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Is Ian Forbes A Male Model


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I spent over a month in CM Ram after a motorbike accident and during my being wheeled around I kept seeing posters dotted around the hospital promoting something to do with heart attacks, it has a farang holding his chest pretending to be having a heart attack and I thought it looks a lot like Ian

Now since it cost me an absolute fortune paying for my care (no insurance) I am looking at ways to make some cash :) and if Ian is a Male model then I would like to get some tips on how we can in on this act and if the pay is good :D

So Ian is it you ???

Edited by FarangCravings
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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun FarangCravings,

We don't know about Khun Ian being a "male model," or not; although, we suspect that he, like every other human, has many dimensions, many facets, a universe of unique memories, a heart, a mind, a soul, as well as the usual physical meat-package : that, like us, he's played many roles in life.

We have never observed him playing at having a heart-attack, however.

Is it possible that in your weakened, drained of cash, state in CM RAM (world famous for financial liposuction of farangs independent of injury or illness) you may have had some hallucinatory experiences of Khun Ian's visage : he does seem, to us, to have that "Adamic" or "primordial man" aspect to his persona.

We do think there are many fish in northern Thailand for whom Khun Ian may represent the "Devil," however.

As to opportunities for you to be a male model : we are also ignorant, and hope to stay that way, while, of course, wishing you good luck in whatever modality you choose to manifest yourself.

best, ~o:37;

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Made my day... :):D:D

If they are using my picture I sure ain't getting paid for it. :D However, there are a lot of magazines who have used my photos with me in it. At an age of three score and ten I no longer qualify as a male model. I'm too fit to look the part of an invalid and too old to fill the needs for a "Hansum man"... despite what the girls in Pattaya think. :D

If I dressed in an orange robe the local monks might want to cremate me. And, come to think of it, there a few women with exactly the same thoughts. :D

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This guy?


I must say in my two weeks so far in Chiang Mai I am very dissapointed to have not seen Ian walking around. He is something of a celebrity in my eyes at least.

That could ALMOST be me, Ruperts. I think I looked like that when my lady friend squeezed my testicles a little too hard today. :)

This is more how you'll see me in Thailand.


Edited by IanForbes
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This guy?


I must say in my two weeks so far in Chiang Mai I am very dissapointed to have not seen Ian walking around. He is something of a celebrity in my eyes at least.

That could ALMOST be me, Ruperts. I think I looked like that when my lady friend squeezed my testicles a little too hard today. :)

This is more how you'll see me in Thailand.


How old is your grand daughter ?

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How old is your grand daughter ?


If I had married when I was in my teens she probably could have been. I think Fie is 24. All my lady friends are in their twenties, but there are no complaints. That's the beauty of Thailand... there's always someone new available and it helps to keep an old man young. The cost is certainly far less than being married.

And, It certainly keeps a smile on the face of this old fart. :D

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Well Ian no one can doubt your ability to self promote. And its all in the plural girls, bikes , careers, and of course fish, or should that be fishes. With your talent, ego and marketability you should be a roving ambassador for Chaing Mai promoting it as a utopia for ageing men. As for your belief that being single costs less than being married, well that depends on who you hook up with and their perception of you as a partner ,doesn't it ?

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Well i can sorta see why you'd think forbesy might be a male model :)

Judging by his posting history on TV its debatable what side of the camera he actually feels more at ease on

Im thinking he'd prefer to be on the looking side, especially when his neverending harem of young beauties are in toe :D

And as for the debate of Ians appearance in other media circles, i must admit ive often pondered the same.....

At one stage i could swear a lifesize cutout of Ian was being distributed around a popular cinema chain in Bangkok..

You may have seen him..a balding farang guy with buddy holly glasses jumping around and waving a cinema ticket...

So come clean Ian old son...was that you in your earlier days in BK???? :D

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As for your belief that being single costs less than being married, well that depends on who you hook up with and their perception of you as a partner ,doesn't it ?

It also depend on your partner's personal spending habits. A buddy hooked up with a beauriful, young Chinese Thai whose father was the Chief of Police in Bangkok and who had been raised and educated largely in Paris. She was a perfectly good woman, but she had spent whatever she wanted all her life and saw no reason to stop just because she was married. He had to get rid of her after a year or two.

His next wife was an aged, portly toilet woman who is very frugal and they have been together for something like 15 years.

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This is more how you'll see me in Thailand.


Hey those curtains in the background look remarkably like the shirt you were wearing in another pic of yourself you posted elsewhere. Coincidence?

Yah mean this photo?


I see what you mean, but it was just a coincidence. The one of me and Fie was taken in the 4 Nines bar in Kanchanaburi. The one of Jum and I was in Chiang Mai. I've got lots of Thai friends and we all have good times together. Where else but Thighland can an old fart like me go hiking, biking, dining, swimming or dancing with pretty young women? Life is good, and when I can't do it anymore I'll sit in my rocker with a big grin on my face and tell stories to my grandkids... That is if I don't get wiped out by some crazy Thai driver first.

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Good for you, Ian. I wasn't judging you, just your shirts.

