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Do You Really Feel Superior,

Doctor John

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I ask this because so many posters seem to have that attitude.

Looking at so many threads there is nothing but critisism for just about everything pertaining to Thailand or Thai people.

Huge generalizations on a population that appear to be seen as tolerated objects rather then Human beings, and of course totally untrustworthy and unworthy of your attentions, ( take a good long look in the mirror ), yet you continue to grace them with your presence .

You just know Farangs could do much better if they controlled Thailand, yet your own countries are in a mess and they are run by Farangs.

I know that if everybody agreed on every subject the forum would be pretty boring, but I am quite sure that most of you cannot really agree with all the bad posts about Thais and Thailand, I think if you do you must be very unhappy in LOS, and I must wonder why you do not leave.

Why torture yourselves by staying? :o

And this is not a Troll post, it is based on YOUR posts showing a superior attitude, which I find amusing and daft. :D

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thks John for nice subject !

but be carefull - if you ain't labled as troll - you might be acused of "political correctness" or some other thing. or simply mocked and ridiculed.... although a lot of things had and still do change here - it is a fact...

I don't feel superior to Thai ppl - or to anyone in this regard.

although relatively speaking I could start to name people towards whom I am/ could be superior - oh, that guy collecting garbage, or motorbike taxi driver or that woman doing 'this' (let's not to mention ! :o) what's the point to do that?

what about you, John ?

you didn't tell your own opinion. by inviting to conversation on particular subject it is good if one expresses his opinion about it first. well, yeah - by the nature and tone of your post it is implied that you neither feel so. but it would be good nevetheless if you say so - and perhaps explain a bit - why etc.

superiority or inferiority - are two extremes, or fabulous two sides of the same coin. we are neither. especially because everything is relative in this world.

so, I think it is not a main question. because most of people will start to mesure themselves against or compare with Thais or whoever. each particular individual - Thai or farang or HUMAN as you nicely mentioned would always be more/ less superior / inferior to some other indivudual (s)

the main point as I see it - humility. not very popular term or quality nowdays. people misunderstand it. humility - doesn't mean feeling inferior to someone or intimidated or even slavery.... it is simply - knowing one's position in this world and among fellow humans - and acting accordingly. in other words - knowing one's good and bad qualities, keeping one's dignity and self-esteem NOT on expence of belittling of other fellows - but at the same time giving due credits to others.

I think many other things can be said and I trust there are many here who can say better and more. let's see what response it'll get....

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I love Thailand but some things about it infuriate me, same as anywhere really, sometimes you just got to rant about it, it helps let off steam. Don't worry about it Doc, I would think that the vast majority here do have more good than bad experiences, but unfortunatly people just go on about the bad more, ce la vie

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I am inferior to nobody and superior to nobody. I may know more than a lot of people, but I also know less than a lot of people. I shall still be learning till the day I die,and still only have learned a zillionth of life. Above all I am me and no-body else. I hope this eases your worry about the human race Dr. :o

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....yet you continue to grace them with your presence....Why torture yourselves by staying?

First, it doesn't seem to have occurred to you that a great many foreigners are in Thailand, not because they love the whole idea of living in a Third World country, but because they MUST be here for one reason or another.

Second, speaking for myself, I'm pretty sick of these I-am-more-Thai-than-you-because-I'm-so-frigging-tolerant-it-hurts-my-butt threads. If you are so anxious to express the greatness of your humanity by claiming tolerance and brotherhood even with the half-witted ways Thais frequently behave, please give at least a thought to extending the same degree of tolerance and brotherhood toward your fellow foreigners who are stuck here when they'd rather be somewhere else. In other words, get off your high horse and give everyone a break, mate, not just the race you're in love with today.

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....yet you continue to grace them with your presence....Why torture yourselves by staying?

First, it doesn't seem to have occurred to you that a great many foreigners are in Thailand, not because they love the whole idea of living in a Third World country, but because they MUST be here for one reason or another.

Second, speaking for myself, I'm pretty sick of these I-am-more-Thai-than-you-because-I'm-so-frigging-tolerant-it-hurts-my-butt threads. If you are so anxious to express the greatness of your humanity by claiming tolerance and brotherhood even with the half-witted ways Thais frequently behave, please give at least a thought to extending the same degree of tolerance and brotherhood toward your fellow foreigners who are stuck here when they'd rather be somewhere else. In other words, get off your high horse and give everyone a break, mate, not just the race you're in love with today.


