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Half A Second From Death


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Your lady is a plank and perhaps so are you for letting someone, whoever, take YOUR life in their hands. Wake up chum and don't let the lady rule the roost in everything. ;)

I did not start this thread for abusive comments against my girlfriend.

Well what do you expect? transam is absolutely spot on. The moral is your missus is 'a plank' and you could do with bunging a pair of trousers on and perhaps not go along so blindly with her.

A good g/f or wife would not have allowed you to cross. Sorry if that hurts. I have come close to making a similar stupid move. I could blame it on the booze, but truthfully, I was an idiot. Lucky for me, she said no, I do not want to be alone. :) You might want to trade up on the ladyfriend, to someone that values your life. The Thais I associate with, do not allow their friends to behave foolishly if they can do something about it.

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I seem to recall I was a member of the Tufty Club.

Dave Prowse the green cross code man

I was always rather disappointed that they used James Earl Jones as the voice of Darth Vader in the " Star Wars " films.

It'd be great to see him with a West Country accent.

" Luke. Oim yur faaathur "?

you and Dave too

he was very hurt when they dubbed him

he was paid for the full dialogue though

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I seem to recall I was a member of the Tufty Club.

Dave Prowse the green cross code man

I was always rather disappointed that they used James Earl Jones as the voice of Darth Vader in the " Star Wars " films.

It'd be great to see him with a West Country accent.

" Luke. Oim yur faaathur "


The Force uz strong in this 'un "

Bloody weasels always the same about time they were all eradicated!!

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I seem to recall I was a member of the Tufty Club.

Dave Prowse the green cross code man

I was always rather disappointed that they used James Earl Jones as the voice of Darth Vader in the " Star Wars " films.

It'd be great to see him with a West Country accent.

" Luke. Oim yur faaathur "


The Force uz strong in this 'un "

Bloody weasels always the same about time they were all eradicated!!

Tufty was a squirrel, (tuftyus maximus)

God rest his soul RIP Tufty

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Exciting story, glad to hear you're ok.

Your girlfriend was probably happy you weren't dead and so should you be.

If you look at the way Thais are on the road in any circumstance this is their way of releasing all that pent up energy they have due to the way they are controlled by the powers that be.

Thai roads are unsafe as its one of the only places Thai people feel in charge of themselves, free.

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I seem to recall I was a member of the Tufty Club.

Dave Prowse the green cross code man

I was always rather disappointed that they used James Earl Jones as the voice of Darth Vader in the " Star Wars " films.

It'd be great to see him with a West Country accent.

" Luke. Oim yur faaathur "


The Force uz strong in this 'un "

Bloody weasels always the same about time they were all eradicated!!

Tufty was a squirrel, (tuftyus maximus)

God rest his soul RIP Tufty

You never paid attention to the video did you???? were you run over as a child? WEASEL was the one who got run over, NOW go to the back of the classs and put the dunces hat on and next time pay attention to teacher :lol:

Edited by travelmann
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I seem to recall I was a member of the Tufty Club.

Dave Prowse the green cross code man

I was always rather disappointed that they used James Earl Jones as the voice of Darth Vader in the " Star Wars " films.

It'd be great to see him with a West Country accent.

" Luke. Oim yur faaathur "


The Force uz strong in this 'un "

Bloody weasels always the same about time they were all eradicated!!

Tufty was a squirrel, (tuftyus maximus)

God rest his soul RIP Tufty

What hapened??? Road kill?????? what a way to go......poor old Tufty, I expect he's been stuffed and sits on someones mantle piece by now.

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Tufty was a squirrel, (tuftyus maximus)

God rest his soul RIP Tufty

Are you trying to get MCA to break into woeful wailing over the loss of his beloved friend Tufty? How can you break the heard of that young lad?

According to the RoSPA, Tufty is still with us

Do not despair kids, Tufty is ok. He's alive and well and living it up.

In case, the OP needs to learn the basic rules of safety then perhaps he can get his mummy to complete the attached application and send it off to the RoSPA?

Edited by geriatrickid
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I was probably more taken aback by her sheer indifference.

You should marry her and take out a large life insurance policy, she won't be indifferent next time

I think internally the girlfriend must have been fuming since she lost a great deal of face with the OP trying to get himself killed in public.

All things considered she handled herself well :rolleyes:

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ditch the gf, she is totally unconcern of your well being.

Well, it is my belief that most Thai (women) think and act like that, so don't 'ditch' her just for this reason. :rolleyes:

As for the original question, yes, I've been a few times in a dangerous situation, incl. the one when a motorbike ran into me, because the

driver didn't watch out, racing out of an alley. (We both were unhurt.) Fortunately, I've had good luck so far, and always used common sense in difficult situations. Stay safe!! :jap:

Edited by 007
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You never paid attention to the video did you???? were you run over as a child? WEASEL was the one who got run over, NOW go to the back of the classs and put the dunces hat on and next time pay attention to teacher :lol:

i didn't watch the video

capitalising is considered to be shouting when using the written word on the internet

please don't do it, you would not do it in person

by the way, Teacher, classs does not have x3 's' in it, just the two as in 'class'

so why don't you go off to the corner and put on that pointy hat with the big D on it

Edited by timekeeper
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"There are umpteen scenarios i couldd tell you about that would beggar belief where safety is concerned, i regulary watch Thai's walk accross the Road when i'm driving, & not even look..

I see them pull out of turnings on Motorbikes & not even look.."

They dont and never will. Thais avoid eye contact and use peripheral vision and total faith that the next driver will slow down. Ever wonder why there isn't any road rage? No eye contact whilst edging into a lane or motorbike flying into sukhumvit rd without even a glance.

