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Japanese Voted World's Best Tourists By Hoteliers


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Japanese voted world's best tourists by hoteliers

Announcement / Corporate July 09, 2009, 20:14 IST

British and Canadians rank 2nd and 3rd among the 27 nationalities in second annual global Expedia Best Tourist Survey.

The second annual global Best Tourist Survey, conducted by Expedia®, the world’s leading online travel company, has ranked the Japanese as the world’s best tourists overall among the 27 nationalities surveyed.

Around 4,500 hoteliers across the globe provided their opinions on the best travellers overall, as well as on specific categories including politeness, generosity, behaviour, tidiness, fashion sense, willingness to try and speak the local language, and the propensity to complain.

Like last year, the Japanese won the top prize, with hoteliers worldwide naming them as the world’s best tourists. They were ranked not only as the quietest and most polite, but also the cleanest and least likely to complain. The British again came in second place overall, followed by the Canadians.

The survey also revealed that the French hold the unenviable reputation for being the world’s worst tourists. According to hoteliers, as well as being the most frugal and meanest tippers, they can also lay claim to being the most impolite tourists.

Arthur Hoffman, Managing Director, Expedia Asia Pacific, says: “Hoteliers are experts when it comes to interacting with tourists and the annual global Expedia Best Tourist Survey presents some interesting and intriguing perceptions about tourists from around the world.”

The Best and the Worst in this year’s Expedia Best Tourist Survey:

* Worldwide, the Japanese, British, Canadians, Germans and Australians are considered the most polite nations.

* The top three loudest nations are the Americans, Italians and the Spanish

* After the Americans and the British, the next biggest tippers are the Germans and the Japanese

* Canadians and Swiss were the other nationalities named as least likely to complain

From: Business-Standard.com/India

French tourists seen as world's worst: survey

From: http://www.reuters.com/article/lifestyleMo...E56829Z20090709


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World's best tourist rankings

July 10, 2009 12:00am

OVERALL "best" tourist rankings, according to online travel company Expedia.

1. Japanese

2. British

3. Canadians

4. Germans

5. Swiss

6. Dutch

6. Australians

8. Swedish

8. Americans

10. Danes

10. Norwegians

10. Finnish

10. Belgians

14. Austrian

14. New Zealanders

16. Thais

17. Portuguese

17. Czechs

19. Italians

19. Irish

19. Brazilians

22. Polish

22. South Africans

24. Turkish

24. Greeks

26. Spanish

27. French



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Best Tourist Survey says Australians loud but polite

By Colin Brinsden

July 10, 2009 12:00am

AUSTRALIANS may be among the loudest travellers, but overall they are polite, don't whinge, and are well behaved, a new survey has found.

post-13995-1247177962_thumb.jpg Loud but polite and well-behaved ... Aussie tourists. Picture: Bill Hearne

In its second annual global Best Tourist Survey, online travel company Expedia found hoteliers around the world rank Australians the sixth-best tourists among 27 nationalities surveyed.

This is one notch higher than last year's ranking.

"It's encouraging to see that Australians continue to be regarded as good-natured among hoteliers around the world," Expedia Australia's Louise Crompton said releasing the results yesterday.

"While our loudness might land us in trouble sometimes, overall Australians ought to be proud of these results."

Japanese tourists retained the top prize as the world's best tourists, being ranked the quietest and most polite, as well as the cleanest and least likely to complain.

British tourists held second spot overall, being the biggest tippers after the Americans, and most polite after the Japanese, but ahead of the Canadians, who came third overall.

After the Japanese, Canadians and the Swiss were seen as the least likely to complain.

The French hold the unenviable reputation for being the world's worst tourists, being the most frugal and meanest tippers, as well as the most impolite.

The survey is compiled from opinions of about 4,500 hoteliers across the globe on behaviour, spending habits, fashion sense and willingness to speak the local language.

Australians were complimented for being sparing in their complaints (3rd place), being polite (4th), their willingness to speak the local language (5th) and their good behaviour (5th).

But they also ranked fourth loudest, behind Americans, Italians and the Spanish.

The results should inspire Australians to keep up their general reputation for being considerate tourists, Ms Crompton said.

"(But) there is room for improvement in areas where we are less well regarded, like being a little more conscious of our noise levels."



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Kiwi Tourists Rank Among The Most Tight-fisted Spenders In The Second Annual Global Expedia Best Tourist Survey

Thursday, 9 July, 2009 - 14:38

Auckland, 09 July 2009 - The second annual global Best Tourist Survey, conducted by leading online travel company Expedia®, has ranked Kiwis as the sixth most stingy tourists among the 27 nationalities surveyed. However, Kiwis managed to fare better overall, ranking 14th as the world's Best Tourists. They also performed well in the politeness stakes and for being sparing in their complaints (10th place and 9th place respectively).

