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Spirit Houses, Ghosts & Thai Superstitions.


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I am currently researching a part of Thai culture that fascinates me, the Thai obsession with ghosts, spirit houses and superstitions. I have been going around checking out some spirit houses, a fertility shrine, trees that some locals have taken a particular shining to.

I'd love to hear of any spirit houses, trees, ghosts or Thai superstitions that members may have encountered that are on the unusual side. The more I see, the more I love this country.. I'd love to check out some more sites so recommendations would be really appreciated.

Thanks :)

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My Thai Daughter has been in aust since she was 10. She is now in her Mid 30's and is still petrified of ghosts and cannot, to this day, spend a night alone in a house!

In 1984, my then girlfriend and I decided to take a quick trip to Koh Samet. We arrived late, it was just after sunset and the tide was out and we had to wade the last couple of hundred yards inshore.

We finally found a suitable bunglow by about 2100. Threw our gear in and went over for a feed.

It was October and there was noone around at all. My wife to be asked the owner if he would have a talk to the Guardian Spirit of the Land, make an offering and let him/them know that we were staying in Bungalow such and such. he promised he would. My wife told me what was going on. naturally I scoffed.

We shortly thereafter retired.

In the morning my wife asked me how I had slept. Bloody awful I replied. Tossed and turned all night. Guess what? She suffered the same problem.

That morning at breakfast my wife asked the owner of the bungalows had he done what she asked?

He was overcome with embarrassment. See my wife said. Thats why we didn't sleep any good. Again I scoffed. Again she got annoyed.

After being out all day discovering the island we returned for dinner. My wife asked him again.

NO! He still hadn't done it! This time he was very, very embarrassed and ran away and returned with Joss Sticks, Water, Fruit and other stuff. He must have spent at least half an hour there chanting and talking away to the spirit. Again I just scoffed. Again the wife got annoyed. it was very real and very serious to her.

So, we retired that night and guess what. Yep. We both slept like logs. Waking refreshed and ready to go.

You see!

I gave in.

But the most famous story, is the one of the Erawan Hotel. When they built it in the early 60's. A good story that one.

When my wife was pregnant we went to the Erawan Shrine, placed wooden elephants there etc., and she asked for a boy. Guess what? We had a boy.

The following year we were obligated to return and give more elephants and flowers in thanks.

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I have heard that before new houses are built without a spirit house in the garden, they can have old fishing nets spread over the foundations and the house built on top.

This is meant to stop any spirits coming up into the new house.

Don't ask me if it works. :)

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From being married to a Thai for many years I agree they are extremely superstitious and fascinated/terrified by ghosts and spirits. For every one thing you can do that brings good luck, there are 99 things that will bring the ghosts and bad luck to you.

I like gardening but I can only grow plants that don’t attract ghosts and bad luck (you would be amazed how many are on my wife’s no grow list). You can’t grow bananas too close to the house, for it will bring ghosts into your house. Which is kind of common sense since we all know how ghosts love banana plants . . . . . If you were to intentionally plant a banyan tree in your yard your neighbors might stone you, although I don’t know if it is ghost related fear. Monitor Lizards are also a very bad omen.

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Headboards of beds can not face west. Front doors of houses should not face west. Apparently ghosts come from the west????

Don't build a house at an intersection of 3 roads (3 corners). Found all this out AFTER planning and locating the house on the property :)

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You will love this one then....

When we built our present house we also built a wall all around about 2m high and the section at the corner by a large tree fell down overnight,about 3 metres of wall.

The workers rebuilt this section again the next day and the next morning it was down again,all the other walls were ok.

So we rebuilt the fallen part again and the next morning guess what,yes,it had fallen down again.

My wife asked her "Ajarn" friend to come and he performed a ceremony and told her that this part of the wall has been built on the home of the Snake God and thats why he knocks down the wall as he has not been asked for permission to build on top of his house.

So the friend then performed another ceremony and asked the Snake God if he would temporarily move so we can finish the wall and that we will build him a new home,which we did,a cave actually.

The wall was rebuilt and is still standing and the Snake God has a new home.

Some visitors claim to have seen the snake.

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