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Ufo's In Thailand


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I am a bit of a believer of "they're out there" but also keep an open mind. Over the years, I've seen a few very, VERY convincing examples of UFO's -mostly in Australia- but one good example a few months back on Phuket.

Has anybody else seen inexplicable examples of "flying saucers" in Thailand????


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I once saw something flying past on Ramkhamhang Rd . I think it may have been a tuk tuk or merc green bus but i coudn't identify it..so it was a UFO :o

Jokes aside. I sit on the fence with flying saucers. I am sure Thais have seen things but probably dismiss them as ghosts . My wife finds the thought of ets totally crazy but refuses to sleep with the tv off because of ghosts.hmmmmmm.

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haven´t seen nothing but the ghost of christmasses past.

They is supposedly a ufo sighting here around my home, but I think i may be IT.

Oh, and my ex-gf was a bit of a funny one, come to think of it.



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Hacker Feels US Navy Has

Spaceships, Crews In Space


He did a few trial runs, hacking into Oxford University's network, for example, and he found the whole business "incredibly exciting. And then it got more exciting when I started going to places where I really shouldn't be."

"Like where?" I ask.

"The US Space Command," he says.

"What was the most exciting thing you saw?"

"I found a list of officers' names," he says, "under the heading 'Non-Terrestrial Officers'. It doesn't mean little green men. What I think it means is not Earth-based. I found a list of 'fleet-to-fleet transfers', and a list of ship names. I looked them up. They weren't US Navy ships. What I saw made me believe they have some kind of spaceship, off-planet."

"The Americans have a secret spaceship?" I ask.

"That's what this trickle of evidence has led me to believe."

The Nerd Who Saw Too Much

The Guardian - UK


Terrified Gary McKinnon says his forays into secret Pentagon networks were never politically motivated.

A computer geek faces 70 years in jail for hacking into the top levels of US defence. He tells Jon Ronson how, hooked and stoned, he landed himself in such hot water.

In 1983, when Gary McKinnon was 17, he went to see the movie WarGames. In the film, a geeky computer whiz-kid hacks into a secret Pentagon network and, inadvertently, almost instigates World War III. Sitting in the cinema, the teenage McKinnon wondered if he, too, could be a hacker. "Really," I say to him now, "WarGames should have put you off hacking for life."

"Well," he replies, "I didn't mean it to actually come true."

WarGames ends with the Pentagon officials telling the young nerd how impressed they are with his technical acumen. He's probably going to grow up to have a brilliant career at NASA or the Department of Defence. This is an unlikely scenario for McKinnon. He faces 20 charges in the US, including stealing computer files, obtaining secrets that might have been "useful to an enemy", intentionally causing damage to a protected computer, and interfering with maritime navigation equipment in New Jersey.

Last month he attended extradition proceedings at Bow Street Magistrates Court in London. He had, the US prosecutors said, perpetrated the "biggest military computer hack of all time". He "caused damage and impaired the integrity of information. The US military district of Washington became inoperable and the cost of repairing the shutdown was $700,000 US." These hacking attacks occurred immediately after September 11, 2001, they said.

This is McKinnon's first interview. He called me out of the blue last week, just as I was screaming at my child to stop knocking on people's doors and running away. "Your son sounds like a hacker," he said. Then he invited me to his home in Bounds Green, north London.

He is good-looking, funny, slightly camp, nerdy, a chain-smoker - and terrified. "I'm walking down the road and I find I can't control my own legs," he says. "And I'm sitting up all night thinking about jail and about being arse-f---ed. And, remember, according to them I was making Washington inoperable 'immediately after September 11'.

"I'm having all these visions of " McKinnon puts on a redneck prisoner voice, "'What you doing attacking our country, boy? Pick up that soap.' Yeah, it is absolutely f---ing terrifying."

The sentence the US Justice Department is seeking - should McKinnon be extradited - is up to 70 years. What McKinnon was hunting for, as he snooped around NASA, and the Pentagon's network, was evidence of a UFO cover-up.

