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Soi 6 Beating


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So I'm down half a dozen Monday morning aving a chat with Thai guy I do a bit of business with, musta been bout 11ish, when I see two geezers walking up the soi, looked like they wanted some breakfast, anyway I say to Big Tell, look at these two mugs, then one of em gives me the eye, I think this c--t must be some kind of nonce, I see he has a brummie top on, so I says, “oy mate what the <deleted>> are you looking at?” Then big Tell chimes in with “you brummie c--t,oy oy im talking to you,you <deleted>----g mug”

They just keep on walking like a right pair of mugs, so we jog on up to em and give it to em, they were both big ol lumps a good 6 foot a piece, but me and Big Tell, aint no mugs we serve em up proper, they both go down and we stick the boot right in.

So are we out of order or did the brummies deserve it?


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