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steven100 last won the day on September 9 2022

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  1. I can see Trump running into so many roadblocks if he keeps up the yap yap yapping, he think's he can have his decisions implemented straight away, and that's where he's wrong, there will be so much push back & back peddling it will get so boring because that's all we'll hear about for the next year. Back to court, back to court .... bla bla bla ..... so unprofessional, even a 10 yr old would understand that .... imo
  2. well, he needs to start acting like a professional instead of a yap yap Chihuahua dog ...... Xi is 10 x more professional than Trump because he keeps quite and only speaks rational decisions and not continued rabbiting on as Trump does.
  3. I'll wait until the movie comes out ...
  4. I only read the first sentence and that was enough for me .... I'm not wasting my life reading that junk.... haha
  5. you really need to get a hobby
  6. disgusting creeps .... the son needs to get the hell as far away from that family as he possibly can and go live with a relative or good responsible friend. sicko Thais. but nothing surprises me here ....
  7. they tried that several times, but they kept getting robbed of they're gold neck chains
  8. I went to a full on Chinese restaurant a few days ago, where the cook was full Chinese but could speak some english. I ordered Chinese honey chicken and fried rice. After I had the meal I wanted to tell the cook how tough the chicken meat was ..... I got up to leave and told the cook ... ' the chicken was very rubbery ' he replied ' oh ...' fank you .. fank you vewy much , lubbery chicken ' .... I replied ' rubbery ' .... not lovely !!
  9. Another pointless response. Maybe it is time for you to leave?
  10. I find it strange that yelling at someone here does little and usually makes the situation worse, yet when a thai woman is arguing with someone they will scream at each other to see who is the loudest. They will always threaten to call the police in any tiny or big situation, that's their answer to all confrontations .... they will call then at the drop of a hat as they know the cops will take the Thai's side over farang.
  11. completely understandable, that can make a person shoot someone
  12. some places are like that, some places are ok. I think they just have a bad attitude and are not customer friendly. If that happens I don't go back.
  13. well go chase a cow

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