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Urgent, Anyone Have Martin Carpenters Phone Number


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Martin Carpenter MBE

British Honorary Consul - Phuket

Plaza del Mar, Cherngtalay, Phuket

Tel: +66 (0) 76 318188

Mobile: +66 (0) 854 890106

Email: martin.carpenter-hon at fconet.fco.gov.uk

Edited by sbk
please don't feed teh spammers
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Other numbers you may want.

Tourist Police 1155


If you need urgent assistance - day or night, please contact the police volunteer nearest to your location or who speaks your language


Andreas Kessler (Andy), English, German and Thai


Mr. Vince Stone, English, French and Thai


Mr. Vijay Kumar (Vinnie), Hindi, English and Thai


Mr. Jafar Ali, English, Hindi, Tamil, Japanese and French



Mr. Patrick M. Legrain, English, Thai, French, Russian, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish


Mrs. Wassana Fongngam, Thai and English



Ms. Cim Upananchai, Swedish, Norwegian, English, Danish and Thai



Mr. Eun Soo (Soo) Kang, Korean, Thai and English


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Thanks to all.

I had to leave for the police station before i got your replies but will contact him with my story tomorrow.

Just a quick word of warning to you all, don't bother to call the police if you are threatened with a weapon, they are not interested unless it is used. When they get to speak with the accused they will joke around like it's a boys night out and pulling a knife out on a woman is the most normal thing on earth to do.

I am in shock and totally disgusted at the lack of interest from the ones i expected to protect me!

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Thanks to all.

I had to leave for the police station before i got your replies but will contact him with my story tomorrow.

Just a quick word of warning to you all, don't bother to call the police if you are threatened with a weapon, they are not interested unless it is used. When they get to speak with the accused they will joke around like it's a boys night out and pulling a knife out on a woman is the most normal thing on earth to do.

I am in shock and totally disgusted at the lack of interest from the ones i expected to protect me!

You are farang. farang do not matter.

repeat endlessly until it is ingrained in your brain. Until then your understanding of your status in the Kingdom is delusional.

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A few years ago I met an attache from the Swedish Phuket Consulate who told me the security personnel in her apartment building in Kathu had robbed her home, and when she complained, then left a knife in her apartment. The police were unable , or unwilling to help her. She went on to Kabul where I guess she felt safer.

4 years ago so I was groped on Bang Tao beach, got the guys tag number reported it and nothing else happened.

- unless you are injured, the police are simply too prejudiced to believe your claims.

You really have to be prepared to deal with these kind of things on your own, and you have to be prepared to protect yourself because no one else is.

I'm PM ing you my e mail

Edited by TigerWan
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To those who were concerned, thank you!

Kenny999, what reason would be a good enough reason for a man to pull a knife on a woman?

In my opinion there would be no reason good enough!! I am just asking a question!! a security guard at your home estate pulling a knife and threatening you, was their a reason or did he just pull a knife on you for absolutely no reason at all?

I think the reason is very imnportant, if their is no reason then every one should be concerned!!!

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To those who were concerned, thank you!

Kenny999, what reason would be a good enough reason for a man to pull a knife on a woman?

In my opinion there would be no reason good enough!! I am just asking a question!! a security guard at your home estate pulling a knife and threatening you, was their a reason or did he just pull a knife on you for absolutely no reason at all?

I think the reason is very imnportant, if their is no reason then every one should be concerned!!!

Sorry if it's not juicy enough for you all but i only asked him to keep the five dogs that were with him under control as i passed him in the street.Nothing more , nothing less.

He's already spent time in jail for murder so you may understand my concern.

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Sorry if it's not juicy enough for you all but i only asked him to keep the five dogs that were with him under control as i passed him in the street.Nothing more , nothing less.

He's already spent time in jail for murder so you may understand my concern.

You knew this man was a convicted murderer and yet you still felt the need to tell him to keep his dogs under control!!!! and then reported him to the police yes you should now be very concerned!!!!!

A murderer working as a security guard some thing does not sound right, plus he had dogs to guard your estate!!

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He's already spent time in jail for murder so you may understand my concern.

First rate resume for a "security guard" why would the community allow someone like this to guard them? Is he someone important's BIL or something?

To some extent I have to agree with Kenny's thinking.

Don't attack me with that western female mindset please I'm only speaking about where you are now, but this guy is THAI and so are the BIL you have 3 strikes against you in all of this..

1 You're female

2 You're farang female

3 You presume to have the same protections and power that a western woman carries back home and combining all three of these sometimes it's better to keep a lower profile. Not silenced mind you but maybe a bit different tact in dealing with the Thai male population here..

