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If You Could Choose 1 Restaurant In Chiang Mai What Would It Be?


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Wanting to book a nice restaurant for me and my husband to celebrate his birthday in Jan.

Although we spend around 5 months of the year here in Chiang Mai we are not that experienced in the "Restaurant" scene.

We love all food and usually eat mainly local Thai food when we are here, but I want to book somewhere nice for his birthday and would really appreciate some help in choosing as there seems to be mixed reviews on lots of places.

My husbands favorite food is probably Indian, but being from the UK we are used to having REALLY good Indian restaurants so he is really picky.!! He also loves steaks and usual Western foods.

Although looking for somewhere quite nice don't really want to be paying The Four Seasons prices, so mid road prices would be great.

If you had to choose from 1 Restaurant in Chiang Mai as being the best which one would you choose??? And Why??

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If you had to choose from 1 Restaurant in Chiang Mai as being the best which one would you choose???

Huan Soontaree


Good price, nice relaxed atmosphere/surroundings and lush food! For me, for a nice meal, I don't want to be in a 'stuffy' hotel, to clinical.

To me this place offers everything I want from a restaurant at a reasonable price.

Mainly Thai food.

No, I have nothing to do with this restaurant, just my favourite place! Make sure you get one of the tables upstairs on the balcony, best tables IMO.

Edited by kjhbigv
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This is a great restaurant! Here's a tip for non-Thai-speakers who are heading towards this place -

Huan Soontaree is pronounced quite differently than this romanized spelling might suggest. Most Thai-speakers will not catch "huan" if you pronounce it as it is spelled in this fashion.

"huean" is a Northern Thai term for house/home, and you may need to hear it, and then say it, a few times.

Good luck!

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If you had to choose from 1 Restaurant in Chiang Mai as being the best which one would you choose???

Huan Soontaree


Good price, nice relaxed atmosphere/surroundings and lush food! For me, for a nice meal, I don't want to be in a 'stuffy' hotel, to clinical.

To me this place offers everything I want from a restaurant at a reasonable price.

Mainly Thai food.

No, I have nothing to do with this restaurant, just my favourite place! Make sure you get one of the tables upstairs on the balcony, best tables IMO.

It certainly looked interesting. But the directions to get there are in Thai. Could some one translate into English.

Thank you

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If you had to choose from 1 Restaurant in Chiang Mai as being the best which one would you choose???

Huan Soontaree


Good price, nice relaxed atmosphere/surroundings and lush food! For me, for a nice meal, I don't want to be in a 'stuffy' hotel, to clinical.

To me this place offers everything I want from a restaurant at a reasonable price.

Mainly Thai food.

No, I have nothing to do with this restaurant, just my favourite place! Make sure you get one of the tables upstairs on the balcony, best tables IMO.

The best in C.M.? I dunno about that.whistling.gif A nice place once in a while, O.K. Personally I think the food is overpriced. You are paying for the atmosphere. And the menu is pretty much limited to Northern specialties which not everyone likes. I do enjoy it when the daughter, Lanna Commins is performing. She is excellent.

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If you had to choose from 1 Restaurant in Chiang Mai as being the best which one would you choose???

Huan Soontaree


Good price, nice relaxed atmosphere/surroundings and lush food! For me, for a nice meal, I don't want to be in a 'stuffy' hotel, to clinical.

To me this place offers everything I want from a restaurant at a reasonable price.

Mainly Thai food.

No, I have nothing to do with this restaurant, just my favourite place! Make sure you get one of the tables upstairs on the balcony, best tables IMO.

It certainly looked interesting. But the directions to get there are in Thai. Could some one translate into English.

Thank you


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If you had to choose from 1 Restaurant in Chiang Mai as being the best which one would you choose???

Huan Soontaree


Good price, nice relaxed atmosphere/surroundings and lush food! For me, for a nice meal, I don't want to be in a 'stuffy' hotel, to clinical.

To me this place offers everything I want from a restaurant at a reasonable price.

Mainly Thai food.

No, I have nothing to do with this restaurant, just my favourite place! Make sure you get one of the tables upstairs on the balcony, best tables IMO.

The best in C.M.? I dunno about that.whistling.gif A nice place once in a while, O.K. Personally I think the food is overpriced. You are paying for the atmosphere. And the menu is pretty much limited to Northern specialties which not everyone likes.