Around 4,500 hoteliers across the globe provided their opinions on the best travellers overall, as well as on specific categories including behaviour, spending habits, fashion sense and willingness to try and speak the local language.

The Japanese retained the top prize, with hoteliers worldwide naming them the world's best tourists. They ranked not only as the quietest and most polite, but also the cleanest and least likely to complain. The British again came in second place overall, followed by the Canadians.

The survey also revealed that the French hold the unenviable reputation for being the world's worst tourists. According to hoteliers, as well as being the most frugal and meanest tippers, they can also lay claim to being the most impolite tourists.

Kiwis are considered more courteous with noise levels their Trans-Tasman counterparts, ranked 16th loudest as opposed to Australians, who were ranked 4th loudest. However, New Zealand travellers were seen as the less generous tippers and less likely to attempt the local language, coming in 19th and 14th place respectively, compared with Australians who came in 5th place for both categories.

Louise Crompton at Expedia New Zealand said, "It's encouraging to see that New Zealanders are regarded as good-natured and polite among hoteliers around the world. That said, being more conscious of tipping etiquette and learning some words from the local language could see New Zealand even higher on the Expedia Best Tourist list next year," Ms Crompton concluded.

Expedia.co.nz Top Tips for Kiwi tourists to lift our rankings in next year's Expedia Best Tourist Survey:

Wisen up: Be mindful of the local practices of the locations you are travelling in so you do not inadvertently cause insult or offence to the locals As a minimum, learn basic words from the local language such as how to say 'hello' and 'good-bye' and 'please' and 'thank you'; the locals will appreciate the effort Be environmentally conscious: while you might be tempted to take a longer shower than usual when on holiday, be mindful of the local water supplies Get the latest gadgets: travelling with a digital translator or navigational device can make you a more sophisticated and streetwise tourist

The Best and the Worst in this year's Expedia Best Tourist Survey:

Worldwide, the Japanese, British, Canadians, Germans and Australians are considered the most polite nations. The top three loudest nations are the Americans, Italians and the Spanish After the Americans and the British, the next biggest tippers are the Germans and the Japanese After the Japanese, the Canadians, Swiss, Australians and Dutch were the other top five nationalities named as least likely to complain

Overall Ranking

1 Japanese 14= New Zealanders 2 British 16 Thais 3 Canadians 17= Portuguese 4 Germans 17= Czechs 5 Swiss 19= Italians 6= Dutch 19= Irish 6= Australians 19= Brazilians 8= Swedish 22= Polish 8= Americans 22= South Africans 10= Danes 24= Turkish 10= Norwegians 24= Greeks 10= Finnish 26 Spanish 10= Belgians 27 French 14= Austrian



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Americans Considered Noisy And Not The Best Dressers

By eTN | Jun 04, 2008

post-13995-1247178400_thumb.jpg image from: saatchi-gallery.co.uk

Expedia® today released the findings of a global survey seeking to crown the world's best tourists and measure travelers based on their best and worst travel traits and habits. More than 4,000 hoteliers from across the globe provided opinions on the best overall travelers, as well as 10 specific categories grading popularity, behavior, manners, willingness to learn the language and try local cuisine, generosity, tidiness, volume, fashion sense and propensity to complain.

The Japanese won top prize and are considered by hoteliers across the globe as overall the best tourists. German and British tourists tied for second place, followed by the Canadians and Swiss. American tourists came in at number 11 overall.

Americans lead the way with putting effort into learning a few key sayings in the local language and sampling local delicacies. The French, Chinese and Japanese were the least likely to incorporate the local language, and the Chinese, Indians and Japanese have the least interest in the culinary styles of the places they visit. Americans are also considered the most generous, followed by the Canadians and Russians.

In contrast to American generosity and willingness to absorb local culture, they are considered to be noisy tourists, along with the Italians and British. Additionally, Americans are said to complain about accommodations, along with the Germans and French -- and are also among the least tidy hotel guests. Lastly, Americans fall to the bottom of the list when it comes to fashion sense, with the ever stylish Italians and French taking top prize.

"Hoteliers are the experts when it comes to interacting with tourists, so as the busy summer travel season approaches and vacationers prepare for their own travel experiences, we thought it would be fun to present some of their common perceptions regarding tourists from all around the world," said Karyn Thale, travel expert, Expedia.com®. "We hope the results inspire Americans to keep up their generosity and cultural curiosity and convince them to leave the white tennis shoes and fanny packs at home!"



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I have to put in a word for the yanks. Although there are more than a few loud "Ugly American" types out there, the rest of them seem to try really hard to overcome this, making them among the most polite I have to deal with.

