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Csloxinfo - Satellite Based Services


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well since I was forced to buy the sat or lose my monthly account I bought the SAT Service,and have been very sorry ever since,so I decided to quit,here is what I sent em.

Dear Sirs; Due to the fact that I have had IPTV sat service for 6 months and it never has worked and you refuse to do anything about it,I will discontinue service with you as the end of this billing period and wish for you to send someone out to take your junk off my house,I think that you will do that ,but I can't figure why you would never send anyone out to fix the ###### thing so we could continue to do business,,As I have been with CSCOMS since coming to thailand 3 years ago and have made my pmnts every month,but if you do not wish to give service since your merger with Loxley then so be it.

Kevin Nelson

A friend of BILL W. in the LAND OF SMILES

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Guest IT Manager

Kevin as we discussed, one of the problems for them seems to be the lack of qualified service engineers available in the provinces to manage/maintain service to clients.

It has taken quite some time to get to the point where I am happy with 8 IpTV systems I manage, but they have come good, and on 5 of the systems, the problem was a billing issue. I am not convinced that isn't the problem with yours.

Having installed it on about 12 occasions, in both new and reinstalls after major system changes, I have not seen another system that would not access the VPN, unless the account was being mucked about with by their accounts department.

I am still following up on your problem, but I believe their position is not enhanced by their "engineer" in Lom Sak, reporting an attendance on several occasions, which was a bare faced lie. That has been reported to them as you know, but still nothing from the company.

Seems a dopey way for a company to be run, but thats the way they want to play, I guess you are right in removing it.

Regarding the information you received that they were discontinuing monthly accounts, yours has been the only instance of this I have heard, so would recommend thinking about Ji-Net or one of the others.


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Guest IT Manager

Further to this, e-mails have been exchanged between myself and several marketing staff at CS Loxinfo. Also an invitation has been extended to the Management of CSLoxinfo to participate in an on-line forum here.

I personally look forward tyo their answer, since I think it will be "no, as we have nothing to say, and less to sell".

This has been shared at senior management level with them.

I have formally advised no further support of their product until it becomes a "saleable item". Currrently it is not.

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Further to this, e-mails have been exchanged between myself and several marketing staff at CS Loxinfo. Also an invitation has been extended to the Management of CSLoxinfo to participate in an on-line forum here.

I personally look forward tyo their answer, since I think it will be "no, as we have nothing to say, and less to sell".

Why would a company wants to discuss on a public forum, technical issues with the services they provide ? :o

Your marketing contacts should have told you this is not a wise idea. :D

A private forum for their customers ... maybe ...

You could also provide their customers with Premium-paid support ... or get a job in CSLoxinfo !

... anyway ... I'm curious to know what are their problems, Technicals or Operations or ... Both !

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Guest IT Manager

The product is good as evidenced by the situation in Burma. Marketing have a problem trying to push a product which is supported by non skilled persons.

They will likely not take the offer up. Similarly they will not accept the fact that they are using people who do not know one end of a server farm from the back of Bill Gates Cadillac.

The problem has been identified, at least in part, by someone outside the system. They do not see it as their responsibility to provide service, merely to collect cash for the MD of Shin Satellite, who of course will not be named, but who sees his income as being a function of the future success of Thailand.

So you are suggesting all my customers who want to use the "service" for want of a better word, should pay me, to provide that "service", when I don't have access to the farm, the gateway or the "service philosophy"?

Good financial idea. Do they sell it or should I? :o

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So you are suggesting all my customers who want to use the "service" for want of a better word, should pay me, to provide that "service", when I don't have access to the farm, the gateway or the "service philosophy"?

Good financial idea. Do they sell it or should I? :o

Get them to be a reseller of your premium support services to their ... and they give you the green light to access the techies when you need to ... :D

More happy customers ... more customers ... more money ...

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Guest IT Manager

I have limited access to techies now, but they are being at least a little close mouthed with me. I can make the system go but I need feedback and quicker access. One day, it will be explained who invented what and how they did it, but not to date.

We wait in hope.

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Guest IT Manager

Wonder what it means in reality. I hope it is a push towards better service rather than having another marketing hack to trot out to manage communications between foreign residents who pay for and expect service, and Thai users who don't mind one way or another.

I live in hope it is the former.


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an update to csloxinfo letter that I posted before,I have sent the l;etter 3 times and called them 2 times and I hade my wife call them this morning and tell them in Thai,and they told her that they never heard from me about my request for discontinuation of srevice,but that they will discontinue it.

But they will most likely keep right on charging it to my credit card. now aint this a ###### of a way to run a business?

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I have been a loyal customer of CS Loxinfo at different locations since they started around 1995, first with dial-up, later ISDN and now ipSTAR.

Their customer service has always been good, but the IPstar customer service really sucks, and we are a couple of subscribers awaiting an answer from the CS Loxinfo management. Let them have their say before we start the War. Their business practice is fraudulent in my opinion, non-professional runned with frequent lies from their support desk about the daily disruptions in delivering.

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GEORGE; I was very happy with CS INTERNET, but since they merged with loxley they have gone down hill, the first thing they did was to discontinue monthly unlimited service,which was billed at 1000 baht per month,after the merger they said that you could buy user cards from loxinfo or go to IPTV at 1500 baht for monthly service,so I bought the IPTV,and it never worked and they would send no one out to fix it, ###### came down and worked for a day at my own personal cost and any phone calls to tech service was payed by me and I just got tired of the extea money that they were getting and so now the satellite dish and all the hardware is laying out in my driveway waiting for them to pick it up.

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Satelitte ISP's.

If you live in Pattaya, I guess you can choose between 56k and DSL.

If you are on Phiphi koh or Samui koh, what are the choices.

Are people that choose a satellite ISP paying big bucks, do you need this service if on an island or can you generally piggyback you bandwidth inside the islands main receiver ?

I want to go to an island and stay online at my convenience and with out paying a fortune.

PhiPhi and Samui seem to have Internet booths so infrastructure ought to be there, so I'm wondering about the cost.

If I were to go to a smaller island , could I do satelitte connection with my own dish and is this a different setup and cost altogether ?

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