You can do what you wish with that advice as you obviously will but I hope I'm not reading about you washing up on some rocky beach shore anytime in the near future if you don't heed it :jap: .

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To those who were concerned, thank you!

Kenny999, what reason would be a good enough reason for a man to pull a knife on a woman?

In my opinion there would be no reason good enough!! I am just asking a question!! a security guard at your home estate pulling a knife and threatening you, was their a reason or did he just pull a knife on you for absolutely no reason at all?

I think the reason is very imnportant, if their is no reason then every one should be concerned!!!

He's already spent time in jail for murder so you may understand my concern.

First rate resume for a "security guard" why would the community allow someone like this to guard them? Is he someone important's BIL or something?

How long does some one get for murder in this country, by the sounds of it not long, does this storey seem strange? would I tell a person I knew to be a murderer to keep his dogs under control, life is very cheap here just walk on by!!!

One of the main things you must have when you come to live in this country is the ability to just smile and avoid confrontation, why should you have to do this you say when I have rights, this is Thailand where life is cheaper than a packet of pocky's, if you are telling the truth about this I would be very worried!!!

Edited by kenny999
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How long does some one get for murder in this country, by the sounds of it not long, does this storey seem strange? would I tell a person I knew to be a murderer to keep his dogs under control, life is very cheap here just walk on by!!!

Unfortunately only as long as the money paid out for release in many cases which is often applicable to any fractured law no matter how seemingly serious :( .. I guess it all depends on if or who he was working for when he committed his crime as I find it difficult to accept that anyone knowing his past would hire him on for this type of position..

Yes if I had those facts and UNDERSTOOD my position in the grand scheme of things here, I think it'd have to be one serious dog violation before I had much involvement, but then again that's just me but while at times maybe a bit hot headed I still keep my head clear enough to think rationally in similar situations, you must weigh the level of response and the need before making it. Especially openly and publicly..

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Jeez. What if the OP was your mum or sister? Would you guys be so cavalier? The OP is obviously concerned. A bit of gentlemanly comportment shouldn't be that difficult to muster, should it?:angry:

Well she is not our Mum or Sister is she, have you offered any comfort obviously not!!!

And please tell us if you would confront some one you knew to be a murderer?? any way I hope it all works out for her, you have to think before you act in this country!!

Edited by kenny999
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I agree, that for you to confront a Thai male security guard, who already has a conviction for murder, was not a wise thing to do. Were there any witnesses..? I would seriously consider moving, if you are able to. He now holds a grudge against you, and will be looking for an opportunity seek his revenge. I am always being reminded that however long you have lived here, we are all visitors, and have no rights. Bite your tongue, smile and walk away. :)

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File a lese majesté charge against him just for some revenge, even get a Thai to do it.

Police have to investigate ALL allegations and treated very seriously.

Good advice on how to completely piss off a convicted murderer and probably push him over the edge once more, forget any further action, put this down to experience and move on, in the future avoid all and any confrontation with Thia's it is not worth it, I have lived here for 2 yrs and many times I have been cut up on the roads, I just smile and wave therefor avoiding a problem, yes some times my ego is hurt but I am a big guy and can deal with it, again forget pursuing this situation it will spiral out of control!!!

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^ Wasn't a convicted murderer working as a guard at Suvarn... whatever the name, airport?


If he is carrying knives around, that is illegal, can you get a pic of him with a weapon? You also have a civil option from who employs him.

I think you should not listen to the comments blaming you for being threatened. It's kind of the " Fonzie " factor. There's the myth perpetuated on a myth - and I honestly think the Thai wives are the source of the fear mythology. They have convinced their foreign husbands to leave their balls at the door, perhaps?

I've successfully dealt with assh*le neighbors by simply standing up for myself. They expect you to back down, they depend on it in fact and are just blustering. I won't go into details here about my neighbors and our conflicts but according to the myth, I should have been killed 5 or 6 times over by now.

Bullies like this guard are like cock roaches, scary, small and ugly but ultimately will scurry under the counter when the light is shown on them.

I was having a conversation with some other foreigners 3 weeks ago and they firmly believed 5000 baht is all it takes to get a foreigner killed who engages in grievances with Thais, Quote; "NEVER EVER critisize them..or you die"

Huh ??Well I can guess who benefits from that kind of BS

When I asked, " OK, who has been killed? ", they stopped quite suddenly and admitted ... er, well actually no one .

Sure, rip off someone for a large sum of money and I agree you are a target for your local hit man / business partner -and of course we are all subject to violent crime, the rapist and such..

Don't be afraid, you are right and please call me of you need help.

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^ Wasn't a convicted murderer working as a guard at Suvarn... whatever the name, airport?


