pick-Up trucks, or something like that.


The 'peace' and 'quiet' were rudely interrupted by this incredbly horrible voice, with intermittent horrible and horribly sounding music, again at an incredible volume.

I sat as frozen by an unexpected nuclear blast and actually started shaking; it had sared the living daylights out of me.

When I sort of recoverd, I asked my father-in-law what the hel_l was going on. He (being used to this idiotic crap) nodded; it had started a few weeks ago and they really disliked it too. "What are you going to do about it" I asked him. Then he looked me straight in the eyes and I saw him think - hmmm, yeah; one CAN do something about it . . . . So I went inside and came out with a pair of plyers, which he took from my hands, sauntered across the road; proceeded to effortlesly climb that pole (he was 65 at the time) and when he reached the point where the wire was attached to the speaker, he simply snipped that wire and the blissful peace & quiet instantly replaced that blaring garbage !

A few months later I asked how it went with the noise problem; oh well, he said, they came to fix it once, so I cut it again - after that they never bothered to hook it up again. It's been tranquil and peaceful eversince.


Ha, ha, ha,


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Hey This is Thailand(TIT), my friend, get use to it and move on with the best things you enjoy in Thailand, be it watching the pretty girls over a :D:D cold beer or just having a big old plate of :D:D Cow-Pot and big old Leo Beer to wash it down with, move on Enjoy!! :)

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