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Renewal Of Irish Passport

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I'm just curious if any other Irish in the same situation. I've applied to renew my Irish passport on 26 May and 5 weeks later I'm still waiting. The office here in BKK is a consulate so the paper work is sent to Embassy in Malaysia which then scans the information and sends off to Dublin. I have a tracking number (application) but it still does not show up in the system. The workers in the Irish consulate here are lovely but just keep saying don't worry. I'm only renewing as I have 1 page left and adding pages is not an option. I have holidays planned for 24 July so s.till have time yet.


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Mine took 8 weeks.

They forgot to send it for one week. And if I hadn't emailed asking for confirmation of when they sent it, it probably would have been forgotten about.

This was about 2 months ago.

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