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Thai Police Arrest Nigerian National With Nearly US$47,000 In Heroin


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Nigerian arrested with nearly US$47,000 in heroin in Sa Kaeo

SA KAEO, Nov 1 – A Nigerian man on Monday was detained at the Thai-Cambodian border province of Sa Kaeo with 367 grammes of heroin, valued at Bt1.4 million (some $47,000), according to Pol Lt-Col Seksan Wattanapong, chief of Khlong Luek Police Station.

Nigerian national Iyiobi Ifeanyi, 38, was apprehended in Thailand's Aranyaprathet district on the Cambodian border with heroin in his stomach.

The arrest was made by police and army rangers when they saw there was no stamp on his passport to enter and found some stomach lining protector pills.

As the authorities suspected that Mr Ifeanyi might be carrying illicit drugs in his stomach, he was detained and taken to Aranyaprathet Hospital for an X-ray scanning process.

The X-ray showed over 20 packages of suspicious objects so the detainee was ordered to a toilet empty to defecate and the officers found 26 packages of heroin weighing 367 grammes overall and having as estimated street value of some $47,000.

The detained Nigerian said that he flew from Cameroon to Cambodia and then swallowed the drug packages, adding that he smuggled heroin into Thailand through the Cambodian border town of Poi Pet to deliver it to his customers in Bangkok.

Aranyaprathet district is a Thai border town where there is a crossing to Poi Pet in neighbouring Cambodia, some 290 kilometres east of Thai capital. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2010-11-01

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The detained Nigerian said that he flew from Cameroon to Cambodia and then swallowed the drug packages, adding that he smuggled heroin into Thailand through the Cambodian border town of Poi Pet to deliver it to his customers in Bangkok.

To deliver it to his customers? Should have said selling the death to heroin addicted people........:jap:

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When will they learn and stop gambling with their life and freedom?mad.gif

When will THEY learn and.....?

by "THEY",I mean Thai Customs and news agencies.By spreading this sort of news with highly inflated value of seized contraband,

they promote drug smugling!This is very irresponsible!They are supposed to fight with it,not to promote it?

All kind of people read this news,some of them are failed biznesmen,dreaming about ways to recover lost fortunes and they are getting wrong ideas

from this kind of stories;as well as anybody in desperate life situation.

100 grands for a kilo - and life is beautifull again?

But it is a lie.Customs quote street prices,because they hope for financial rewards proportional to value of seized contraband.

Anybody wants to hang around soi11 corner with kilo of smack in paper bag?Ha!Ha!!?

Dear TV! stop this BS....

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I'm neither a "Hang him high", nor a let him rot in jail guy.

Fact is that I grew up in the so called Flower Power Hippie time in a town with around 20,000 citizens.

I stopped counting after more than one hundred heroin addicted died overdosed, through AIDS, Hepatitis etc....

Some of my friends died too, so it's different when people do have experience with such a drug that makes people to living Zombies. :jap:

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When will they learn and stop gambling with their life and freedom?mad.gif

When will THEY learn and.....?

by "THEY",I mean Thai Customs and news agencies.By spreading this sort of news with highly inflated value of seized contraband,

they promote drug smugling!This is very irresponsible!They are supposed to fight with it,not to promote it?

All kind of people read this news,some of them are failed biznesmen,dreaming about ways to recover lost fortunes and they are getting wrong ideas

from this kind of stories;as well as anybody in desperate life situation.

100 grands for a kilo - and life is beautifull again?

But it is a lie.Customs quote street prices,because they hope for financial rewards proportional to value of seized contraband.

Anybody wants to hang around soi11 corner with kilo of smack in paper bag?Ha!Ha!!?

Dear TV! stop this BS....

Sorry, but I guess you've missed the point. An article like this isn't any type of drug advertising.

It might make people think twice to do it, or leave it.

I guess most of us were in 'desperate life situation', but only some will take the risk to get busted with such a nasty drug.

Unfortunately it's not that important when they take the street price, this *** kills and destroys families. :jap:


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I am not missing the point!in fact - I am hitting the bull's eye!

