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Pattaya International Hospital


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My two year old daughter had a wart on her chin for some time now and whilst it was not bothering her, I decided to "let sleeping dogs" lie. Unfortunately this week it flared up and became infected. Not wishing for it to scar I took her to PIH and was referred by the general paediatrician to the cosmetology department on the 9th floor. The Doctor (who shall remain nameless!) agreed to remove it with laser treatment. What occurred subsequently was a complete nightmare and catelogue of errors and bad judgement. These ranged from the correct equipement not being available (they decided half way through the procedure that a dental gag was required but could not source one, then could source but it was too large for a small child - meanwhile the child was being physically restrained on the operating table by three nurses and was making her opinion of the whole situation very clear by screaming at the top of her lungs) to the first surgery being partially successful so I would need to bring her back in four weeks to repeat the process. Upon being informed of this I explained that this situation would never be repeated and the Doctor needed to get on and do it there and then. Fortunately I did have a Thai speaker with me who was able to translate what was being said about me - this was obviously a shock to the Doctor as my friend is not Thai but speaks fluent Thai. The procedure was then completed to my satisfaction and I scooped up my child glared at the Doctor and set off to reception to pay and collect her medications. Forty minutes later a bill was produced with no breakdown or justification just a comment of "system broken this is what you pay"!! At this I do admit I had had enough and asked to see the hospital administrator as I wanted to discuss the situation. The accounts clerk got on the phone in front of me and I quote " have falang lady want to complain you want to come see or not". A Western man who did just manage to introduce himself but was reluctant to use a formal greeting of a handshake then appeared and proceeded to slump against the wall, look at his feet, look over my shoulder and basically be so rude and unprofessional so I knew I was wasting my time and energy with him (but he did have the time to be derogatory about the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital when I explained that the last one she had was removed there at half the price). For any TV members that have children please please do not take them for any treatment that involves this Department of PIH, for me I will never return with any of my children or myself.

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I have to say that i am not in the least bit surprised in what you say, that particular hospital has in my opinion been responsible for more than one botched operation that i know of.

Almost all these private hospitals here in Pattaya offer 5 star hotel like service up until the point of treatment and thereafter nothing better than a government hospital can provide and again in my opinion often inferior expertise,

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