I have a few loud shirts myself and enjoy wearing them, if only to annoy the hel_l out of Mrs. T and my daughters who say I embarrass them thusly. Who, moi? I wouldn't do that.

Once some of the more egregious of my shirts went mysteriously missing in the laundry. When I threatened to buy replacements, the lost shirts were miraculously found, because if there's one thing Mrs T hates more than bad fashion, it's more good money spent on bad fashion.

One day, Ian, you and I will pass each other on the streets and recognize each other by the loud shirts we wear. In your case though, I'd recognize you even if you were walking buck naked, holding a large banana leaf. :)

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This is more how you'll see me in Thailand.


Hey those curtains in the background look remarkably like the shirt you were wearing in another pic of yourself you posted elsewhere. Coincidence?

Yah mean this photo?


I see what you mean, but it was just a coincidence. The one of me and Fie was taken in the 4 Nines bar in Kanchanaburi. The one of Jum and I was in Chiang Mai. I've got lots of Thai friends and we all have good times together. Where else but Thighland can an old fart like me go hiking, biking, dining, swimming or dancing with pretty young women? Life is good, and when I can't do it anymore I'll sit in my rocker with a big grin on my face and tell stories to my grandkids... That is if I don't get wiped out by some crazy Thai driver first.

No chance you`d get wiped out with that blue shirt Mr Forbes :) Even a crazy thai driver will see you from a mile away :D

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How old is your grand daughter ?


If I had married when I was in my teens she probably could have been. I think Fie is 24. All my lady friends are in their twenties, but there are no complaints. That's the beauty of Thailand... there's always someone new available and it helps to keep an old man young. The cost is certainly far less than being married.

And, It certainly keeps a smile on the face of this old fart. :D

I hope your not about when my daughter is in her early twenties.

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I like silk shirts because they are cooler than any other material on a hot, muggy day, and they feel nice against the skin. A woman wearing a silk dress is hard to resist touching. The silk shirts I bought were the most muted colours I could find, but any flash picture tends to brighten them. Most often I just wear my plain cotton "Camel" shirts because they have big pockets that are handy for things like glasses and passport. I don't normally like shirts with any sort of pattern on them, and blue is my best colour. Red doesn't suit me at all, but I know some lovely Thai ladies who look smashing in red dresses. I think it has something to do with skin and hair colour. The bright colours (red and yellow) suit women with dark hair and skin, and blue or grey suits women with blonde hair and pale skin.

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How old is your grand daughter ?


If I had married when I was in my teens she probably could have been. I think Fie is 24. All my lady friends are in their twenties, but there are no complaints. That's the beauty of Thailand... there's always someone new available and it helps to keep an old man young. The cost is certainly far less than being married.

And, It certainly keeps a smile on the face of this old fart. :D

I hope your not about when my daughter is in her early twenties.

Do you think she would go for him?

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How old is your grand daughter ?


If I had married when I was in my teens she probably could have been. I think Fie is 24. All my lady friends are in their twenties, but there are no complaints. That's the beauty of Thailand... there's always someone new available and it helps to keep an old man young. The cost is certainly far less than being married.

And, It certainly keeps a smile on the face of this old fart. :D

I hope your not about when my daughter is in her early twenties.

That is where you are mislead by my posts. I am a perfect gentleman around ALL women... everywhere. That includes the bar girls and working ladies. I have many friends with pretty daughters in their teens and twenties. I never make any suggestive remarks or hit on them. It would be ridiculous to do so. I don't hit on other men's wives or girlfriends either. However, if I think they look nice I will comment on that in a polite way. I get along with all women who know me. I've had young women come and stay at my home many times and I'm always an old fashioned gentleman. However, if a young woman comes on to me in a suggestive manner I'll take appropriate measures depending on the situation. When it comes to sex it is ALWAYS the woman who makes the final decision. That is excluding rape, which is an abhorrent act.

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How old is your grand daughter ?


If I had married when I was in my teens she probably could have been. I think Fie is 24. All my lady friends are in their twenties, but there are no complaints.

Actually, if you were in your teens, Fie would be bordering on being your grand granddaughter.

If you had a child at 16 (your teens), and your child had one at 16, you would be 32. If your grandchild had a child at 16, you would be 48. At seventy, your grand grandchild would be 22.

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Actually, if you were in your teens, Fie would be bordering on being your grand granddaughter.

If you had a child at 16 (your teens), and your child had one at 16, you would be 32. If your grandchild had a child at 16, you would be 48. At seventy, your grand grandchild would be 22.

That's a scary thought, isn't it! My 3 real grandkids are ages: 3, 4 and 6.

However, I do know a few Thai grandmothers who are in their early thirties and still "hot". A lot depends on how busy and fit they've kept themselves. They say... "I old lady!" and I tell them... "You are hot babe!" That always brings a smile to their face.

It is the same with men. If they keep healthy and fit then age doesn't come into the equasion so much. I know men half my age who have trouble climbing up two flights of stairs. I have a torn leg muscle and still walked 6 km into town and back. And, in contrast to that I know a gal in her late sixties who still runs a marathon in reasonable time. Some people will spend 10 minutes driving around a shopping mall parking lot to find a space 100 feet closer to the door.

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