I F'kin love a good scrap, ok boys in your corners and come out fighting!!!!

I wouldn't stand for that Doc...and he said your pint was ugly

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I like to think I treat everyone with the same measure of respect that I would like to receive. What gives me the right to look down on anyone, nothing does, by the same token what gives anyone else the right to look down on me, whether they be farang or thai, when my actions/attitude etc have not warranted it? It is a two way street, so why now do some young thai's look at me as if I have just run off with the family silver?

Maybe Dr.John you should also direct this question at some of the Thai populace who snigger and pass comments when I am out with my girlfriend, whom I live with. All I have done is put money into the Thai economy. I have also done something they would never dream of doing, taking on a divorced Thai woman and her 2 children, making sure they can live together as a family unit, giving them a good education, ensuring that they do not go hungry etc.,etc. I know that I am not alone in doing this that there are lots of guys out in a similar position to me. So what gives some of the Thai's the right to look down their nose at me?

If we are going to be politically correct, lets all be politically correct.

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. If you are so anxious to express the greatness of your humanity by claiming tolerance and brotherhood even with the half-witted ways Thais frequently behave

Recognise yourself in my post did you?

Thanks for acting as an example of the type of Farang I am talking about, you have given a fine demonstration of a typical farang that has these issues, saves me dragging up old posts.

Cheers. :o

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And this is not a Troll post, it is based on YOUR posts showing a superior attitude, which I find amusing and daft.  :o

Speaking of superior attitudes Dr John, how do you explain your posts which called all of the rest of us farungs "sexpats" or saying that we all stink, or basicly lumping us all together with the odd pattaya bum, or the rubber raincoat brigade. What do you say about YOUR posts which we all found amusing and daft because you seemed to think that every farung in Thailand was bad except of course you?

Are you ready to apoligise to the rest of us (most of us) who are faithfull to both our wives and our showers for lumping us together with the minority who have tainted your view of all farungs?


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. If you are so anxious to express the greatness of your humanity by claiming tolerance and brotherhood even with the half-witted ways Thais frequently behave

Recognise yourself in my post did you?

Thanks for acting as an example of the type of Farang I am talking about, you have given a fine demonstration of a typical farang that has these issues, saves me dragging up old posts.

Cheers. :o

You take one part out of a a very truthfull post and then procede to take the piss out of it.

I dislike the extremes from both sides.The hard core sex tourist and the better than the rest expat.Both have issues.

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And this is not a Troll post, it is based on YOUR posts showing a superior attitude, which I find amusing and daft.   :D

Speaking of superior attitudes Dr John, how do you explain your posts which called all of the rest of us farungs "sexpats" or saying that we all stink, or basicly lumping us all together with the odd pattaya bum, or the rubber raincoat brigade. What do you say about YOUR posts which we all found amusing and daft because you seemed to think that every farung in Thailand was bad except of course you?

Are you ready to apoligise to the rest of us (most of us) who are faithfull to both our wives and our showers for lumping us together with the minority who have tainted your view of all farungs?


I have never attacked any individual poster as being a sexpat or exploiter, if people can see themselves in my posts, then it is because they associate themselves with that post.

The guilty will feel the spotlight is on them. :o

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When you use the term "All Farungs" its pretty clear what you mean. You take a holier than thou attitude that you are so much better than everybody else. That is why 99% of people on this board think of you as a big joke who is probably hiding something as you seem to protest too much.

Next time don't be such a wuss and try standing behind what you say. Nobody respects a coward.


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That is why 99% of people on this board think of you as a big joke who is probably hiding something as you seem to protest too much.


You see how I am singled out for special treatment by not joining in with the Thai bashing?

This is also an example.

Thanks, keep em coming. :o

You can't even read as I've taken both issue, and actions against those who go over the line bashing Thailand. Go ahead and play the victim Doctor... you are so much better than us... show us the proper way will you good sir?



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....yet you continue to grace them with your presence....Why torture yourselves by staying?

