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Earning An M6 Diploma


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My 24 year old girlfriend, who comes from a poor family, has recently become very interested in continuing her education and I'm all for it! She wants to pursue a nursing qualification but she stopped school at M3, just like most of her family, to get a job and start making money. She's determined to make a better future for herself and I'm happy to help support her in this endeavor. "I don't care where you come from, I just wanna know where you're going"

So, we've been doing research in Thai and English online but have yet to find really good info. In the US, people who are 17+ can opt to take a test, the GED, which is equivalent to a high school diploma and allows one to pursue a tertiary education. What we're looking for is something similar to the USA GED here in Thailand. We've learned that she could take the American GED in BKK, but my GF's English is fair and always improving, it would be a huge challenge to attempt a US GED anytime soon.

There is Kor Sor Nor, but that seems like a tremendous waste of her time. Weekend classes of very questionable pedagogical value for the next 2 - 3 years for her high school diploma seems entirely extraneous considering she'll be in school for an additional 4 years to complete any worth-while higher degree program.

Another less-thanoptimal option is to enroll her in an online high school diploma program where I would help her complete all work in a short time. Of course this isn't really ethical and I have serious reservations about taking this route. The only reason I would even consider it is as a last resort -- if Thailand really has no other option for adults to complete their high school diploma in a timely fashion.

So, the question: Is there any way for Thais to earn a secondary diploma quickly, legitimately and locally?

Many thanks to everyone who contributes!

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Interesting topic. My wife is about to get her M3 from one of these "Budhha Schools". Half the time the teacher doesn't show up. The teacher attends the exams and gives the students the answers. It's a BIG joke if you ask me. Wait a sec, so the is "College" where I work!

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Haha... That is exactly what we want to avoid, engrin!

As for college-level education, it does seem pretty bad. I wonder about nursing school though? Is it recognized internationally? We both really hope it is... of course!

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It looks like biting the bullet and doing it the old fashioned way is gonna be the best for us. That means we are now looking for a school for her to start learning Kor Sor Nor near Banglumphu/Thonburi/Pinklao area. Got any leads?

Cheers for all the help!

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Most of the larger municipalities have a ongoing system for the high school studies and eventual diploma. Yes it takes some time, especially if the student only attended school for 4 to 6 years, but trying to put 6 to 8 years of education (book learning) into a part time schedule for adults would appear to be difficult, at best. I have not heard of a 'challenge' system at the high school level. The local Ampur people should be able to give some info on the ongoing classes.

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