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Where To Live In Thailand?


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To those who state they get out of bed in the morning in order to come on this forum and laugh at others honest questions,,, well thats sad and I hope you dont call your self worldly because that very narrow minded and childish. But as I well know there are people like you everywhere and your lifes are very empty and trivial. :) best of luck to you.

Alas, you come searching for advice, then turn on the flame throwers when there is a bit of banter along with the advice. You will not last long around here.

Your "type" has been around this forum many times before. Naive about all things Thai having seen a travel log or reading information on the internet. Thailand is not a place you just up and move to on a lark and think that the world revolves around the light shining out of your backside. Honest, it doesn't. Take everything you know about life in Canada and throw it out of the window as it has zero bearing on life in Thailand. Furthermore, contemplating uprooting your entire family and moving them half way around the world with little to no information on a country or having never visited said country borders on irresponsible as it relates to the well being of your family.

Here's an idea. Do your research, find the "ideal" spot, then you and your partner travel there and spend a month. If you still like it and have done the due diligence on said country, then and only then even consider pulling up stakes in Canada and going expat. I believe you will find that it is not as easy or cheap as you think. Been there, done that, like too many others on this forum which you deride.

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Well, I guess by now there is no danger she will read this. I am writing from Canada and can vouch for the "tone" of her voice...it is the kind of tone that would be very comfortable using a word like "inappropriate". How many times a day does one hear this mealy-mouthed word dripping from some mouth or other on radio or TV or in the workplace.

I am in fact surprised that she did not use the word "inappropriate" even once...(But she is definitely not a troll....I have heard this voice three times a day after meals for too many years in Canada.)

She mentioned paying $5000 (150k baht) for her living accommodation in Canada. You would have to be super rich to be paying that much. (Unless they have a massive mortgage spread out over 3000 years.)

I fully concur with those guys (Canucks) who compare Canadian women with almost any Thai woman you ever meet. Canadian women are either "victims" of men (the CBC has a story most mornings of some woman who has been somehow abused and has now "won through) or arrogantly dismiss men as irrelevant.

And I concur with someone who praised the Thai woman's incredible entrepreneurial spirit. NO WAY would you find a Canadian woman being as adaptive and caring as your average pooying.,

The OP's ignorance re Visas is hard to fathom, since all she has to do is access the Thai consulate's website in Vancouver and all the info she could ever want is right there.

Edited by blazes
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Songkhla is a nice place too live

& it's not even in the heart of all the troubles they are having in the South

even if people think and say it is believe me we dnt see any of it here in Songkhla

Songkhla is a coastal town. Right on the beach. Popular destination for Malaysians to come visit on the weekends as it's not far from the Malay border. Just a short drive to HatYai where you can find a Tops,Robinson,Central & Diana.

Songkhla also has it's shopping plazas called "Lee" there are many of them here.

As for housing. You can buy a nice 2 story house in a good neighbourhood for 2.5+mil baht.

For example the "moobaan" I live in has many foreigners and nice Thai residences. All houses are 2 story with 3 to 4 b/rooms. Our street is quiet and the neighbours are friendly

As for Schooling.. My brothers both attend an international in Songkhla & they are really enjoying it. The school has a sense of family and belonging.

All the teachers speak English very well.

We have a maid but she cannot speak English however you can find some that do who work or have worked in the houses of the offshore oil company bosses/ other "farang" houses. The maid travels on her own from

her house to yours everyday with either her own motorbike or a tuktuk.

You can also find drivers here in Songkhla, my brothers friends are usually driven to school by their parents drivers.

Ummm what else.. I'm

not sure about the whole visa thing cos Ive never done a visa before haha

um there are quite a few foreigners here in songkhla. & there people here are pretty friendly

The main religions here are bhuddist and Muslim and they both get along fine

oh and also, hat yai(songkhlas sister town) has it's own international airport so that makes travelling alot easier

Edited by Jellyb3ans
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  • 5 months later...

You can still go to the beach in south Thailand if you live in north Thailand. It costs about $50 to fly.

Assuming you also want to fly back again and need to pay VAT and airport tax, you get to $130 return. Plus you want to stay there, say 5 days at say $50 a day then you get to around $400 total. (You could of course spend a bit less on a hotel. Or a lot more)

But you're premise remains solid.. It's an easy flight from Chiang Mai to Phuket these days. All hail Air Asia.

EDIT: It seems there are 150 baht fan cooled dorm rooms in Patong!! (See Agoda.com) Phuket here I come! ;)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Songkhla is a nice place too live

& it's not even in the heart of all the troubles they are having in the South

even if people think and say it is believe me we dnt see any of it here in Songkhla

The main religions here are bhuddist and Muslim and they both get along fine

oh and also, hat yai(songkhlas sister town) has it's own international airport so that makes travelling alot easier

Agreed; I liked Songkhla.

And it's the perfect answer to the actual question int he original post:

We want to live in the south of thailand near the coast. We do not want to live in a busy city, but yet close to one so we can get the things we need. We like to live in peace and quiet and perferable in the country or away from busy highways or big shopping areas. We are private and love happy people and little places.

That's pretty much what it says when you look up Songkhla in a dictionary. :)

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The problems would mostly be "friends" who think prostitues make acceptable companion and will bring one in your home. We have a zero tolerance policy in this matter, so we have no problems.

Good grief.

Do you have a notice on your door banning gays, blacks, jews and the disabled also?

yes what a silly post for sure..

I wonder what the screening policy is to enter the home?

Check too see if have tatoo's or sexy undies ???? Hmmmm

As for the OP moving to Thailand sounds like a nice plan and wish them well not sure Phuket is the best place.....

I am in Phuket now and looking for someplace new myself...

Hue Hin even Bangkok would be nice to live I think..

good luck

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