McKINNON was born in Glasgow in 1966. His parents separated when he was six and he moved to London with his mother and stepfather, a bit of a UFO buff. "He comes from Falkirk," McKinnon says, "and just outside Falkirk there's a place called Bonnybridge, which is the UFO capital of the world. When he lived there, he had a dream that he was walking around Bonnybridge seeing huge ships. He told me this and it inflamed my curiosity. He was a great science-fiction reader. So, him being my second father, I started reading science-fiction, too, and doing everything he did."

McKinnon read Isaac Asimov and Robert Heinlein - "the golden age of science-fiction". When he was 15 he joined Bufora, the British UFO Research Association, which describes itself as "a nationwide network of [about] 300 people who have a dedicated, non-cultist interest in understanding the wide-ranging extent of the UFO enigma".

Then he saw WarGames, and he thought: "Can you really do it? Can you really gain unauthorised access to incredibly interesting places? Surely it can't be that easy." And so, in 1995, he gave it a try.

He sat in his girlfriend, Tamsin's, aunt's house in Crouch End, and he began to hack. McKinnon was looking for - and found time and again - network administrators in high levels of the US government and military establishments who hadn't bothered to give themselves passwords. That's how he got in.

He did a few trial runs, hacking into Oxford University's network, for example, and he found the whole business "incredibly exciting. And then it got more exciting when I started going to places where I really shouldn't be."

"Like where?" I ask.

"The US Space Command," he says.

And so, for the next seven years, on and off, McKinnon sat in that aunt's house, a joint in the ashtray and a can of Foster's next to the mouse pad, and he snooped. From time to time, some NASA scientist sitting at his desk somewhere would see his cursor move for no apparent reason. On those occasions, McKinnon's connection would be cut. This would never fail to freak out the then-stoned McKinnon.

When I ask if he is brilliant, he says no. He's just an ordinary, self-taught techie. And, he says, he was never alone. "Once you're on the network, you can do a command called NetStat - Network Status - and it lists all the connections to that machine. There were hackers from Denmark, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Thailand."

"All on at once?" I ask. "You could see hackers from all over the world, snooping around, without the spaceniks or the military realising?"

"Every night," he says.

"What was the most exciting thing you saw?"

"I found a list of officers' names," he says, "under the heading 'Non-Terrestrial Officers'. It doesn't mean little green men. What I think it means is not Earth-based. I found a list of 'fleet-to-fleet transfers', and a list of ship names. I looked them up. They weren't US Navy ships. What I saw made me believe they have some kind of spaceship, off-planet."

"The Americans have a secret spaceship?" I ask.

"That's what this trickle of evidence has led me to believe."

"What were the ship names?"

"I can't remember," he says. "I was smoking a lot of dope at the time. Not good for the intellect."

This was November 2000. By now, McKinnon was hooked. He quit his job as a systems administrator for a small business, "which hugely pissed off my girlfriend, Tamsin".

"It was the last straw," he says. "She dumped me and started seeing this other bloke because I was such a selfish waste of space. Poor Tamsin. And she was the one paying the phone bill because I didn't have a job. We were still living together. God, have you ever tried living with someone after you've split up? It's bad."

So, while Tamsin was trying to get on with her new relationship, McKinnon was in the living room of her aunt's house, hacking. He snooped around all the forts - Fort Meade, Fort Benning, and others - reading internal court-martial reports of soldiers getting imprisoned for rape and murder and drug abuse.

"You end up lusting after more and more complex security measures," he says. "It was like a game. I loved computer games. I still do. It was like a real game. It was addictive. Hugely addictive." It was never really politically motivated.

Yes, he was hacking immediately after September 11, 2001, but only because he wanted to see if there was a conspiracy. "Why did the building fall like a controlled series of explosions?" he asks. "I hate conspiracy theories, so I thought I'd find out for myself."

