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American Fast Food In Thailand

Eun SOe

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I am curious. Who finances, owns, operates and profits from all of these American fast-food restaurants here in Thailand? Surely not Americans?

Probably not. Even in the US, many McDonalds are not owned by Americans - the franchises are bought by immigrants. In most other nations, McDonalds are owned by local investment groups.

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I am curious. Who finances, owns, operates and profits from all of these American fast-food restaurants here in Thailand? Surely not Americans?

Probably not. Even in the US, many McDonalds are not owned by Americans - the franchises are bought by immigrants. In most other nations, McDonalds are owned by local investment groups.

OK, so Thais are selling fast-food to Thais, and tourists, and profiting from this business opportunity.

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Do you know when american fast sood stand in Thailand?

-Global poison- :D

One has but to admire those who live on it though. Size can be MOST impressive. Saw a group of M/W Amerigoi leaving McD's poison factory the other day. Barely fit through the large double doors. God alone knew how they fit on an aeroplane.


Say there, my friend...why don't you tell us all about that Hamberger Joint you used to have, eh? :o

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The Dude really gets a kick out of speaking to people and reading on the net about MCD and the like. 90% of the time it's the same old thing: I never eat that greasy artery clogging garbage etc etc. The Dude's own father predicted in 1984 that MCD would be out of business in a few years. Boy was The Dude's father ever wrong. The Dude took a trip from his US home to England in the summer of 1979 to see a friend and attend a rather large Led Zeppelin concert at Knebworth. The Dude had never been to England before and was massively bumming about the food in general in the country. The highlight of The Dude's dining experience on that trip was going to the one and only MCDs in the country at the time (London). It was the only beef burger he had on the trip. The Dude was impressed as he had found decent food in England afterall. How many MCDs there now, how many thousand? Bottom line here folks is someone is eating the crap. If you had put 10K into the stock in its 1964 IPO, you would have several cool million, nothing to sneeze at. I have this sneaky feeling that folks in general deny eating there but many do. MCD has well over 30K restaurants worldwide and counting. Might I also say that in some countries I have been, namely Costa Rica, China, Thailand and Japan, MCD workers really take pride in their jobs almost like its a glamour profession or something. The opposite is true in the 'ol USA. Long Live MCD for they rule. The Dude digs 'em with a dozen shovels. Can you dig???

PS: The movie Super Size Me was the hugest hypejob The Dude has ever seen. That movie was a sham and a scam. The worlds population would be 20% less if the crap that dude was spewing was 50% true. Dig 'Em Dig 'EM

PSS: The Dude dug the Zep show heavily and the very nice hot English chicks, The food however was another story.

Edited by The Dude
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The Dude really gets a kick out of speaking to people and reading on the net about MCD and the like. 90% of the time it's the same old thing: I never eat that greasy artery clogging garbage etc etc. The Dude's own father predicted in 1984 that MCD would be out of business in a few years. Boy was The Dude's father ever wrong. The Dude took a trip from his US home to England in the summer of 1979 to see a friend and attend a rather large Led Zeppelin concert at Knebworth. The Dude had never been to England before and was massively bumming about the food in general in the country. The highlight of The Dude's dining experience on that trip was going to the one and only MCDs in the country at the time (London). It was the only beef burger he had on the trip. The Dude was impressed as he had found decent food in England afterall. How many MCDs there now, how many thousand? Bottom line here folks is someone is eating the crap. If you had put 10K into the stock in its 1964 IPO, you would have several cool million, nothing to sneeze at. I have this sneaky feeling that folks in general deny eating there but many do. MCD has well over 30K restaurants worldwide and counting. Might I also say that in some countries I have been, namely Costa Rica, China, Thailand and Japan, MCD workers really take pride in their jobs almost like its a glamour profession or something. The opposite is true in the 'ol USA. Long Live MCD for they rule. The Dude digs 'em with a dozen shovels. Can you dig???

PS: The movie Super Size Me was the hugest hypejob The Dude has ever seen. That movie was a sham and a scam. The worlds population would be 20% less if the crap that dude was spewing was 50% true. Dig 'Em Dig 'EM

March on Fatbastards, march on! Again please, what is the percentage of obese Fatbastards in the USA? :o Refering to yourself in the third person is annoying as #### to read. :D

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I won't be sanctamonious about it. I love KFC. They have very high standards for health and the kind of birds they buy. When I buy KFC I'm not worried about the chicken. I can't say the same about food stalls.

McDonalds/BK I can deal with normally but I find their quality in Thailand to be sub-par, mostly the dry burger buns :o .

I love thai food and it makes up 90% of my meals in Thailand, but sometimes I just need my KFC or pizza, or donuts.

I'm not fat. You can eat the stuff as long as its not all the time, and you don't spend the rest of your time on your arse.


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In 1993, there were 11 McDonald's in the whole of Thailand. In 1997, there were 31, with another one opening. It was fashionable in the 90s for young Thai guys to impress their girlfriends by taking them to McDonald's for a meal. :o (Can you imagine doing that with a falang gf?)

