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Sports And Sportmanship In Thailand


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I take it by now you have all seen the footage of the fighting at the Football games in Bangkok from the other night. But this just about sums up thai football for what it is a.... a mess. I remember watching the thai national football team play in singapore a couple of years ago where they walked off the pitch becuase a the Ref gave something against them. Could u imagne Brazil or France all walking off the pitch like 11 school children becuase the ref wouldnt give a free kick ! To be honest i think thai football about sums thai men in general. they are not real men . Cant take anything like men and just behave like children for most of there life. What ever happened to a bit of banter in stands and shaking hands after it is all over ?? This doesnt happen in thailand... i have never heard at thai man admit to being wrong and then say sorry and shake hands . They watch english football like its there own but yet when it comes to playing football they play like little school kids with no class about them.

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Well, no I didn't see the game, but I have no doubt about what you are referring to. In our village just before New Year, our village was playing the neighboring village in seepak. Well, needless to say things got a little heated. After a bit of scuffling and the other village loosing the match, threats were made. The problem was that the threats were backed up on New Years at the Temple in which a Laos concert was being produced. Bombs were found and 1 person was shot. All this was over seepak rivalry.

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Not really a surprise having had the pleasure of playing against Thai football teams. They love to dish it out on the pitch, but generally cry like little babies and roll on around on the floor as soon as the boot is on the other foot.

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Wouldn't happen in rugby - a thug's sport played by gentlemen.

hehe, who you kidding? :)

I went to watch Thailand v Malaysia a couple of years ago; about two thousand people in the stand, I reckon, and a great day out for all concerned. A great game of rugby.


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What ever happened to a bit of banter in stands and shaking hands after it is all over ?

If only Thai football fans could behave more like English football fans :)

I take it youve never been to an English football match, as i you had you would be aware that its a family friendly sport where there is pretty much no trouble when upto 80,000 English men/women and kids go to have a good day out maybe a few drinks or just go to unwind by shouting at a 22 grown men running after a ball and a blind bloke dressed in black, so despite your insinuation maybe Thai football fans should behave like the English and maybe its time for you to move from behind the sofa!

Edited by whichschool
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this is far too general, touching on racist

I have had very nice thai people say sorry to me ,police included, surely you cannot tar everyone with the same brush

and real horrible westerners behaving awfully

remember, country's which have almost nothing to really be proud of are the most "touchy"

its the simelar vague logic one can apply to racist jokes

sport becomes their substitute for non achievement in other areas

and sports like football usually do not have the most easy going of people attending

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this is far too general, touching on racist

I have had very nice thai people say sorry to me ,police included, surely you cannot tar everyone with the same brush

and real horrible westerners behaving awfully

remember, country's which have almost nothing to really be proud of are the most "touchy"

its the simelar vague logic one can apply to racist jokes

sport becomes their substitute for non achievement in other areas

and sports like football usually do not have the most easy going of people attending

I think you'll need to be more specific when you say "this..." but I understand you to mean the criticism of rugby league players, or an inferred criticism of policemen from the discussion on English football. The "tarring with a brush" turn of phrase was a bit unfortunate. Its really hard to figure out where the most easy-going people go, becuase they're normally quite quiet, and get lost in the crowd. Given the huge numbers at football matches and international rugby matches and other major sporting events, I'm guessing that there are thousands of easy-going people there.


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this is far too general, touching on racist

I have had very nice thai people say sorry to me ,police included, surely you cannot tar everyone with the same brush

and real horrible westerners behaving awfully

remember, country's which have almost nothing to really be proud of are the most "touchy"

its the simelar vague logic one can apply to racist jokes

sport becomes their substitute for non achievement in other areas

and sports like football usually do not have the most easy going of people attending

Come on Mr. sensitivity you start ranting about racism and not tarring everything with the same brush, then like a goldfish you forget what you wrote 3 second earlier and write the last line thus taring football fans with the same brush, i take it thats ok though as you believe its those thuggish working class peasants whove just learned to walk upright attending!