He strenuously denies the Justice Department's charge that he caused the "US military district of Washington" to become "inoperable". Well, once, he admits - but only once - he inadvertently pressed the wrong button and may have deleted some government files.

"I thought, 'Ooh, bloody ######.' And that's when I stopped for a while. And then my friend told me about DARPA. And so I started again."

DARPA is the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency, an intriguing collection of brilliant military scientists, funded by the Pentagon. DARPA has been widely credited with inventing, among other things, the internet, the global positioning system, the computer mouse, and - somewhat more boneheadedly - FutureMAP, an online futures market designed to predict assassinations and bombings by encouraging investor speculation in such crimes. The US Senate once described FutureMAP as "an unbelievably stupid idea". DARPA has long been of interest to conspiracy theorists because it is semi-secretive, bizarre and occupies that murky world that lies between science and war.

McKinnon was caught in November 2002. He says it was inevitable because he was "getting a bit sloppy". He pauses. "I'd never have envisaged this happening to myself, but I did get a bit megalomaniacal, as well. It got a bit silly. I ended up talking to people I hacked into - I'd instant-message them, using WordPad, with a bit of a political diatribe. You know, I'd leave a message on their desktop that read, 'Secret government is blah blah blah."'

McKinnon was tracked down because he'd used his email address to download a hacking program called Remotely Anywhere. "God knows why I used my real email address," he says. "I suppose it means I'm not a secretive, sophisticated checking myself every-step-of-the-way type of hacker."

On the night before his arrest, McKinnon had been up playing games. "Maybe I'd been doing a bit of weak, fun hacking, too," he says. "I'd had one hour's sleep, and I woke up completely muddled, and suddenly at the bottom of my bed there was this voice: 'Hello, my name's Jeff Donson from the National High Tech Crime Unit. Gary McKinnon, you're under arrest.'

"They put Tamsin and me in the meat wagon. They took my PC, Tamsin's PC, three other computers I was fixing for friends. They went upstairs and took my girlfriend's aunty's daughter's computer."

McKinnon was kept in a police station overnight. Then the Americans offered him a deal, via his British solicitor. "They said, 'If you incur the cost of the whole extradition process, be a good boy, come over here, we'll give you three or four years, rather than the whole sentence.'

"I said, 'OK, give me that in writing.' They said, 'Oh, no, we can't do that.' So they were offering a secret trial, no right of appeal on the outcome, no comment to the newspapers, and nothing in writing. My solicitor, doing her job, advised me to take it, and when I said no, she was very 'Ooh, they're going to come down heavy'."

In return, McKinnon offered a somewhat harebrained counter deal, via a Virginia public defender. "I made a sort of veiled threat to them. I said, 'You know the places I've been, so you know the stuff I've seen,' kind of thing." He pauses and blushes slightly.

"You know, the, uh, Non-Terrestrial Officers. The spaceships. 'The whole world thinks it's co-operating in building the International Space Station, but you've already got a space-based army that you refer to as Non-Terrestrial Officers."' There is a silence. "I had very little evidence. It's not a very good bargaining chip at all, really, is it?"

Given the Justice Department has announced the information McKinnon downloaded was not "classified", and he was stoned much of the time, perhaps we can assume NASA is not too worried about his "discoveries".

McKinnon hasn't spoken publicly before, but now, with the extradition proceedings, nothing is left open to him. For a while, he thought he might end up like the computer nerd from WarGames, having a brilliant career working for the Americans. "They need people like me," he says. "But that's not going to happen."

He and Tamsin have split. He no longer lives in Crouch End, but in the nearby, slightly more down-at-heel Bounds Green, and has given up smoking dope. He is not allowed near the internet, is not allowed a passport, and spends a lot of time reading and sitting in the pub, awaiting his fate.

