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One 2 Go Yes Or No?


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Lets put it this way, If the man up front is happy to take it up, Why should you worry ?

If you do happen to hit a mountain He/She will be the First to Die ( Self preservation and all that ) I look at it that way So far so good

I am sure it's safer than most other forms of transport in Thailand

Used them many times and still alive.

Have you crossed the road in Thailand ? that in itself is considerably more dangerous IMO

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kennkate said,

Lets put it this way, If the man up front is happy to take it up, Why should you worry ?

If you do happen to hit a mountain He/She will be the First to Die ( Self preservation and all that ) I look at it that way So far so good

Well kennkate, that may seem like good logic, but as a former airline pilot, I can tell you that many pilots will do anything to win/keep a job, and that includes flying unairworthy aircraft. I spent some years flying in SE Asia/Japan, the word in the industry, and from an associate who flew for them, is that 1,2, Go is not a good place to be, either as crew or pax!!

When one continues to tempt fate, it will catch up. The more often one does it, the easier it becomes, and then the further one pushes the limit. That, my friend, is a recipe to end your days in a smoking hole in the ground.

I wouldn't get into a One, Two, Go aircraft if they paid me to travel

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F4 You state that pilots will fly unairworthy aircraft in order to keep the job. I doubt that is the case

I must admit I do not know the 1 TO GO crash stats.Of that particular aircraft Maybe you could enlighten people

How many have been Aircraft failure And How many Pilot Error ? I would think that the vast majority have been Pilot Error

Just because the aircraft is getting on a bit is not in itself a major problem.

Look at it this way how many DC3 Dakota are there still Flying 60 Years old. With Piston Engines.

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F4 You state that pilots will fly unairworthy aircraft in order to keep the job. I doubt that is the case

I must admit I do not know the 1 TO GO crash stats.Of that particular aircraft Maybe you could enlighten people

How many have been Aircraft failure And How many Pilot Error ? I would think that the vast majority have been Pilot Error

Just because the aircraft is getting on a bit is not in itself a major problem.

Look at it this way how many DC3 Dakota are there still Flying 60 Years old. With Piston Engines.


I have to agree with F4UCorsair on this one...I too used to work for Orient Thai/One Two Go (you may come back at me and say that they are two different companies, but believe you me, they are one in the same!). I have seen their aircraft carry maintenance problems that could have ended in disaster (google JAL123 and you will get some idea of an aircraft with Orient Thai that could have ended that way).

It is now several years since my time there, I cannot speak for the present group of pilots, but back in my day, if a pilot refused to take a flight because of an aircraft/weather/ground/whatever problem, the owner was on the phone personally to the individual concerned to review his "terms of employment"..... :)

Anyway, I guess in your case and that of many, ignorance is bliss...I mean that with all sincerity....the less you know, the less stressful your trip will be! So, to answer the OP, I would not fly with OT or OTG....EVER!! (just a humble opinion)



Edited by Aussie777
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In support of what Aussie777 says, I would direct the OP to an excellent web forum Pprune.org - a place where people working in the aviation industry exchange views. If you dig back a couple of years and build up a picture of what has gone on with this airline in its' various forms you will probably find all the answers you need to your question.

Edited by KhunDave
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I used them several timer over the past years and never had a problem.....

Well of course there are at least 90 people who had a major problem with the airline who will not be posting....

The reports that have been published (the Thai investigation has not) are pretty damning in my view.

Here is a quicki from Wicki....


And here is a detailed website (with an obvious strong bias!)


It does include the official NTSB report.

And here is an Australian News investigation.


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I used them several timer over the past years and never had a problem.....

"It didn't crash when I used them" is hardly an endorsement. I've seen too many reports by their former pilots to ever recommend them or their ramshackle aircraft.

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I used them several timer over the past years and never had a problem.....

"It didn't crash when I used them" is hardly an endorsement. I've seen too many reports by their former pilots to ever recommend them or their ramshackle aircraft.

Where can I review these reports by former 1 2 go pilots?

Edited by rucus7
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I used them several timer over the past years and never had a problem.....

"It didn't crash when I used them" is hardly an endorsement. I've seen too many reports by their former pilots to ever recommend them or their ramshackle aircraft.

Where can I review these reports by former 1 2 go pilots?

Check out pprune.org - you need to dig back a couple of years.

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