Going to Maccas was considered fashionable. Being there marked out those who had the money to go from those who did not. It still does. It's why Pizza Hut still has floor space for customers. What we are seeing here is the same trend that started developing in Western countries in the late 80s - it's Thailand's turn, and it will only get worse.

Does anyone remember the time when Boyzone were the pinups for KFC? :D

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I never even think about eating at McDonals or KFC or the like - Until - people start talking about it - like now :o

Now, if I could, i would be straight off down the road to KFC for lunch. Same as when I watched Super Size me - I missed the end of the film as I was down in McDonalds eating a Big Mac!!!!

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I never even think about eating at McDonals or KFC or the like - Until - people start talking about it - like now  :o

Now, if I could, i would be straight off down the road to KFC for lunch.  Same as when I watched Super Size me - I missed the end of the film as I was down in McDonalds eating a Big Mac!!!!


Instead, get yourself a nice bowl of Kway Tee Oow!

Much better... :D

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Do you know when american fast food stand in Thailand?

-Global poison- :D

One has but to admire those who live on it though. Size can be MOST impressive. Saw a group of M/W Amerigoi leaving McD's poison factory the other day. Barely fit through the large double doors. God alone knew how they fit on an aeroplane.


Say there, my friend...why don't you tell us all about that Hamburger Joint you used to have, eh? :D

A LOT more expensive than Burger King though.

Like Burger King, eh?

Could you get your burger done your way? :o

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I'll hold my hand up and say I actually like McD's. I probably like them more here than I did back home. It's nice sometimes after eating thai food everyday to have a nice exotic falang meal like a double cheese burger :o . I rarely if ever eat KFC....it's not like fried chicken is that hard to get here anyway.

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I'll hold my hand up and say I actually like McD's. I probably like them more here than I did back home. It's nice sometimes after eating thai food everyday to have a nice exotic falang meal like a double cheese burger :o . I rarely if ever eat KFC....it's not like fried chicken is that hard to get here anyway.

I fully agree....but why don't you get your burger at a restaurant like Bob's Texas burger joint in South Pattaya Road? That's hat I call a burger...

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March on Fatbastards, march on! Again please, what is the percentage of obese Fatbastards in the USA? :o Refering to yourself in the third person is annoying as #### to read. :D

Since you appear to be attuned to popular American culture (your reference to Fatbastard) I am surprised that you are annoyed or even perplexed by the The Dude's use of the third person, or even his reference to shovels and constant digging. However I am annoyed that The Dude never mentions where one can find the best White Russians in Bangkok, or where the best bowling lanes are or even where we can find decent rugs?

lomatop digs The Dude's posts, except when they stray into the political arena. :D

Fatbastard was a Scottish character, so perhaps the linkage to McDonalds is apropos :D , and was portrayed by a Canadian actor whose family was from Liverpool.

Thais like fast food. The bulk of the customers are Thai. The franchises are owned by Thais. Thais profit from the selling of fast food. The buildings are leased from Thais. All of the people who have jobs and work there are Thai. The menus have been greatly modified to address local tastes. Nearly everything, from the food to napkins, is sourced within Thailand (my guess). Thai advertising agencies create ads for fast food restaurants and Thai actors act in them.

This is yet another example of a thread where farangs bash Thais, in this case for their choice of food. It's their country, they are free to sell and eat what they want. If you are genuinely concerned about their health and welfare then do something about it(other than whinge here).

Edited by lomatopo
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We watch American TV.

The Lies.....Baywatch

The Truth

Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry

The weightwatcher candidates spectacular.

March on Fatbastards, march on! Again please, what is the percentage of obese Fatbastards in the USA? :o Refering to yourself in the third person is annoying as #### to read. :D

Since you appear to be attuned to popular American culture (your reference to Fatbastard) I am surprised that you are annoyed or even perplexed by the The Dude's use of the third person, or even his reference to shovels and constant digging. However I am annoyed that The Dude never mentions where one can find the best White Russians in Bangkok, or where the best bowling lanes are or even where we can find decent rugs?

lomatop digs The Dude's posts, except when they stray into the political arena. :D

Fatbastard was a Scottish character, so perhaps the linkage to McDonalds is apropos :D , and was portrayed by a Canadian actor whose family was from Liverpool.

Thais like fast food. The bulk of the customers are Thai. The franchises are owned by Thais. Thais profit from the selling of fast food. The buildings are leased from Thais. All of the people who have jobs and work there are Thai. The menus have been greatly modified to address local tastes. Nearly everything, from the food to napkins, is sourced within Thailand (my guess). Thai advertising agencies create ads for fast food restaurants and Thai actors act in them.

This is yet another example of a thread where farangs bash Thais, in this case for their choice of food. It's their country, they are free to sell and eat what they want. If you are genuinely concerned about their health and welfare then do something about it(other than whinge here).

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We watch American TV.

Why, pray tell.