The loud boorish ones supply endless entertainment. :)

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Some things I find a little suspect - especially regarding the tourists to Thailand.

No doubt the hotels they surveyed included the likes of The Oriental and similar, but what about interviewing a few hotels in Pattaya. Me thinks the demographics would change.

Brits the 2nd biggest tippers - interesting. All the one's I know are the tightest. :)

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This survey result is amazingly "silent" about the Indians, Arabs, and mainland Chinese... Why?

Note: Don't answer the question above unless you promise you'll say something good or at least neutral about those 3 wonderfully polite and pleasant tourist groups above...



Edited by junkofdavid2
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I didn't see Israel on the list. Alot come on holiday to Thailand. but maybe they don't holiday worldwide enough to be considered on the list by the pollsters.

Glad to see the Brits are up there in 3 categories at least. Nearly best tippers, nearly the loudest and nearly best overall! Well of course, we invented 'manners'.

I don't suppose the French are the least bit bothered about being bottom, with exception of the (extreemly polite and normally educated/ in the hospitality business themselves) ones who are so embarressed by their fellow countryman's attitude and behaviour whilst abroad.

Regards Bojo

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I find it amazing that Americans are even on the list at all. According to the eurosnobs, 99.9% of Americans don't even have a passport and there are no airplanes with enough power to lift their fat bodies overseas anyway.

Wow, that was bit below the belt!

regards Bojo

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I worked in the high-end hotel business in Hawaii for 22 years and agree the Japanese visitors rank high.

Also, professional gay couples, those in a committed relationship, were known to be free spending, good tippers, and well behaved.

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Hello every body. (please, notice how polite...)

What? What? What?

French are not polite? Come oooon!

Complaining??? Neeeever! (really not the kind)... By the way, as a french, I would like to say that this is a scandal! Ranking us as the worst tourists... Pffff. It's not complaining to say when something goes wrong... It's helping! You, non french, don't understand nothing! (Did they also speak about or modesty?) :D

Not paying tips? Well, for sure, if we allready paid for the service! Why should we pay more? (not our type neither to be chitten or to pay more than "what it worth")... :)

AND WE ARE NOT SPEAKING AS LOUD AS ITALIANS!!! (OK, not as well dressed also...) :D

To finish I would say all this survey is just a mascarade! :D

PS: please don't rank me in the worst english langage users... Not my fault, I'm french!

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Brits the 2nd biggest tippers - interesting. All the one's I know are the tightest. :D

Great minds think alike, James. The British tip? :D


While our business caters to budget travellers, I have to say while the Japanese may be clean and polite, they can be extremely demanding, when they can communicate with you, that is. They are some of the hardest to deal with, IME, mainly because they cannot speak English very well and cannot understand English very well. Many of the Japanese I have met cannot at all. That said, for those very few who do speak English well, they are lovely people.

We get mainly young people in our place, under 30, and I have to say that we rarely have awful ones and when we do I am quite cognizant of the concept that awful people can come from any nation. That said, our (Thai) staff does not like to have Thai people as they are generally very demanding and treat the staff like servants. Australian, Kiwi, Canadian, American, British and European budget travellers are usually very easy to deal with, lots of fun and I have made many good and close friends with our guests over the years.

I couldn't say there is a "worst" and a "best" nationality because really, it does all depend on the individual

But, I can't say that many british are good tippers :D.

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The French hold the unenviable reputation for being the world's worst tourists, being the most frugal and meanest tippers, as well as the most impolite.



I admit that the french are far from being the best tourists in the world, but I think they do not deserve the last place either.

what about the chinese, the Arab countries.......

As for being the most impolite tourists it is totally false, i use to work in the tourist industry and by experience i can say that tourists from many arab countries and some chinese are far more impolite.

This survey is a :) . It's based on money only.

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For these hoteliers to base their judgement on travellers' willingness to tip and reluctance to complain, doesn't reflect that well on the hoteliers and to be high on their list is something of a backhanded compliment.

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I find it amazing that Americans are even on the list at all. According to the eurosnobs, 99.9% of Americans don't even have a passport and there are no airplanes with enough power to lift their fat bodies overseas anyway.

Love your reply. :)

This is one way to get even with so-called 'eurosnobs'.

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I find it amazing that Americans are even on the list at all. According to the eurosnobs, 99.9% of Americans don't even have a passport and there are no airplanes with enough power to lift their fat bodies overseas anyway.

Love your reply. :)

This is one way to get even with so-called 'eurosnobs'.

What about Amerisnobs ? :D


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I agree in general with the survey,but i'm surprised the Scandinavian rank so low,IMO they are the best tourists.Even their children look very well behaved.Among the best are the Japanese,but i see very few of them in Koh Chang..Where are they going?I agree on the Italians being among the loudest..well,nobody is perfect. :)

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