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  1. You have yet to tell all why your hero Trump slags off, The President, a Presidential contender, Judges, Judges families, jurors, witnesses etc, with only the BS regarding him being a President one day. Why is it you people never mention he's got nothing, only car salesman waffle. ? Strange that...🤔
  2. Once again you show you know nothing, I wouldn't expect anything else from a Putin fanboy sitting in a "free" country....😬
  3. Wrong on all counts, but not surprised, now get back to your Morning Star......😬
  4. Been doing it for weeks, but you keep getting your knickers in a twist, then lambast. And sort your grammar out, I feel like correcting it........🙄
  5. Sorry ol' chap, but I am English, and if it wasn't for the USA I may never have been born. You should get yourself sorted out, or go live in the places you crave, Oh, Red one, but if you do, don't forget, things are different there, keep your head down, or you may lose it. 🤔
  6. It seems you have got nothing, a bit like your EV if a battery failure........😱 Now try replying with something sensible, you are letting your side down, miserably...........🤔
  7. Why, I lived and now live in a free country, you support the commie tendency countries, aggressors, yet spout from a free one, now that IS hypocritical.........😂
  8. See what I mean, you only have a one-way street mindset, but it is amusing....
  9. Do the same as I do to you, as a Red-under-the-bed, ...................
  10. Luck you don't live in the lands you support, aren't you.......
  11. If you haven't the balls to reply to points put forward, instead try to personally discredit, it just shows you are getting nearer that corner. I have never discredited you personally, and it will remain that way, because I don't need too, unless you're a commie, which I doubt.......🤗............😂
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