I hope I am not bursting your bubble but "Baywatch" is a fictional television show. That means that it is inherently not real. Were you under the impression that is was a documentary? The actors are real however, and not computer generated.

"Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry" (an excellent Cary Grant imitiation by the way), refers presumably to the Jerry Springer show? Is this mindless excuse for entertainment still on? There must be a market for it in some godforsaken part of the world? I think all the people on that show are real too?

Apologies if I'm missing the point of your comments.

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I love taco bell. and shakey's pizza. back in oregon, they had this shakey's pizza that had on their menu a smoked oyster pizza. probably the best pizza that I have ever eaten.

..even better than a pepperoni pizza. and that is saying a lot.

taco bell? ..give me 3 beef tacos and a pepsi over a big mac any day.

my favorite dish here in thailand is padkowpao gai topped with a kai dao.

ahhhhh. ooohhhhh.

it's sizzler tonight, and their all you can eat salad bar for 111 baht. think I'll get the teriyaki chicken entree to go with it. and an bottomless coke.

..just 2 more hours to go for dinner.

food - the second most important thing in life.

..eat slow at your own risk.

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The Dude took a trip from his US home to England in the summer of 1979 to see a friend and attend a rather large Led Zeppelin concert at Knebworth.

It's scary to learn that you were so close to me and I didn't know! :o

I understand that any part of the carcase can be called 'chicken' or 'beef' as appropriate. So, it's anyone's guess what actually goes into some of these meals. McD's seem to be cutting back on their packaging of late and that can sometimes make things in the car a bit messy. A good thing about KFC, though, is that they give you a box to put your greasy bone into when you're finished eating.

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People should not be eatting chickens, cows, and pigs anyway I belive, just not natural, but to eat them the way KFC and Mc'd serves up dead animals is a shame, a crying shame.

Sad, I ask my little Thai cousins, where you all want to go to lunch, Uncle Sendbaht's treat, they yell and jump up and down like kids do, "KFC KFC, sad so sad.

I remember in class there was only one fat kid now there is only one skinny kid, again, SAD!

Eating dead things is good...though the KFC I tried in Thailand was complete crap. Again, eating things that were once alive but killed for our eating pleasure is indeed a good thing. sigh....

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Further to the above. I well remember a dinner party hosted at his home by an old friend, a Police General, back in the late seventies. Pride of place in the center of the table went to a couple of big boxes of KFC chicken from the recently opened outlet on, I think, Silom.

This was served with rice and all manner of delicious Thai dishes. Must admit to feeling somewhat taken aback by it at first as I presumed he served them in honour of his Farang guest, although it turned out not to be the case.

All seems to have gone downhill from there onwards.

They must be doing something right as there are more KFC's per capita in LOS than anywhere I've ever been... :o

I mean, what the hel_l, if you are going to have a KFC then you better well have extra freakin' crispy/crunchy chicken! Am I right or am I right?! IT is KFC, for crying out loud, not Thai Fried Chicken! Maybe I am out of line, dagnabbit, but if you are going to have KFC then do it the Colonel's way, darn tootin'!!

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I personally enjoy walking down the street and purchased food from a ma & pa's vending cart instead of McDonald & KFC.  For some reason it taste so much better.  Probably it because it so unclean  :o .  Am I crazy or does anyone else feel the same?

I must say though, McDonald's french fries are the best but its god awful for your health

I would push down a small person for some McDonald french fries right now. They don't have fast food in the part of the world I'm stuck in now but they will one day. I'm serious, show me some McD fries and a small person and I will push him down...

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Mc donals, burguer king, kfc...well i just go for spanish ham, chorizo, salchichón... sandwich. Paella, fabada, cocido, acelgas...

then when I go to thailand...kway tee oow, tom yam, som tam...So please keep eating in fast food restaurants so that i have more jummy thai food for me :o:D

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The Dude must agree with haha that Taco Smell rules. Sadly though the day will never come that we can step up to the plate in BKK and order up that Taco Supreme. So we're pretty much stuck with the MCDs KFCs Pizza Hut/Companys and Sizzlers of the world. Things could be worse I suppose. Whatever you do though, avoid The King, BK, Boiger King; those dudes got the prices jacked 50% over MCD and really low quality. How they stay in biz in Thailand is beyond me. They are always empty. The Dude longs for the day that he hopes will come when Wendys opens their 1st BKK restaurant. The Dude digs Wendys with a rather large shovel and he would be in a digging frenzy should Wendys ever arrive. There could never ever be a more massive Dude Digging situation if someone could ever get White Castle over here. White Castle is the most awesome outstanding fast food ever imagined. Of course, on the west coast in the surfin' south of California where The Dude attended college, you have the phenomenal In 'N Out Burger. The Dude can taste it now. The Dude's love of Fast Food has its roots on those Sat. morning MCD commercials featuring the likes of The Grimace and the infamous Hamburglar. Now thos cats really really ruled. Who can dig that with a Deere backhoe?

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