Trust me even a brave fearless soldier such as yourself would be safe at a football game in England, the people that go these days are as often as not poncy easy going middle class folk that im sure youd have plenty in common with ... despite my strongest objections they even let women attend these days!

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Many years ago I was playing for a civil service football team in the UK in an inter-departmental match. After just 5 minutes the match turned into a full on brawl and had to be abandoned. One of our team appeared to not really know where he was for about one hour. Though we were playing a team from the Liverpool Inland Revenue! :)

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Wouldn't happen in rugby - a thug's sport played by gentlemen.

hehe, who you kidding? :D

Not in the crowd anyway :) And rugby players are a bit smarter than soccer 'players', the ref is usually unsighted :D

one game recently, 2 NZ school boy teams had a massive brawl,leading to school suspension, some of those boys are big!!

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this is far too general, touching on racist

I have had very nice thai people say sorry to me ,police included, surely you cannot tar everyone with the same brush

and real horrible westerners behaving awfully

remember, country's which have almost nothing to really be proud of are the most "touchy"

its the simelar vague logic one can apply to racist jokes

sport becomes their substitute for non achievement in other areas

and sports like football usually do not have the most easy going of people attending

Scrolling down the comments, quite enjoying a topic for a change but waiting for the classic 'there's always one' ; and low and behold it didn't take long...



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this is far too general, touching on racist

I have had very nice thai people say sorry to me ,police included, surely you cannot tar everyone with the same brush

and real horrible westerners behaving awfully

remember, country's which have almost nothing to really be proud of are the most "touchy"

its the simelar vague logic one can apply to racist jokes

sport becomes their substitute for non achievement in other areas

and sports like football usually do not have the most easy going of people attending

Come on Mr. sensitivity you start ranting about racism and not tarring everything with the same brush, then like a goldfish you forget what you wrote 3 second earlier and write the last line thus taring football fans with the same brush, i take it thats ok though as you believe its those thuggish working class peasants whove just learned to walk upright attending!

Trust me even a brave fearless soldier such as yourself would be safe at a football game in England, the people that go these days are as often as not poncy easy going middle class folk that im sure youd have plenty in common with ... despite my strongest objections they even let women attend these days!

I hate to disillusion you but just do a Youtube search on football hooligans to see the sort of safety on show in English football. A friend of mine went to a Wolves home game many years ago, the visit to the game was quickly followed by a trip to the local Emergency room to have a dart removed from his eye (randomly thrown by an away supporter)

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this is far too general, touching on racist

I have had very nice thai people say sorry to me ,police included, surely you cannot tar everyone with the same brush

and real horrible westerners behaving awfully

remember, country's which have almost nothing to really be proud of are the most "touchy"

its the simelar vague logic one can apply to racist jokes

sport becomes their substitute for non achievement in other areas

and sports like football usually do not have the most easy going of people attending

Come on Mr. sensitivity you start ranting about racism and not tarring everything with the same brush, then like a goldfish you forget what you wrote 3 second earlier and write the last line thus taring football fans with the same brush, i take it thats ok though as you believe its those thuggish working class peasants whove just learned to walk upright attending!

Trust me even a brave fearless soldier such as yourself would be safe at a football game in England, the people that go these days are as often as not poncy easy going middle class folk that im sure youd have plenty in common with ... despite my strongest objections they even let women attend these days!

I hate to disillusion you but just do a Youtube search on football hooligans to see the sort of safety on show in English football. A friend of mine went to a Wolves home game many years ago, the visit to the game was quickly followed by a trip to the local Emergency room to have a dart removed from his eye (randomly thrown by an away supporter)


But my delusions about football violence comes from going to football games for just under 30 years through the height of the violence in the 80s (yes i know it happens) and only ever seeing one fight which was between two English guys over a ticket in the world cup in France. Im not saying it never happens but its exaggerated and if you dont wish to get involved then you wont ... the ones fighting in the video shown on here the other day seemed to me to be holding there ground and up for a fight they had plenty of time to get away should that have been their desire.

