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Bangkok Police Incident I Had


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This is a true story why in the hel_l would i make this up so if u think I am lying then think that

Why would I type this up in a forum at 3 something in the morning and think I made it up

I wore a t-shirt (Chicago Bulls) , jean shorts, and som Nike high tops.......No i did not have the tourist police number because

I never thought I had to use it......and yes I was by myself which will not happen again like that before.

I been to alot of countries and never had this problem....

1) when he said I had to come with him he never got a squad car there

2) I felt I handled the situation well by getting outher tourists involved in the situation to see what was going on

3) Also showed him all I had in my wallet including student id and other forms of insurance and hotel info

So any persons who wrote that I am making this up...thats false...why in the hel_l would I???

I told alot of folks from Austrailia and US what happened and yes some were shocked but alot of them said alot of cops who need more money will try that on a tourist if they think they can get away with it

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i'd say it depends where you are in the country in the boonies it might be worth just paying them off but in built up areas/cities don't let them away with it...perhaps you look like a victim to them...that's what thieves/robbers/attackers look for in their marks..head down lacking confidence etc

i've kicked off big style a couple of times, once i was stopped on a bike that had been rented yet the people i'd rented from hadn't left the papers with the bike...the copper was after me paying him off lol i just said not my problem, i hired the bike legally and if you want to fine anybody it's the owner of the bike...issued with a ticket for 400 baht which was paid for by the people i hired the bike from...of course they tried it on as well lol

another time i needed a replacement bank card for scb in jomtien...they said i had to make a police report as it was procedure...so off i went to the jomtien office and saw the head honcho, he said as the card had been lost and not stolen i needed to pay 500 baht for the report or i would be breaking the law with a fraudulent report lol i just gave him a look and said you sure?..payed the moeny and returned to the bank, inside the bank i then asked to speak to somebody in charge at the main office, had a conversation with a gentleman in bangkok and when i expressed my displeasure in trying to get a replacemt card, having to visit a police station and then paying 500b i felt the bank should reimburse the monies...the guy on the phone was informed of the law and said i'd been scammed and that the officer was pulling a fast1...i was in the bank another 10 minutes and then as i left i went straight back to the police station, there was the copper all smiles lol what can i do for you? lol i just said well you can give me my 500 baht back now lol his face was a picture and he then opened his wallet and handed me back 5 x 100 baht(i'd given him a 500 note) i just walked out and that was the end of it...plenty of others said i'd been foolish but nothing came of it and i had my money back...if you let them away with it then they'll take liberties with you all day long

i also had a fallout with the police on beach road after they let a paedophile that i caught in an internet cafe walk free(pay off) they tried to talk some crap how this is thailand etc...i just reminded them that they were a tourist destination and i was aware of my rights, i then contacted my lawyer who inturn reported the incident to the chief of the area...of course nothing came of that & i imagine if/when i do return to pattaya the same paedophile will be walking the streets and surfing the internet for child pornography

i'm sorry you experienced this but my advice and i practice what i preach is don't let them away with it

best wishes

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i must be lucky because in 20 years i have only been stopped twice ,once for jumping a red light ,fine 400 b paid in police station next day when my licence was returned,second time for using the bus lane in BKK he wanted my licence and said i had to collect it when i paid 400 b at police station ,my wife said as we lived in Pattaya we didnt want to come back ,after much laughter and calling his sargent i agreed to pay 500 b and not give it up ,i am sure they shared the money . one plus was he gave me his name told me to keep using the bus lane and if i was stopped again just tell them his name and say i had paid already and that it was ok for me to be in the bus lane .

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Why was the OP stopped?

I guess he has some time to come up with something.

If he says, for no reason, then I say rubbish.

We all know how corrupt the Police is.

But I do not believe for a second that they just stop people on the street demanding money.

This is just another Troll trying to start yet another thread about corrupt Police.

BS story.

We all know corrupt the police are . Grammar.

Wow, looks like the grammar police are out here as well....isn't the above correction missing the word, HOW

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Nope I'm east Indian....brown color and nope no bling on me...not even a watch on

I got to say that was a good experience I hope does not happen again and I hope people that reads this knows what to look out for just in case that happens to them.

I had a great time there and there were alot of people from Austrialia and Europe that was cool and willing to tell me what to check out while I was there

I am definitely going to stay away from Spicy because I spent too much in that club from all that drinking

Funny thing is that I did not see any Americans in Bangkok hanging out,,,,,maybe the recession is bringing less and less Americans out there

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This is a true story why in the hel_l would i make this up so if u think I am lying then think that

Why would I type this up in a forum at 3 something in the morning and think I made it up

I wore a t-shirt (Chicago Bulls) , jean shorts, and som Nike high tops.......No i did not have the tourist police number because

I never thought I had to use it......and yes I was by myself which will not happen again like that before.

I been to alot of countries and never had this problem....

1) when he said I had to come with him he never got a squad car there

2) I felt I handled the situation well by getting outher tourists involved in the situation to see what was going on

3) Also showed him all I had in my wallet including student id and other forms of insurance and hotel info

So any persons who wrote that I am making this up...thats false...why in the hel_l would I???

