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Uk Visitor Visa

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Hi, this is my first post having read though a lot of earlier posts and not any answers to my questions. I am hoping that someone can help based on previous experience.I will shortly be preparing an supporting pack for my girlfriends visa application and i have a few questions that i hope some one can help with.

1. Currently I am unemployed , having been made redundant earlier this year . so no pay slips to support , but savings of £90K so financially i can support her for 6 months, but will my employment status effect the application

2. In preparing the 6 months of bank statements, a friend advised that i should erase the account numbers and sort codes in order to protect my details, but would this invalidate the statements as support documents

3. We talk everyday , I use Skype to call her mobile and have kept the exported logs of calls. These are plain text files that have no details that they are genuine, has anybody used these successfully in support of an application


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1) As long as there are sufficient funds to support her during her visit, that is fine. The funds can come from her or you, income or savings, even a third party; or any combination of these.

2) Do not alter the bank statements in anyway.

3)The Entry Clearance Officers are well aware that there are a variety of ways of keeping in contact over intercontinental distances these days. Explain in your sponsor's letter that this is how you communicate and include a copy of the call log with the supporting evidence.

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Hi 7by7,

Thanks for your prompt reply. my friend that suggested removing account details from my statement works for HSBC, so I think his concern is banking fraud.I was wondering if a letter from my bank manager outlining the funds that I have available would be an acceptable but safer option.

Has anyone had problems with banking fraud following an application.

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They usually want to see actual bank statements so that they can see payments in and out of the account; especially if you tell them that you have been sending money to your girlfriend for her support. They ask for bank statements, not a letter from your bank, so that is what I advise you to supply. Your choice, though.

With respect to your friend, HSBC will not be judging your girlfriends visa application; an entry clearance officer employed by the UKBA will be.

I have never heard of anyone having any problems with fraud after submitting bank statements in support of a visa application. Remember that the only people who will see the statements are your girlfriend, VAC staff and UKBA staff. If you do subsequently find yourself the victim of a fraud then the authorities will know where to look for the culprit.

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it maybe better if you say you want her to come for 1 month rather than 6,The visitor visa is a minimum of 6 month you can change your mind after for how long she stays they like to think she is going to leave her employer is unlikely to keep her job open that long

my g/f recently got visitor visa we said 1 month but we now change our plans so she now coming for 3 1/2 months

it also helps if you got photo's of you and her and her family,, oh and put her family down as her dependants in the extra box

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Whilst there is nothing illegal or wrong in saying in the application that one intends to stay for 1 month and then staying longer, it may cause problems in future applications over the credibility of the applicant; i.e "you said 'x' but did 'y' so why should we believe you this time?"

Therefore, I would stongly advise in any future application explaining why one stayed longer than originaly said in this one.

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there is a software you can download, which makes a copy of all skype history. i do not know the web address. so you will have to do a little bit of hunting. from what i can remember it was posted in a forum, and as the software was updated, they replied to the post. but if you do a good GOOGLE search it will take you to the forum post. ( it wasnt this forum )

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Be careful about staying longer than you asked for,if you do they will class it as overstay.

Even if you get permission from UKBA in the UK to extend her visit,when you apply next time in Bangkok you will have problems because they do not like you conning them like that.

My friend did that and had lots of problems with Bangkok,in the end he got her a fiance visa(the easiest visa to get) and then Married her in the UK!.

Good luck

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A standard UK visit visa is valid for 6 months, starting on the date of issue unless one asks for it to be post dated when applying. Whatever the length of the visa and regardless of what one said in the application, provided one has left the UK by the shorter of 6 months or the visa's expiry date, one will not have overstayed.

A visit visa can not normally be extended in the UK.

Staying longer than originally stated on a previous visit is not, by itself, reason for refusing a subsequent application. However, as I said before, it may cause credibility issues so should be explained in that application.

A fiance visa is not the easiest visa to get; the easiest visa to get is the one which is applicable to one's purpose!

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