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Veggie Festival


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Me and the misses went to have a look at the vegetarian festival yesterday in Phuket Town. I’m not sure of the road name but it’s the main cut through road towards Central round the corner from Roxy Bar.

Question why oh why didn’t the Thai authorities block the road off during the day to traffic? I’ve been informed that the road is closed at night but during the day it was nothing less than chaotic. While looking at the stalls along the road cars busses and motorbikes often being driven like they were stolen were within inches of the general public. How anyone wasn’t or won’t be hurt or injured is beyond me. Surely they can organize a diversion for the busses for a few days?

What did we buy there? Well my misses wanted some mango. She asked one stall vendor how much the mango was. 50 Baht she replied. That was for half a mango on a polystyrene tray (20 Baht Tesco) we walked away. She also asked another vendor the price of some Jack Fruit. 40 Baht he said we walked away (from 25 Baht Tesco). Then I saw some roasted chestnuts how much I asked? 100 Baht he replied. Further down the road then was another vendor selling chestnuts. I asked him how much please? 100 Baht. We walked again.

We walked towards town just before the circle there’s a market on the left. My misses bought some mango there 40 Baht for just over a kilo (not half of one). She also bought some jack fruit 60 Baht for about 3 times as much as she was offered for 40 Baht. One the way back to our home i saw another vendor selling some roast Chestnuts. How much? I asked. 20 Baht was the reply... i walked away happily eating my delicious chestnut. Yum yum.

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Location, location, location. Those vendors in the choice areas know that someone will pay the price. The vendors also had to pay for their choice location once way or another, so it's part and parcel of the festival and really, any tourist activity anywhere in the world.

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