But my point is football in England is a family friendly pretty expensive day out with on the whole pretty much no violence whatsoever, and if Thailand could copy it theyd be doing ok.

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What ever happened to a bit of banter in stands and shaking hands after it is all over ?

If only Thai football fans could behave more like English football fans :)

I take it youve never been to an English football match, as i you had you would be aware that its a family friendly sport where there is pretty much no trouble when upto 80,000 English men/women and kids go to have a good day out maybe a few drinks or just go to unwind by shouting at a 22 grown men running after a ball and a blind bloke dressed in black, so despite your insinuation maybe Thai football fans should behave like the English and maybe its time for you to move from behind the sofa!

In August last year there was a riot at the "English" football match between West Ham and Millwall - a man was stabbed and there was rioting inside and outside the ground. So perhaps these weren't English men and women, just damned foreigners? There was also an inquiry to be held regarding racist chanting.

No doubt the police who escort visiting fans to grounds are only there for the sunshine, and underground stations are closed simply because the staff want to watch the match and not because of fighting?

Have you ever heard the Manchester United fans singing about Heysel or the Scousers singing about Munich? Yes, it's really family friendly in England.

And are all fans who attend matches in England English - and 80,000, surely that's only Wembley?

The actions of the Thais, and also the club boss who tried to gloss over the incident, were very bad, and the fans and club should be banned but please don't try to make it another only Thais do this thread.


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Not really a surprise having had the pleasure of playing against Thai football teams. They love to dish it out on the pitch, but generally cry like little babies and roll on around on the floor as soon as the boot is on the other foot.

Then, maybe, they have been watching too much Chelsea, Man Utd., etc? Diving, crying over a little tap on a protected shin, screams for a non existent penalty. The list goes on. We see that sort of thing every week in European football.

Rugby on the other hand if you do something you will find a fist in your face or some other pleasantry, like your testicles being grabbed and twisted, stood on or similar. Yet they still shake hands afterward.

So are the Thai really that much different except they do lose face?

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At WestHam v Millwall the people were looking for it if you werent you wouldnt have got involved, this incident was a one off, i siad upto 80,000 Man U holds this and a few other clubs get over 50,000 a week.

But England is a fairly violent place, imho there are many issues behind this that are the root cause and football isnt one of them, though im sure our politicians and braindead media would love to blame it.

Trust me its family friendly with pretty much no violence, though its a bit more lively then Sunday morning worship at the local chapel.

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I saw a clip of that match on youtube and I was actually shocked by the behavior of the Thai team. I don't remember exactly, but they got angry with a referee decision and all (or just about all) of the players laid down on the field which delayed the game. It was a show of very poor sportsmanship. If this happened at an Elementary School or even a Junior High School, I could almost understand the behavior. But this was the National Team and they should be the ones setting an example for proper sports behavior.


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this is far too general, touching on racist

I have had very nice thai people say sorry to me ,police included, surely you cannot tar everyone with the same brush

and real horrible westerners behaving awfully

remember, country's which have almost nothing to really be proud of are the most "touchy"

its the simelar vague logic one can apply to racist jokes

sport becomes their substitute for non achievement in other areas

and sports like football usually do not have the most easy going of people attending

Come on Mr. sensitivity you start ranting about racism and not tarring everything with the same brush, then like a goldfish you forget what you wrote 3 second earlier and write the last line thus taring football fans with the same brush, i take it thats ok though as you believe its those thuggish working class peasants whove just learned to walk upright attending!

Trust me even a brave fearless soldier such as yourself would be safe at a football game in England, the people that go these days are as often as not poncy easy going middle class folk that im sure youd have plenty in common with ... despite my strongest objections they even let women attend these days!

I would not say it was a rant

And I was once arrested in UK by a football ground because the police thought I was a thug!

So you not quite right on that one.

and I did say "usually" although I do wish I had of added that most just seem like good folk enjoying an afternoon out of sport

I am neither a brave fearless soldier ,just a non native English speaking socialist and I apologise if i used some words incorrectly

its just a shame that a small amount are able to spoil things

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