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Luxury Car Rentals


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Hi all,

I'll be coming around to Bangkok this coming Winter and was wondering if anyone knew of any luxury car rental services. And if you have had previous experiences, please do share. Would love to hear some feedback.

The only services I currently see are the run of the mill car rental companies. I'm a car nut who loves to drive fast (especially on the expressway) and I don't feel very safe in a Sunny if you know what I mean. :o

Just to clarify--Not looking to rent anything flashy like a ferrari or whatnot, but the usual suspect of benzes and bimmers would do (eg 3, 5 or 7-series, c, e or s-class, etc).

Any help will be appreciated.



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forgot to mention, if your young and not wearing a suit they wont be interested in renting you the high performance cars the 1st time round  :o

Thanks, I will check them out. You mean I can't wear my flip-flops? Gotta love Bangkok. ha As always though, money talks, right? :D

are you in any relation to joeyboy the singer or is your name just coincidental?

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make sure you look the part or they may want daft amounts for the good cars, i'd say if you wear flip flops and shorts they arn't going to be interested.. Probably lookin @ renting them to business visitors who dont care about paying the high prices and wont be using them as transport from bar to bar :o

I was watchin a certain unofficial video of a Joey Boy party from which one of the stars of was living next door to me @ the time, thought it would be a good idea as I had run out of nicknames to use :D

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The car rental companies around Lumpini/Sathorn has few Mercedeses etc, but when I asked them about they say, that those cars come with driver only. It means they not trust you to drive it by yourself. The cost was about 8000-9000 baht per day. I personally rented Merc with driver from Landmark hotel to go to Nakhon Sawan for only 6000 baht, so maybe check with your hotel for best deal.

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Hertz has been running some ads in the BKK Post over last couple of weeks for some prestige motors that have been added to their fleet. One was def a Jaguar and also possibly a convertible Merc but I might be mistaken on that one. One company called Master Car Rental also advertises BMW 3&5 series but I think they are aiming at longer term rentals (e.g 6 months+)

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