First, it doesn't seem to have occurred to you that a great many foreigners are in Thailand, not because they love the whole idea of living in a Third World country, but because they MUST be here for one reason or another.

Second, speaking for myself, I'm pretty sick of these I-am-more-Thai-than-you-because-I'm-so-frigging-tolerant-it-hurts-my-butt threads. If you are so anxious to express the greatness of your humanity by claiming tolerance and brotherhood even with the half-witted ways Thais frequently behave, please give at least a thought to extending the same degree of tolerance and brotherhood toward your fellow foreigners who are stuck here when they'd rather be somewhere else. In other words, get off your high horse and give everyone a break, mate, not just the race you're in love with today.

I agree with Old Asia hand, it doesn't make you a better person on the whole becuase you are more tolerant of certain peoples ways.

I don't know if you've ever tried to conduct serious business with Thai's Doc but its an extreamly unefficiant precedure compared to abroad.

I don't see MYSELF as superior to Thai people, what I do see is that certain ways things are delt with in Thailand ARE inferior compared to western standards .i.e chain of communication.

You can argue about this untill your blue in the face, it's a fact and theres no changing it .

I'm happy in and around Thailand, married to one, would rather be here then the UK, but that doesn't mean I think everything here is great, and I uphold my right as a free person to express my happiness or fustration.

And I use this forum to do both.

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I agree with Old Asia hand, it doesn't make you a better person on the whole becuase you are more tolerant of certain peoples ways.

Of course it does not make anybody better or worse for being tolerant, and my post is not directed at any particular poster, it is directed at many posters who are always complaining about Thailand and Thai people.

It's not personal, it's just business. :o

Edited by Doctor John
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I agree with Old Asia hand, it doesn't make you a better person on the whole becuase you are more tolerant of certain peoples ways.

Of course it does not make anybody better or worse for being tolerant, and my post is not directed at any particular poster, it is directed at many posters who are always complaining about Thailand and Thai people.

It's not personal, it's just business. :D

So why don't we start a thread about people who complain about farangs in thailand. Won't you be the first prime example Begs? sorry Dr john

If we have one prejudiced mind here it's probably yours :o

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I agree with Old Asia hand, it doesn't make you a better person on the whole becuase you are more tolerant of certain peoples ways.

I don't know if you've ever tried to conduct serious business with Thai's Doc but its an extreamly unefficiant precedure compared to abroad.

what I do see is that certain ways things are delt with in Thailand ARE inferior compared  to western standards .i.e chain of communication.

You can argue about this untill your blue in the face, it's a fact and theres no changing it .

have you ever dealt with a spanish or greek builder??

It is just a change in attitude that is needed, just play by their rules and you will be ok.

you say that in certain ways things are inferior in thailand, therefore some things are better, so stop moaning is all the good Doctor is saying, Have you ever had furniture delivered within ten minuets of purchase? you get your drinks poured for you abroad? you get waited on hand and foot for a 20bt meal?

You are not in the west so why bother comparing their standards it seems very counter productive. we all have our gripes and can express them some people seem to be taking themselves far too seriously.

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I agree with Old Asia hand, it doesn't make you a better person on the whole becuase you are more tolerant of certain peoples ways.

Of course it does not make anybody better or worse for being tolerant, and my post is not directed at any particular poster, it is directed at many posters who are always complaining about Thailand and Thai people.

It's not personal, it's just business. :D

Exactly! It's just business! Alot of the venters are complaining about just that, perhaps becuase they have to be here for just that purpose, and I feel for them, business is the hardest thing to conduct in an efficiant/logical manner in LOS!

If I had nothing else here but work, I think I'd be wacko by now! :o

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somebody just removed my quoteable, who was that drunk who just came in here shouting???

Who's that aimed at Twars?

I don't think anyone could be having a worse 'bad hair day' than you, Mr hairpiece theif! :o

"Er ok quotes changed on me(??)!"

Edited by Shola
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So why don't we start a thread about people who complain about farangs in thailand.

Wow, I certainly did not expect such a hostile response to a thread, I repeat, My post was not aimed at any individual personally.

Why is everybody so defensive?

Their just bored and this forum ain't seen a good scrap since The Gent & Basher used to post here.

It's pretty tame these days... :o

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