Nothing much happened in the years since his arrest in 2002 under the Computer Misuse Act - no charges were brought against him in Britain. Then, on June 8, he found himself in front of Bow Street magistrates, the target of extradition proceedings. That's when the panic attacks kicked in again, the horror visions of life in a US jail. He had poked around, he says, but he hadn't broken anything, besides that one mistake. He thought he was going to get a year, max. Now they're talking about 70 years. "You know," he says. "everyone thinks this is fun or exciting. But it isn't exciting to me. It is terrifying."

The extradition hearing will resume on July 27.





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Please share with us khall64au  :o

OK.... I saw two in Oz for sure.

But about a month ago I was star gazing out the front of my house in Rawai, Phuket and spotted what I thought was a satellite way up just below the moon. But it was moving way too quickly for a satellite and then started descending. It went lower and lower until I lost it behind the trees.

My most impressive sighting was north of Sydney where the freeway cuts through the rock escarpments of the national park. It was 9pm at night and my brother and I had been driving all day from from Surfers Paradise. Lo and behold, a "spaceship" (and it really WAS like a flying saucer with green and red lights underneath) appeared flying beside our car .... about a few hundred metres to the left.

Freaked us both RIGHT out. It stayed with us for a few kilometres until the road cut through the rock and when we emerged at the other end our UFO was gone.

My mother made us a STIFF cup of tea when we arrived and my dad proceeded to tell us about a spaceship that landed next to the fire tower he was manning in the bush while in the army years ago. He said he s**t himself, ran for his life back to barracks and never told anybody in case they thought he was nuts.

I guess it runs in the family :D

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To ask if UFO exist is really a naive naive question.

But we have to blame the US government and most of the world's major governments for hidding the truth of our universe and our human origin for centuries with all the professional debunkers and misinformations and cover ups.

We earth humans are still a very primitive race that still in the early stage of our technological and spiritual evolution. We earth humans will have the common interstellar technology in less than 500 years, but we will be bound to this earth as long as we still have the aggressive war-like personality. So it will take us few more hundreds of years to join the interstellar society. But as for now this technology only exist in top secret US installation such as Dulce, New Mexico. As a result of back engineering and the join intallation with the Zeta Reticuli, or the so called greys, the one race that is reponsible with all the human abductions. The Zetas have been in cooperation with US military projects since Truman era. All other ETs that have been constant contact with our earth for our entire history such as from Pleiades, Tau Ceti, Alpha Centauri, Procyon, Vega, Lyra, Ummites, and hundreds of others are all non-interference policy, they are all very spiritually advanced people that only observe our earth without interfering our natural evolution.

The UFOs have also changed the form and shape since we earthlings fotograph them since 1930s. That means they also have progressed in their technology of space travel. If we earthling can understand the sub-atomic level of physics or the quatum physics one day in the future, we will understand the space time distortion concept, anti-gravity concept ect that are essential for intergalatic travel.

But for now we earth human really hope the US and other major governments can stop hidding and debunking the truth of our universe or multi-universes, and the secret of our own human origin.

Next time you see an UFO, just think one day in the future, earthling too will no longer be bounded to our planet terra. We will enter our next stage of evolution setting foot in our own intergalatic travel searching for more knowledge of our multi-dimensional universes following the steps of millions of other more advanced human specis in the universe.

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If some distant form of life has managed to do 5000 years ago what we've accomplished in the last 100 years, I bet they're remotely viewing this board. :o and maybe posting as well.

IP address: ♀ ↨‼↕.↑→#↓

Oops, I've blown my cover...

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This is a facsinating topic and one that while it warrants the p1ss takers is also worthy of serious consideration.

My own experience was off Tha Mai in Chanthaburi. It was January and a nice cool day was turning into a rather cool, chilly evening. Me and my missus were lingering on the beach while I finished off my beer when we both saw a large bright flashing red light about 100 meters above the water and at about half a miles distance. It hovered there for about 5 minutes and then tore off upwards at a fair rate of knots and vanished. Needless to say I left my beer on the beach and scarpered. It was rather unsettling to say the least.