Any bizness is driven by profit or expectation of it.

They printed this news with number 47000$ in bold - to impress the readers.

Print it again and replace 47000$ with real value,say 3000$;you can print it in bold red and read it again.

It will have no impact!3000$ is to little for reader to bother.

Believe me - many new dope dealers and smugglers were created by press news of this shape - accenting inflated value

of seized contraband(imagination in work).Here we can understand this,that place of the incident - provincial small border town,they wanted to show

the result of their work and the amount is nor very impressive,some grams! they put the value - thousands look better then grams.

HOWEVER! this particular news is quite important.Here I will elaborate:

in place where I lived ,there are many small countries and a lot of borders;there are always price difference across border,which

generates movements of goods and trade.Today it is mostly about tobacco and cigarettes.Quite a lot of this local trade is facilitated by local people

who can cross border anytime,because they live there.Everytime they cross,they carry something - one bar of cigs,one bottle of schnaps;

it is nothing one time but it is done by many,many times.

They are called - ants workers.This is quite a problem there.

So,it looks,that some people mounted this sort of operation in Aranyapratted.They are not locals - but they make local moves - illegally(no stamp in passport)

they carry little bit; so much-half pound he probably consumed in hurry somewhere in bush,he came from BKK to pick it up,or delivered it from PP

and he would come back there in the same manner( "green border")...Sun-tanned ants workers...

Customs from that small provincial town caught little bit,but I believe - they disrupted big operation,

and this is quite big and very interesting story.

In western countries they publish stories about crime,not to entertain the readers but...to get feedback from them.Here - it is not the case.

And half a dozen are in line to replace unlucky one(there is no deterring effect..)

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The arrest was made by police and army rangers when they saw there was no stamp on his passport to enter

He by-passed the immigration-station at the border (easy to do) and they checked his passport at the police/army checkpoint just after the border station (they always check so people don't take in to much cigarettes during visa runs for example).

I wonder, if the above scenario is correct, that made them check his passport in the first place.

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I am not missing the point!in fact - I am hitting the bull's eye!

Any bizness is driven by profit or expectation of it.

They printed this news with number 47000$ in bold - to impress the readers.

Print it again and replace 47000$ with real value,say 3000$;you can print it in bold red and read it again.

It will have no impact!3000$ is to little for reader to bother.

Believe me - many new dope dealers and smugglers were created by press news of this shape - accenting inflated value

of seized contraband(imagination in work).Here we can understand this,that place of the incident - provincial small border town,they wanted to show

the result of their work and the amount is nor very impressive,some grams! they put the value - thousands look better then grams.

HOWEVER! this particular news is quite important.Here I will elaborate:

in place where I lived ,there are many small countries and a lot of borders;there are always price difference across border,which

generates movements of goods and trade.Today it is mostly about tobacco and cigarettes.Quite a lot of this local trade is facilitated by local people

who can cross border anytime,because they live there.Everytime they cross,they carry something - one bar of cigs,one bottle of schnaps;

it is nothing one time but it is done by many,many times.

They are called - ants workers.This is quite a problem there.

So,it looks,that some people mounted this sort of operation in Aranyapratted.They are not locals - but they make local moves - illegally(no stamp in passport)

they carry little bit; so much-half pound he probably consumed in hurry somewhere in bush,he came from BKK to pick it up,or delivered it from PP

and he would come back there in the same manner( "green border")...Sun-tanned ants workers...

Customs from that small provincial town caught little bit,but I believe - they disrupted big operation,

and this is quite big and very interesting story.

In western countries they publish stories about crime,not to entertain the readers but...to get feedback from them.Here - it is not the case.

And half a dozen are in line to replace unlucky one(there is no deterring effect..)

:oOh my god, let's call him Budhha, or Siddharta Gautama. Thanks for your thoughts, but again you didn't get what I was trying to say.

Have you ever seen your friend dying overdosed and you're the person who found him?

Please never forget that people are different, especially when they do not want people to smuggle heroin to destroy lives.

If you like I'll translate this for you into at least 10 languages that you know what I'm talking about.