Soi 11 is very cramped for walking. These days i walk on the road like most and totally rely on the driver behind me for avoidance. I would never do this back home I would be dead long ago

I have in 3 years never seen one single accident and trust me Im out and about very often B)

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It is hard to generalise, but I do wonder if there is an element of truth in the OP's suggestion that many Thai drivers will not slow down in a situation where there is no risk to themselves. I remember an incident some years ago where I was narrowly missed by a bus on Asoke. If anything, the driver seemed to speed up and I only escaped by stepping back very quickly (heard an Indian man on the bus shout, 'Oh my God' in English as it zoomed by). I've witnessed many less dramatic incidents when cars just don't slow down for pedestrians. On the other hand, drive the wrong way down a dual carriageway in Thailand (which to my shame I once did by mistake) and you are likely to live to tell the tale. I'd say you may not in the UK, where drivers in that situation seem less forgiving.

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I seem to recall I was a member of the Tufty Club.

Dave Prowse the green cross code man

I was always rather disappointed that they used James Earl Jones as the voice of Darth Vader in the " Star Wars " films.

It'd be great to see him with a West Country accent.

" Luke. Oim yur faaathur "


The Force uz strong in this 'un "

Bloody weasels always the same about time they were all eradicated!!

Tufty was a squirrel, (tuftyus maximus)

God rest his soul RIP Tufty

Not just any squirrel. Boy! Did he have some near misses? I heard it was mixing his toasty, that got him in the end. Yes RIP.

What about Charlie the cat….”Charlie says”…..Gobby feline! Always had too much to say for my liking.

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Like we say in my country, it's better to lose a second of your life than lose your life in a second.

From doing some moderately risky activities I've learned that when that little voice in the back of your head that tells you what you are about to do may not be safe, heed advice, it's usually right.

Having said that I must confess that I was hit by a car when I was 13 or 14, bounced off the bonnet, flew forward a few meters and landed on my back. My friends told I'm probably still alive because I instinctively braced my head with my arms in mid flight. Fast reflexes can be a substitute for judgment in some situations. :D

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Generally speaking -- there are always exceptions -- the male spatial ability is superior to the female. Rate of approach of a vehicle is better judged by human male. It depends I guess on the maleness/femaleness of the brain, which can vary in individuals. Hint taken?

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Ive been to this place several time, you could of just parked around the back.

So have I - what an idiot. Another one of those "follow the woman" guys. Never lose control of a relationship with a Thai woman or your doomed.

Not the truck's fault - they have so much momentum(not inertia as someone said).

Edited by saraburioz
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I did not start this thread for abusive comments against my girlfriend. I love her a lot. I will never ditch her. i am pointing out that this seems to be systematic attitude in Thailand. I see many foot pedestrians darting across this road on a daily basis. i had a conversation once with a few Thais about their perception of death and it seems to me that nobody (and i mean nobody) cares too much about dying. Death is among them constantly and they are numb to it, and the whole system seems numb to it.

In my country, road safety is paramount. So maybe it is annoying having so many interruptions in town driving but at least our road deaths are only around 5% of Thailand's.

Thai proverb..." the eating story is a very big story...the dying story is a very small story..."

Enjoy the steakhouse while you can.......and my old Ma used to always say...look right, look left and then look right again....if there are no cars it is safe to cross the road.

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Enjoy the steakhouse while you can.......and my old Ma used to always say...look right, look left and then look right again....if there are no cars it is safe to cross the road.

With respect to you and your Ma if you look left then right then left again before moving off, in Thailand some prat will just hit you head on while you are looking left and right.:violin:

Edited by Thongkorn
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Ive been to this place several time, you could of just parked around the back.

So have I - what an idiot. Another one of those "follow the woman" guys. Never lose control of a relationship with a Thai woman or your doomed.

Not the truck's fault - they have so much momentum(not inertia as someone said).

Just been catching up on the replies... i am amazed at the amount of people that are telling me I can't cross a road, or my woman controls me, or i am a follow the woman guy.... Or a hint that i have a female spacial awareness..... I have to reiterate, as more than clearly states in the original post.... I was standing in the center verge, and my gf grabbed my arm before I knew what was happening and dragged me onto the road, while i was shouting NO, and using all my strength to drag her back.. I was not following her. She did explain to me today though something I didn't know, she was hit by a car when she was 17 and was in hospital for a few days, and that explains why she always takes my hand when we cross the road, even though I hate that. Also may be worth pointing out that I managed to live 45 years safely crossing roads, even in London, and if you know London ;)

I did come close to death once in Africa about 15 years ago when making my way back from a friends house in the early hours along a cliff path with a small torch, when a pack of wild dogs spotted me and came after me. I had to sprint full hurl luckily only about 200 yards and managed a vault the wall and landed in a very prickly bush cutting all my arms and legs up. The next day we went to look for my friend's torch which i dropped and was amazed that I had not come off the edge of the cliff, as the path passed as closely as about 2 feet to the edge with a 50 foot drop onto jagged rocks.

We never found the torch though, and my mate moaned for days about the new batteries he had just put in it. By the way, i was about 2KM from the nearest road on that occasion and had no girl hanging off my arm.

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Let her be indecisive about other matters, but not when crossing a main roadway.

Sorry to be blunt, but countryfolk care little about safety and death and are the more superstitious, putting things down to karma instead of common sense, risk and chance. I call that backward thinking. Not all Thais are like that. Many girls will be way more safety conscious than a foreign guy and have the way of thinking to actually feel regret, emotion and even the ability to LEARN from their wrong decision.

Liability springs to mind. If I'd nearly been killed and my girl didn't seem to give two hoots, I'd seriously be re-evaluating my choice of partner and wonder what's coming further down the road.

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