I told alot of folks from Austrailia and US what happened and yes some were shocked but alot of them said alot of cops who need more money will try that on a tourist if they think they can get away with it

Hi there.

Welcome to TV.

If you have followed TV for some time, reading the posts, before you decided to become a member.

You would understand why some poeple make stuff up.


On the other hand.

If you just joined without reading too many posts first, then again, welcome to TV.

You will very soon get used to the responses.

You were wearing a Chicago Bulls shirt?

That explains it.


Enough of that.

The reason I reacted is because I still could not figure out how they stopped you.

Did they stop you just randomly on the street?

Were you driving?

Leaving a bar?

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This is a true story why in the hel_l would i make this up so if u think I am lying then think that

Why would I type this up in a forum at 3 something in the morning and think I made it up

I wore a t-shirt (Chicago Bulls) , jean shorts, and som Nike high tops.......No i did not have the tourist police number because

I never thought I had to use it......and yes I was by myself which will not happen again like that before.

I been to alot of countries and never had this problem....

1) when he said I had to come with him he never got a squad car there

2) I felt I handled the situation well by getting outher tourists involved in the situation to see what was going on

3) Also showed him all I had in my wallet including student id and other forms of insurance and hotel info

So any persons who wrote that I am making this up...thats false...why in the hel_l would I???

I told alot of folks from Austrailia and US what happened and yes some were shocked but alot of them said alot of cops who need more money will try that on a tourist if they think they can get away with it

Hi there.

Welcome to TV.

If you have followed TV for some time, reading the posts, before you decided to become a member.

You would understand why some poeple make stuff up.


On the other hand.

If you just joined without reading too many posts first, then again, welcome to TV.

You will very soon get used to the responses.

You were wearing a Chicago Bulls shirt?

That explains it.


Enough of that.

The reason I reacted is because I still could not figure out how they stopped you.

Did they stop you just randomly on the street?

Were you driving?

Leaving a bar?

Just let it go Travel2003 .... just let it go.


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This is a true story why in the hel_l would i make this up so if u think I am lying then think that

Why would I type this up in a forum at 3 something in the morning and think I made it up

I wore a t-shirt (Chicago Bulls) , jean shorts, and som Nike high tops.......No i did not have the tourist police number because

I never thought I had to use it......and yes I was by myself which will not happen again like that before.

I been to alot of countries and never had this problem....

1) when he said I had to come with him he never got a squad car there

2) I felt I handled the situation well by getting outher tourists involved in the situation to see what was going on

3) Also showed him all I had in my wallet including student id and other forms of insurance and hotel info

So any persons who wrote that I am making this up...thats false...why in the hel_l would I???

I told alot of folks from Austrailia and US what happened and yes some were shocked but alot of them said alot of cops who need more money will try that on a tourist if they think they can get away with it

Hi there.

Welcome to TV.

If you have followed TV for some time, reading the posts, before you decided to become a member.

You would understand why some poeple make stuff up.


On the other hand.

If you just joined without reading too many posts first, then again, welcome to TV.

You will very soon get used to the responses.

You were wearing a Chicago Bulls shirt?

That explains it.


Enough of that.

The reason I reacted is because I still could not figure out how they stopped you.

Did they stop you just randomly on the street?

Were you driving?

Leaving a bar?

Just let it go Travel2003 .... just let it go.


Ok, I will.

But I tried to be nice in my last one.



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I'd say you were unlucky to meet a corrupt cop.Never happened to me in many years.Despite the rumors,i think the great majority of the Police force are respectable guys which happen to know that tourism is an important source of income for Thailand.

If you are in trouble you can rely on Police to help you.

I think you did the right thing,now the corrupt cop will think twice before trying to extort money from tourists.

Anyway,whether you are right or wrong,it's worth to keep your cool and be positive. :D

Are you for real. Are you really living in Thailand. Are you deaf, blind or just d***? :)

At least you were correct in a small part of your last line. Keep your cool.

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I'd say you were unlucky to meet a corrupt cop.Never happened to me in many years.Despite the rumors,i think the great majority of the Police force are respectable guys which happen to know that tourism is an important source of income for Thailand.

If you are in trouble you can rely on Police to help you.

I think you did the right thing,now the corrupt cop will think twice before trying to extort money from tourists.

Anyway,whether you are right or wrong,it's worth to keep your cool and be positive. :D

Are you for real. Are you really living in Thailand. Are you deaf, blind or just d***? :)

At least you were correct in a small part of your last line. Keep your cool.

Dear poster,i guess you live in a different part of Thailand,it's not my fault if you have troubles,so please mind your words.

If you read the whole thread you'll see i'm not the only one who never had problems with Police.

Keep on smiling and be positive,you ain't going to save the world today :D

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I am a American that visited Bangkok last week and had a great time out there. However, on Sat, Sept 5th i was stopped by a policeman on a motor cycle ...(s

For a lousy 500 B, shut up, put up, and get out. And if it happens more than once a month, make a permanent move to somewhere else. The price of Thailand. You mostly make on the deal, but sometimes you lose. Kay serah serah.