As a note of interest Ubon Ratchathani province has long been considered Thailand's UFO hotspot. I met a bunch of Thai UFOlogists from Mahidol on a Ubon bound train a few years ago and accepted their invitation to watch the skies with them for a night but saw nothing and got eaten alive! Interesting bunch though.

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If some distant form of life has managed to do 5000 years ago what we've accomplished in the last 100 years, I bet they're remotely viewing this board.  :o and maybe posting as well.

IP address: ♀ ↨‼↕.↑→#↓

Oops, I've blown my cover...

Well maybe... but perhaps the Toxonites are also viewing this board. :D

I must admit though, the Professer has some VERY amazing views (see above post) and they sound very feasible.... after all, why SHOULD we be the only higher life forms in the universe?????

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Sounds very much like "ageless wisdom" to me - a very interesting subject I think, and a google search for that term will widen ones horizon for sure.

Not a religion, not a cult but more of a general belief that we are here to develop as humans (and some of us are/was more developed than others). Cheers!

To ask if UFO exist is really a naive naive question.

But we have to blame the US government and most of the world's major governments for hidding the truth of our universe and our human origin for centuries with all the professional debunkers and misinformations and cover ups.

We earth humans are still a very primitive race that still in the early stage of our technological and spiritual evolution. We earth humans will have the common interstellar technology in less than 500 years, but we will be bound to this earth as long as we still have the aggressive war-like personality. So it will take us few more hundreds of years to join the interstellar society. But as for now this technology only exist in top secret US installation such as Dulce, New Mexico. As a result of back engineering and the join intallation with the Zeta Reticuli, or the so called greys, the one race that is reponsible with all the human abductions. The Zetas have been in cooperation with US military projects since Truman era. All other ETs that have been constant contact with our earth for our entire history such as from Pleiades, Tau Ceti, Alpha Centauri, Procyon, Vega, Lyra, Ummites, and hundreds of others are all non-interference policy, they are all very spiritually advanced people that only observe our earth without interfering our natural evolution.

The UFOs have also changed the form and shape since we earthlings fotograph them since 1930s. That means they also have progressed in their technology of space travel. If we earthling can understand the sub-atomic level of physics or the quatum physics one day in the future, we will understand the space time distortion concept, anti-gravity concept ect that are essential for intergalatic travel.

But for now we earth human really hope the US and other major governments can stop hidding and debunking the truth of our universe or multi-universes, and the secret of our own human origin.

Next time you see an UFO, just think one day in the future, earthling too will no longer be bounded to our planet terra. We will enter our next stage of evolution setting foot in our own intergalatic travel searching for more knowledge of our multi-dimensional universes following  the steps of millions of other more advanced human specis in the universe.

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There has been some major sightings all over the world of late - have a look at this site.. www.rense.com - many different subjects that doesnt make the commercial news stations. :o

every grain of sand on earth = 1 planet in the universe... to say there wasnt anyone else in this universe would be naive. :D

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But for now we earth human really hope the US and other major governments can stop hidding and debunking the truth of our universe or multi-universes, and the secret of our own human origin.

Do you really expect governments to acknowledge existence of other intelligent life forms in our universe? Wouldn't it blow religion right out of the water?

If god made us in His image, in whose image are ETs made?

Somehow I can't see other life forms being welcomed with open arms as mankind (sorry that's not PC. I mean 'humankind') can't get along with each other as it is due to skin colour or religious beliefs. :o

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I am a bit of a believer of "they're out there" but also keep an open mind. Over the years, I've seen a few very, VERY convincing examples of UFO's -mostly in Australia- but one good example a few months back on Phuket.

Has anybody else seen inexplicable examples of "flying saucers" in Thailand????