Hey, that's a nice way of saying it!! I resisted posting all day yesterday, about the unholy noise pollution that people are subjected to there. ;)

I'm going to pick 3 restaurants in three arbitrary categories that I wouldn't ever want to go away:

High-end Western food: Georgios. Chez Marco is also very good, but a bit too popular. And there's no parking in front, and walking there inevitably involves walking past all the sleezy bars. (Speaking objectively here) Hope: That "The House" gets its act back together; there was nothing like it at its prime, IMHO.

Budget/Value Western food: The Dukes. Or even more budget than that there's a huge range of places. Irish Pub probably deserves an honourable mention.

High-end Thai food: I don't typically bother. Because the *food* at regular places is just as good as the higher end hotel restaurants, places like Lemon Tree. The high-end places add a lot of ambiance and (sometimes) presentation, but food-wise they may not even exceed Lemon Tree

Low-end Thai food: Clearly this is an epic list, and anything at the top is arbitrary. I'm going with the above mentioned Lemon Tree, though clearly you can get much lower-end than that. Main gripe in the super low-end is places that use cheap rice, and/or rice that's not exactly cooked to perfection. Sadly I know several places that are let down only by their rice. I'd BYOR (bring my own rice), a mix of good Hom Mali and one third brown rice, but then I'd feel like a rice snob.

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I'm still looking for a high end Thai restaurant in Chiang Mai. By this I mean not just the decor but the quality of the food. All the best Thai food I've had has been between the prices of 40-70 baht a head and trust me I don't mind spending if someone guarantees a good feed, it just seems that as the price goes up the quality goes down.

Not so for Dukes however which is why I'd choose it as my number one. A close 2nd on my list would be a nameless Thai place that is nearby to where I live.

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I'm still looking for a high end Thai restaurant in Chiang Mai. By this I mean not just the decor but the quality of the food. All the best Thai food I've had has been between the prices of 40-70 baht a head and trust me I don't mind spending if someone guarantees a good feed, it just seems that as the price goes up the quality goes down.

Not sure if I'd call it a "high end" restaurant because a meal there usually costs less than a western meal at a place like Duke's would, also not sure if anyone else likes it or just me. But for Thai food that's a cut above, one that I like is Mix restaurant on Nimmanhaemin Soi 1.

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The Gallery....down the road a little bit from Riverside restaurant was nice when we went the other night....Very good food ( we had Thai but they also have international) Beautiful setting, Lanna Music, Great service

Riverside I always like for consistency....Great food, service & setting...But we like the one on the opposite side of the river....Roadside? smile.png

Nice open air setting in back with waterfall & piano music.



Ok that is two I know you said one but.... smile.png

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for Chinese food with a touch of class and a little bit different: The China Palace at the Holiday Inn.

for a real splurge: Le Crystal in Baan Faham north of town. 5 star food, and ambience at 5 star prices (I admit I haven't been there for a while due to lack of funds!)

for a nice classy Italian restaurant Casa Antonio takes some beating

For value, Le Terrasse on Loi Kroh Rd, Dukes as mentioned above, Pom Pui on Moonmuang Rd Soi 2 has a lovely relaxed garden atmosphere or of course Chez Marco as many others have mentioned (the advantage of Chez Marco is that you can nip into The Olde Bell for a pint whilst you are waiting for a table to become free!!)

Hope you find what you're looking for - there's an amazingly good choice in town. -One of the few things you can't get is a really good Anglo-Indian curry. Sorry!

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I'm still looking for a high end Thai restaurant in Chiang Mai. By this I mean not just the decor but the quality of the food. All the best Thai food I've had has been between the prices of 40-70 baht a head and trust me I don't mind spending if someone guarantees a good feed, it just seems that as the price goes up the quality goes down.

Not so for Dukes however which is why I'd choose it as my number one. A close 2nd on my list would be a nameless Thai place that is nearby to where I live.

The new Dukes opening by the iron bridge is reported t be a upper end Thai Restaurant.

The food should be great the MatreDe is a bit of a food snob.

I have been assured that only quality food will be used. I was told that if I don't taste the difference my body will.

Makes sense to me as I am not that discerning about taste. In the mean time we have Burger King.licklips.gif

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The new Dukes opening by the iron bridge is reported t be a upper end Thai Restaurant.

The new Dukes will be a Thai restaurant???blink.png

Or is there a joke in there somewhere that I'm missing?

I can only think that hellodolly means the target market will be affluent Thais, which has been a sucessful market for David in recent times. I wil certainly be taking my (non affluent) Thai wife there when it opens. The location looks great and I assume the food will be up to the usual standard

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