Edited by Munted
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Why was the OP stopped?

I guess he has some time to come up with something.

If he says, for no reason, then I say rubbish.

We all know how corrupt the Police is.

But I do not believe for a second that they just stop people on the street demanding money.

This is just another Troll trying to start yet another thread about corrupt Police.

BS story.

You obviously haven't spent much time walking around Thong Lo. I have been stopped and searched walking along Sukumvit 36, luckily I had my passport. Off the top of my head I know of 6 people who have been stopped and frisked around similar areas.

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Why was the OP stopped?

I guess he has some time to come up with something.

If he says, for no reason, then I say rubbish.

We all know how corrupt the Police is.

But I do not believe for a second that they just stop people on the street demanding money.

This is just another Troll trying to start yet another thread about corrupt Police.

BS story.

You obviously haven't spent much time walking around Thong Lo. I have been stopped and searched walking along Sukumvit 36, luckily I had my passport. Off the top of my head I know of 6 people who have been stopped and frisked around similar areas.


I have not spent time walking around in the streets in that area.

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Why was the OP stopped?

I guess he has some time to come up with something.

If he says, for no reason, then I say rubbish.

We all know how corrupt the Police is.

But I do not believe for a second that they just stop people on the street demanding money.

This is just another Troll trying to start yet another thread about corrupt Police.

BS story.

Mate, do a quick search of the Bangkok forum and you will find that this is a regular happening - especially when it involves Thong lor District.

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I must admit, I've only ever been fined once for tossing a cigarette butt on the ground near Siam Square (and the cops around that area always keep a look out for littering, or at least used to). However, I've been pulled out of cabs and off motorcycle taxis numerous times, with them going through my pockets and whatnot, though I'm always let go after a minute of chatting. My guess is that they see me with my gym bag and just want to have a look. They don't usually ask for money. Getting stopped by the police happens probably once every 2 years to me here. Been in Thailand 20 years now. In cases where the police was needed I've had generally great experiences. Friendly and helpful. Depends from person to person, I suppose.

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Why was the OP stopped?

I guess he has some time to come up with something.

If he says, for no reason, then I say rubbish.

We all know how corrupt the Police is.

But I do not believe for a second that they just stop people on the street demanding money.

This is just another Troll trying to start yet another thread about corrupt Police.

BS story.

You obviously haven't spent much time walking around Thong Lo. I have been stopped and searched walking along Sukumvit 36, luckily I had my passport. Off the top of my head I know of 6 people who have been stopped and frisked around similar areas.


I have not spent time walking around in the streets in that area.

Err, then why did you rubbish the OP if you have no experience of doing what he was doing at the time he was stopped.

Have you actually ever been to Thailand?

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I'd say you were unlucky to meet a corrupt cop.Never happened to me in many years.Despite the rumors,i think the great majority of the Police force are respectable guys which happen to know that tourism is an important source of income for Thailand.

555...Which planet are u on. Gotta be the best quote of the day. You actually believe that???

You are so naive.

been here since 1997 - never been shaken down by the cops yet.

Swim in the sewer you might meet some rats though!

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I'd say you were unlucky to meet a corrupt cop.Never happened to me in many years.Despite the rumors,i think the great majority of the Police force are respectable guys which happen to know that tourism is an important source of income for Thailand.

If you are in trouble you can rely on Police to help you.

I think you did the right thing,now the corrupt cop will think twice before trying to extort money from tourists.

Anyway,whether you are right or wrong,it's worth to keep your cool and be positive. :D

To quote the great john Mcanroe" YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS " / "I'd say you were unlucky to meet a corrupt cop " ! :) .I dont think ive ever met a straight one,. :D
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"After that day I kept my passport with me but I am still leaving my big money in the safe at the hotel room"

If he's a crooked cop just looking for some tea money then he'll have you over a barrel if you give him your original passporst instead of a copy. The price could become 5,000 Baht not 500!

If the cop doesn't like the photocopy tell him your passport is at Immigration or some Embassy getting a visa.

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Believe Thai law says photo ID is required; not passport. In some areas you do not even have passport; as hotels keeps them.

I have never come across a Thai hotel retaining my passport.

They can photocopy it then return immediately.

I recommend scanning your passport on the computer, front page and ID page.

Reduce the size to credit card size and print.

Then go to your local photo shop and have it laminated as an ID card.

Carry that in your wallet.

If you live in LOS then get a Thai Driving Licence.

The student ID would probably have sufficed, also a foreign driving licence with a photo.

Remember the Thais expect people to have an id card, the way they do............

Not that that would help in a SCAM situation like the OP describes.

Personally I have never had a problem with the police in this way, in 20 years.

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I am a American that visited Bangkok last week and had a great time out there. However, on Sat, Sept 5th i was stopped by a policeman on a motor cycle ...(s

For a lousy 500 B, shut up, put up, and get out. And if it happens more than once a month, make a permanent move to somewhere else. The price of Thailand. You mostly make on the deal, but sometimes you lose. Kay serah serah.

SIHT! Now the newbies are doing it! :)

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