:D  :D  :D  :o

I think you've got a better chance seeing virgin Mary working the bar scene in Pattaya

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There has been some major sightings all over the world of late - have a look at this site.. www.rense.com - many different subjects that doesnt make the commercial news stations.  :o

every grain of sand on earth = 1 planet in the universe... to say there wasnt anyone else in this universe would be naive.  :D

With something like 10 to the power of 27 planets (estimated) that could have life on them, the odds are definitely in favour of the theory. I'm a believer, but its the stigma with the acronym UFO and 'little green men' that puts a lot of people off. We are, after all, a bastardization of an experiment by these visitors - the Abos are the true Earth people. Not on the Chang BTW, just one or two Leos. :D

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Please share with us khall64au  :D

OK.... I saw two in Oz for sure.

But about a month ago I was star gazing out the front of my house in Rawai, Phuket and spotted what I thought was a satellite way up just below the moon. But it was moving way too quickly for a satellite and then started descending. It went lower and lower until I lost it behind the trees.

My most impressive sighting was north of Sydney where the freeway cuts through the rock escarpments of the national park. It was 9pm at night and my brother and I had been driving all day from from Surfers Paradise. Lo and behold, a "spaceship" (and it really WAS like a flying saucer with green and red lights underneath) appeared flying beside our car .... about a few hundred metres to the left.

Freaked us both RIGHT out. It stayed with us for a few kilometres until the road cut through the rock and when we emerged at the other end our UFO was gone.

My mother made us a STIFF cup of tea when we arrived and my dad proceeded to tell us about a spaceship that landed next to the fire tower he was manning in the bush while in the army years ago. He said he s**t himself, ran for his life back to barracks and never told anybody in case they thought he was nuts.

I guess it runs in the family :D

You do get some great smoke in Oz! :o:D:D:D

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hey Khall,

I found some things mentioned which I'll quote here.

from www.rense.com

Atitlan Lake, Guatemala Unknown Objects


Date: 2003


Hello, I was reading on of your comments about UFO at the Atitlan Lake at Guatemala, I think that I have a picture of the UFO mentioned here at this web link, this picture is from December 2003 at the same lake only it was shot at day light.


Photos can be viewed at:



Photos are © 2005 CEQ

The gentleman is referring to this sighting which was reported to me by a different witness: Report below.



Lake Atitlán, Guatemala Pinkish Object


Date: 2003


Last year while in Guatemala, I was waiting on a dock for the last ferry to take me to a hostel on Lake Atitlán. It was dark and cloudless. A orb of pinkish light that was more yellowish in the center, came across the sky slowly and soundlessly. I pointed it out to another woman waiting there and neither of us could figure out what it was. After a few minutes it started to move away from us, becoming smaller, until it was lost from sight behind the trees. A huge fire was also burning on the side of a hill not far from us and in the direction the light was headed initially. Unfortunately I had not taken my camera out with me that day!


The orb probably could have been covered by a baseball if held out at my arms length, (I'm short), but I have no reference for distance. It was at an angle of about 60 degs to the horizon I think. While in the Monte Verde region of Costa Rica, myself and others were witness to a 'fireball' that shot across the sky almost parallel to the ground. We presumed it was a large meteor(?).

Guatemala City A Huge Triangle Shaped Object


Date: March of 2003

Time: Around 5.00 or 5:30 p.m.


Hi Brian,


I did personally see an UFO's in Guatemala one evening of March of 2003 at Guatemala City. I Do also have couple more pictures taken in my trips to Guatemala showing some UFO's even that at the time of those pictures were taking we did not notice anything odd on the background .


None of the people accompanying me that day did notice anything also. (Any way I did not wear my prescription glasses so the chances of seeing the UFO's in the background were minimum since I am suffering of astigmatism).


Just like a said back in March, 2003 just outside of my parent's home in Guatemala City I saw a huge triangle shape object flying right above our heads probably about a 100 feet above the ground. (I think the UFO was flying so low that if I have small rock close by I could probably use and hit it).


