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Pop Access To Csloxinfo Email

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I used to be able to pop access my email account with CSLoxinfo with my mobile phone (through GPRS). Now I get told the server cannot be found. But this same server pop.csloxinfo.com is the one I use from Outlook Express in my computer, without any problems.

Anyone have a clue as to what the problem is? I use AIS monthly subscription with GPRS. My other email addresses still work through POP just as before.

(I know I could call CSLoxinfo or AIS Support, but this seemed an easier way - in case somebody has already solved the issue).

Cheers for your efforts,


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it might be just crap GPRS?

are you on your laptop connected through your mobile?

if so start--->run cmd and enter to bring up a command line window

then type ping pop.csloxinfo.com and note the ip address (

the type tracert

this will show you where the problem is , ie. where the packets stop. tracert ( trace route) sends out packets with ascending TTL ( time to live ) from 1 and each router in the connection takes 1 off the TTL of packets passing though it , and a router will send a reply to the origin of the packets if the packet dies at its address ( ie. TTL=0)

hope that is not too confusing - there will be better explanations of TTL and tracert on the internet :D:D:o:D

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Thank you for your quick reply Stu.

I use the GPRS for my mobile phone's email client, exclusively.

My computer is not connected to or related to it.

The phone is a Sony Ericsson T610, and as I said above, fetching email from this very account used to work before with same settings. I can still access the other email accounts I have configured in the same phone.

With the same pop server address I can access the CSLoxinfo account from my computer's email client...

Is there any way I can do the tracert thing with only the phone?

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Is there any way I can do the tracert thing with only the phone?

I am not sure - maybe you could get a java app that will run on your phone that will help you diagnose network problems - but I am not familiar with the T610 or it operating system - sorry mate

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