Have you ever had friends who were on * junk and died very young?

Full Stop :jap:

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Big deal; they caught ONE Nigerian with smack. Simply take a stroll on Sukhumvit Soi 3 at nite and there are dozens more taking his place. LOS needs to adopt an approach that Hong Kong takes; they target Africans for drug searches. Call me politically incorrect, racist or whatever your high-minded far-left liberal "logic" guides you. Fact is, most Africans that are in LOS are up to no good. The Hong Kongers have figured that out and have taken action. High time LOS does the same.

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I saw an Aussie border protection show on telly the other week where a guy had an estimated Au$280,000 (street value) of heroin stuffed in condoms in his gut. So $47,000 seems plausable.

Fantuzi, your logic is hard to follow! :blink:

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Drug experts say alcohol worse than crack or heroin

LONDON | Mon Nov 1, 2010 2:23pm GMT

LONDON (Reuters) - Alcohol is a more dangerous drug than both crack and heroin when the combined harms to the user and to others are assessed, British scientists said Monday.


Read and weep. I have know this for decades already, but now more and more experts come to the same conclusion....

The "war on drugs" can not be won. As long as there is demand there will be supply, no matter the consequences, so even in countries that have the death penalty, smugglers,

usually poor people looking for a fast buck, will risk their live to supply...

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Funny thing is that most of this Africans that end up in jails around the world never knew what illegal drugs was before they migrate to other lands.

In more favorable climes, the number that engage in drug trafficking is quite negligible compared to other ones that happily do 9-5 jobs.

In the case of SE Asia, the African migrants they attract are most of the time, not the morally outstanding types. They rarely can get a regular job, coupled with sheer frustration, greed, hunger, desperation, and peer pressure, the outcome could be quite predictable.

Thailand gets the best of both ends, Iranian icemen, Nigerian crack merchants, European pedophiles, Australian boiler room enterprenuers, Colombian thieves, UK bar brawlers, US fugitives, Balcony divers, and others.

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@sirchai This devious phenomena - drugs in our society have two sides,like two sides of the coin,they feed each other

one - consumers:people who enjoy their state of alternate conciousness,but more often - junkies suffering all sort of pains,destroyed lives,death or prolonged jail.

two - suppliers/biznes people - some of them getting rich quickly,some - ending in jail or shallow grave

Consumers often share their experience about misery of being junkie;Suppliers are mostly very shy,they are not available for comments and consultations.We are left with press stories,as a source of information.

This story,which we comment is about bizness:heroin smuggling,not about junkies.The guy who was caught, had it in his stomach,but it was his mean of transport !not consumption!he had some pills,not syringe.

I will repeat again my point:

Press reports with accented,inflated value of seized contraband encourage:CASUAL SMUGGLING and encourage new,greedy people to jump into drug bizness.

In countries,where they have clever police,they do not publish such stories,if they do - they have some agenda(they want feedback from public).

What is casual smuggling?example:housewife from Karachi goes to London to visit her sister,she knows nothing about drugs or bizness,never saw junkie in her life;but relatives tell her - take some brown sugar there!

you will make a lot of monies - but I am afraid! - dont be afraid,your cousin did it last month!made a lot of cash - how much? - I dont know,very much!-housewife thinks and she remembers something about drugs from newspaper and

this number 47000$/pound flashed in her memory-OK she says,but where I can get this brownsugar? - Oh!no problem,our neighbour can give you,you will pay him later,after you come back.She puts paper bag in her lady'sbag and she goes.

Many lady's bags from Karachi were caught in Heathrow!Ladies who were caught - never had any moral hindrences,they never saw a junkie and did not know anything about heroin,it was just bizness opportunity for them.

Similar situation is with African bizness people - they treat heroin as merchandise,it goes into secondary wholesale market in Lagos from there to Europe and US.there is price difference and they are happy with profit,

they are not aware of moral implications or they do not want to know.They are mostly nice,regular people,often with good education,never - criminals.

I have another example - about new,greedy people,I will pm it to you,you do not need to answer this post and do not send me pics with needles and syringes.

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