The first to notice the object was my nephew Misael who was laying down face up on my bother car engine hood. Misael was about 11 or 12 years old.


He was watching the object crossing above our heads when he asked me about that. We all then look up and notice the rare object flying right over our heads.


The other family members were my nice's husband Estuardo (last name removed) and couple more nephews.


The length across of the object was about 75 feet (it looks more like a flying wing since it was flat on the top part with probably around 10 to 12 feet's height which will fit a human standing inside without problems).


The object was flying very slow, soundlessly and low to the ground; it was the first time that I seeing a wonderful aircraft with this type of properties. (Not a noticeable noise and great lifting abilities since a huge aircraft like that will required a powerful and tremendous blast of lifting force to get it out flying as this one did).


I was able to see three shapes like wheels under the object, perhaps holes or protrusions each of them located close or very near to the end of the triangle edges.


Unfortunately I was not able to see with enough detail to the bottom of the this marvelous machine since I was walking and watching at the same time which in the streets of Guatemala it is a miracle not to fall in one of the numerous holes on the street.


The wheels or forever they were looks to be black or dark gray in color with no lights or something really noticeable.


The time was around 5.00 or 5:30 PM and it was very clear, the color of the object was a metal-aluminum like color or light gray with some joints that run from the rear to the front or vice verse.


It was very obvious that the aircraft were assembled together using some type of welding method since I could see the joints perfectly, unfortunately I did not have my camera with me at that time and I could not take any pictures of the object.


I am a pretty heavy man with more than 330 pounds of weight and I was able to walk following its trajectory for about 100 feet until I reach a dead end where a lost sight of the object over the houses near by.


Like a said I regret for not having my camera handy at that time. Something that I notice after the sight is that about a half block away from my parents house was a fairy ground with a very attractive neon lights spinning wheel about 30 feet in diameter.


Probably those lights and the spinning fairy wheel had attracted whoever was piloting the aircraft.


That evening we were about five member of the family that has the wonderful experience of watching a great flying object. The family member was my nice husband and two of three nephews of mine.


Days later I was able to shoot up some more pictures in another city called Antigua Guatemala about 40 miles away from Guatemala City. There is an UFO in couple of the pictures.


One of the pictures which is the second on the sequence shown a huge aircraft inside the clouds close to the volcano, since the object is very close to it the volcano became a good source for comparison.


The other picture, which was the first that I took that day shows the object in flight and for the sequence of the pictures and the dimension seeing at the second one it is obvious that the object was approaching high in the sky from the rear of the volcano or in an angle from above.


It is very curious is that both sites from were a took the pictures are a volcano activity areas, if you want to see the pictures at Antigua Guatemala I could email them to you.


Best regards.


Thank you to the person for the report

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hey Khall,

I found some things mentioned which I'll quote here.

from www.rense.com

Atitlan Lake, Guatemala Unknown Objects


Date: 2003


Hello, I was reading on of your comments about UFO at the Atitlan Lake at Guatemala, I think that I have a picture of the UFO mentioned here at this web link, this picture is from December 2003 at the same lake only it was shot at day light.


Photos can be viewed at:



Photos are © 2005 CEQ

The gentleman is referring to this sighting which was reported to me by a different witness: Report below.



Lake Atitlán, Guatemala Pinkish Object


Date: 2003


Last year while in Guatemala, I was waiting on a dock for the last ferry to take me to a hostel on Lake Atitlán. It was dark and cloudless. A orb of pinkish light that was more yellowish in the center, came across the sky slowly and soundlessly. I pointed it out to another woman waiting there and neither of us could figure out what it was. After a few minutes it started to move away from us, becoming smaller, until it was lost from sight behind the trees. A huge fire was also burning on the side of a hill not far from us and in the direction the light was headed initially. Unfortunately I had not taken my camera out with me that day!