If he is carrying knives around, that is illegal, can you get a pic of him with a weapon? You also have a civil option from who employs him.

I think you should not listen to the comments blaming you for being threatened. It's kind of the " Fonzie " factor. There's the myth perpetuated on a myth - and I honestly think the Thai wives are the source of the fear mythology. They have convinced their foreign husbands to leave their balls at the door, perhaps?

I've successfully dealt with assh*le neighbors by simply standing up for myself. They expect you to back down, they depend on it in fact and are just blustering. I won't go into details here about my neighbors and our conflicts but according to the myth, I should have been killed 5 or 6 times over by now.

Bullies like this guard are like cock roaches, scary, small and ugly but ultimately will scurry under the counter when the light is shown on them.

I was having a conversation with some other foreigners 3 weeks ago and they firmly believed 5000 baht is all it takes to get a foreigner killed who engages in grievances with Thais, Quote; "NEVER EVER critisize them..or you die"

Huh ??Well I can guess who benefits from that kind of BS

When I asked, " OK, who has been killed? ", they stopped quite suddenly and admitted ... er, well actually no one .

Sure, rip off someone for a large sum of money and I agree you are a target for your local hit man / business partner -and of course we are all subject to violent crime, the rapist and such..

Don't be afraid, you are right and please call me of you need help.

Yes she is right and of course every right to be angry!! if you are a brave person who will not stand for this sort of thing then good for her and good for you!! for me and many others it is far easier to be nice and avoid confrontation at all costs(I am a big guy and I know how to take care of myself, you say don't be afraid, well of course she is afraid who wouldn't be in this situation, if she feels she has to make a stand I hope it all works out for the good!!! and yes the price for a falang death is more than 5000 bht and yes I know this for a fact through a Thai friend who had a big problem with a Falang husband, the husband is still alive and kicking as she decided that him losing every thing(all in her name, was a good enough punishment..

Good luck with this!!!

As far as I am concerned you have 3 choices...

Stand up for your self and possibly pay the ultimate price!!

Stand up for your self and be subjected to harassment from the persons family and friends!!

Stand up for your self and walk away victorious feeling good about your self and having the respect of your Thai community!!

If your choice is number 3 then I applaud you for showing very high morals and the fighting spirit. the very best of luck to you!!

Edited by kenny999
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If he is carrying knives around, that is illegal, can you get a pic of him with a weapon? You also have a civil option from who employs him.

I think you should not listen to the comments blaming you for being threatened. It's kind of the " Fonzie " factor. There's the myth perpetuated on a myth - and I honestly think the Thai wives are the source of the fear mythology. They have convinced their foreign husbands to leave their balls at the door, perhaps?

I've successfully dealt with assh*le neighbors by simply standing up for myself. They expect you to back down, they depend on it in fact and are just blustering. I won't go into details here about my neighbors and our conflicts but according to the myth, I should have been killed 5 or 6 times over by now.

Bullies like this guard are like cock roaches, scary, small and ugly but ultimately will scurry under the counter when the light is shown on them.

I was having a conversation with some other foreigners 3 weeks ago and they firmly believed 5000 baht is all it takes to get a foreigner killed who engages in grievances with Thais, Quote; "NEVER EVER critisize them..or you die"

Huh ??Well I can guess who benefits from that kind of BS

When I asked, " OK, who has been killed? ", they stopped quite suddenly and admitted ... er, well actually no one .

Sure, rip off someone for a large sum of money and I agree you are a target for your local hit man / business partner -and of course we are all subject to violent crime, the rapist and such..

Don't be afraid, you are right and please call me of you need help.

Yes she is right and of course every right to be angry!! if you are a brave person who will not stand for this sort of thing then good for her and good for you!! for me and many others it is far easier to be nice and avoid confrontation at all costs(I am a big guy and I know how to take care of myself, you say don't be afraid, well of course she is afraid who wouldn't be in this situation, if she feels she has to make a stand I hope it all works out for the good!!! and yes the price for a falang death is more than 5000 bht and yes I know this for a fact through a Thai friend who had a big problem with a Falang husband, the husband is still alive and kicking as she decided that him losing every thing(all in her name, was a good enough punishment..

Good luck with this!!!

As far as I am concerned you have 3 choices...

Stand up for your self and possibly pay the ultimate price!!

Stand up for your self and be subjected to harassment from the persons family and friends!!

Stand up for your self and walk away victorious feeling good about your self and having the respect of your Thai community!!

If your choice is number 3 then I applaud you for showing very high morals and the fighting spirit. the very best of luck to you!!

Sorry forgot the most important one, he did not hurt you other than scaring you, walk away, put it down to experience, continue with your life feeling a little bit wiser!!

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