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Ex Boy Friend Of My Gf Sent Her About 20 000 000 Baht


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Can he get his money back ....... I'm rolling on the floor with laughter - the words "a fool and his money are easily parted........" come to mind - and no truer time does this apply. A snowball has more hope in hel_l.

20 mill over 4 years ............. !!!!!!!!!!!! - oh my, oh my - what a complete and utter fool

I'm waiting to see just where this thread goes ..........

Edited by Maizefarmer
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A gift is a gift isnt it ?........unless there is more to it than shes telling, have you spoken to him ?.wouldnt hurt would it, tell him what a lovely time you are both having on his money,....... :)

He speaks German I speak English, Ich spreche Deutsch wenig. I do not have his money. We are living on my money completely. But I spent my money for ex-wives and ex -girls and never asked them to give me back. I think if you spend money for girls you must understand that life is life and can be happened everything does not matter who is rigth or wrong and you will never get the money back. better think how to make more money

Money that is given or lent it doesn't make much difference really, unless you've got everything on paper of course.

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i had to make this sound correct to me, so i did the conversion to USD. 598,213.38. half a million dollars? umm, no. he did NOT give her .5mil US. no. pics or it didn't happen.

There are pics of one of the houses on classifieds,take a look at the OP's topics,and the house is in my opinion not worth half of the 12 million asked but everyone his opinion.

From the other side,the more I read this story I'm confident that the houses (2) were not a gift but an investement bought in the Gf name after which the relation turned sour.

Be careful as a guy with that kind of money could have a little more spare money to throw around.

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A gift is a gift isnt it ?........unless there is more to it than shes telling, have you spoken to him? <<< i agree and u should talk to him try to get someone who can speak german and find out about this story! so no more doubt!

About home phone thing if she was really annoyed then go change number i dont see its hard! not gonna take long (TT&T for a week) she should get it sorted by herself nothing to worry about tho she owned the property its her name so? btw i think u should talk to her ex wow 20 million is alot! wot did he plan to do? or he trusted her so much? it turned out he ruins?!?

All the best.


Edited by kitiya1980
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i had to make this sound correct to me, so i did the conversion to USD. 598,213.38. half a million dollars? umm, no. he did NOT give her .5mil US. no. pics or it didn't happen.

There are pics of one of the houses on classifieds,take a look at the OP's topics,and the house is in my opinion not worth half of the 12 million asked but everyone his opinion.

From the other side,the more I read this story I'm confident that the houses (2) were not a gift but an investement bought in the Gf name after which the relation turned sour.

Be careful as a guy with that kind of money could have a little more spare money to throw around.

I would have to agree with basjke. I would be VERY careful. A man with that amount of money could find ways to get even. OJ Simpson comes to mind. Whatever the value of the property, about half of it SHOULD belong to the man who bought it. Just because she doesn't want to give it up does not make it morally hers... even if she legally has a claim to it.

That in a nutshell is the main reason why I would never get married again and never give anything I can't walk away from with no regrets.

And, I would be very careful myself with a women who basically defrauds a man out of what rightfully belongs at least half to him.

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Actually this post should be more about advice for the girl, like what she can do to be rid of her dumb ass stalker. 20 Mill wow.

I would contact the girl and say "Change your sim card and cheer up, at least your not still dating a loser!" :)

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This is a 'TROLL', mark my words.

it may not be...

i knew a girl in phuket who milked over 100 milion THB from a guy, lovely girl as well, and now just wants to get on with her life......

it does happen

remember we are in the LOS, and there are alot of ' Rich ' people out there whom 20, 30 , 40 million is just pocket money

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