The orb probably could have been covered by a baseball if held out at my arms length, (I'm short), but I have no reference for distance. It was at an angle of about 60 degs to the horizon I think. While in the Monte Verde region of Costa Rica, myself and others were witness to a 'fireball' that shot across the sky almost parallel to the ground. We presumed it was a large meteor(?).

Guatemala City A Huge Triangle Shaped Object


Date: March of 2003

Time: Around 5.00 or 5:30 p.m.


Hi Brian,


I did personally see an UFO's in Guatemala one evening of March of 2003 at Guatemala City. I Do also have couple more pictures taken in my trips to Guatemala showing some UFO's even that at the time of those pictures were taking we did not notice anything odd on the background .


None of the people accompanying me that day did notice anything also. (Any way I did not wear my prescription glasses so the chances of seeing the UFO's in the background were minimum since I am suffering of astigmatism).


Just like a said back in March, 2003 just outside of my parent's home in Guatemala City I saw a huge triangle shape object flying right above our heads probably about a 100 feet above the ground. (I think the UFO was flying so low that if I have small rock close by I could probably use and hit it).


The first to notice the object was my nephew Misael who was laying down face up on my bother car engine hood. Misael was about 11 or 12 years old.


He was watching the object crossing above our heads when he asked me about that. We all then look up and notice the rare object flying right over our heads.


The other family members were my nice's husband Estuardo (last name removed) and couple more nephews.


The length across of the object was about 75 feet (it looks more like a flying wing since it was flat on the top part with probably around 10 to 12 feet's height which will fit a human standing inside without problems).


The object was flying very slow, soundlessly and low to the ground; it was the first time that I seeing a wonderful aircraft with this type of properties. (Not a noticeable noise and great lifting abilities since a huge aircraft like that will required a powerful and tremendous blast of lifting force to get it out flying as this one did).


I was able to see three shapes like wheels under the object, perhaps holes or protrusions each of them located close or very near to the end of the triangle edges.


Unfortunately I was not able to see with enough detail to the bottom of the this marvelous machine since I was walking and watching at the same time which in the streets of Guatemala it is a miracle not to fall in one of the numerous holes on the street.


The wheels or forever they were looks to be black or dark gray in color with no lights or something really noticeable.


The time was around 5.00 or 5:30 PM and it was very clear, the color of the object was a metal-aluminum like color or light gray with some joints that run from the rear to the front or vice verse.


It was very obvious that the aircraft were assembled together using some type of welding method since I could see the joints perfectly, unfortunately I did not have my camera with me at that time and I could not take any pictures of the object.


I am a pretty heavy man with more than 330 pounds of weight and I was able to walk following its trajectory for about 100 feet until I reach a dead end where a lost sight of the object over the houses near by.


Like a said I regret for not having my camera handy at that time. Something that I notice after the sight is that about a half block away from my parents house was a fairy ground with a very attractive neon lights spinning wheel about 30 feet in diameter.


Probably those lights and the spinning fairy wheel had attracted whoever was piloting the aircraft.


That evening we were about five member of the family that has the wonderful experience of watching a great flying object. The family member was my nice husband and two of three nephews of mine.


Days later I was able to shoot up some more pictures in another city called Antigua Guatemala about 40 miles away from Guatemala City. There is an UFO in couple of the pictures.


One of the pictures which is the second on the sequence shown a huge aircraft inside the clouds close to the volcano, since the object is very close to it the volcano became a good source for comparison.


The other picture, which was the first that I took that day shows the object in flight and for the sequence of the pictures and the dimension seeing at the second one it is obvious that the object was approaching high in the sky from the rear of the volcano or in an angle from above.


It is very curious is that both sites from were a took the pictures are a volcano activity areas, if you want to see the pictures at Antigua Guatemala I could email them to you.


Best regards.


Thank you to the person for the report

Cool Kayo,

See... I wasn't making it up :o

The incident I mentioned was prior to 1992 (which was the last time I visited) so it seems they are regular visitors to the lake.

Better keep your eyes peeled!! :D

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