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Democrats File Impeachment Charges Against PM Yingluck, Foreign Minister Surapong


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Democrats file impeachment charges against prime minister, Foreign Minister Surapong

BANGKOK, Jan 24 - Thailand's Opposition Democrat Party on Tuesday filed an impeachment petition against Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul for their alleged roles in connection with the return of a Thai passport to fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra.

Wirat Kalayasiri, leader of the Democrat legal team and Democrat MP for Songkhla, submitted a petition endorsed by 145 Democrat party members of parliament to Senate Speaker Gen Theeradej Meepian Tuesday afternoon.

Mr Wirat said the Democrat action resulted from the prime minister intentionally neglecting her duty, while Mr Surapong infringed several foreign ministry regulations including the return of a passport to a person with an outstanding arrest warrant.

In December, Mr Surapong disclosed that an ordinary passport was returned to fugitive ex-premier Thaksin as a ‘New Year's gift’ for him, insisting that the action complied with ministerial regulations and was within his authority as foreign minister.

Mr Wirat said Democrat MP Chaiwut Phongphaew on Dec 28 submitted a letter of complaint to Ms Yingluck, asking her to suspend the reissuance of the controversial passport, but no progress has been made ever since.

Mr Wirat said he will also file the complaint with the Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) to examine the case against the premier, the foreign minister and some involved senior foreign ministry officials.

The deposed premier's ordinary passport was revoked in mid-April 2009 by the foreign ministry under the Abhisit Vejjajiva administration following political turmoil and street clashes between the Red Shirt supporters of the pro-Thaksin United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) and the government security forces.

Mr Thaksin, at that time, was accused of using Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, as his base to allegedly encourage unrest by his supporters.

Ousted in a bloodless coup in Sept 2006, Mr Thaksin was convicted and given a two-year jail term after being found guilty of violating Thailand’s conflict of interest laws in helping his then-wife secure a parcel of state land in a prime commercial area of Bangkok. He now lives in self exile and spends most of his time in Dubai. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2012-01-24

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c'mon! rather than giving a focus on this issue, it would be a lot better if the officials would be one and united in improving the drainage system of the country in preparation for the monsoon seasons. the country has not even fully recovered from the flooding and the post-flood reconstruction hasn't been started at all. how can these people think of Impeachment again?

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Democrat seeks impeachment of Yingluck, Surapong

The Nation


The Democrat Party Tuesday submitted an impeachment motion against Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and Foreign Minister Surapong Towichukchaikul related to the issuance of a passport to former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Wirat Kalayasiri and Chaiwut Pongkaew, both Songkhla MPs, submitted the motion to Senate Speaker Thirdej Meepian. The motion was signed by 145 Democrat MPs.

In the motion, Surapong was accused of intentionally violating the directives of the Foreign Ministry for issuing a passport to Thaksin.

Yingluck was accused of nonfeasance for failing to revoke the passport issuance order when asked to.

The motion stated that Surapong violated three prohibitions for passport issuance.

Paragraph 2 of Article 21 of the directive on passport issuance of BE 2548 prohibits issuance of passport for anyone sought by an arrest warrant. The Democrats say Thaksin is sought by arrest warrants in a terrorism case and five other cases.

Paragraph 3 of Article 21 of the same directive prohibits passport issuance for a person ordered by the court not to leave the country.

Paragraph 4 of the article prohibits passport issuance for anyone who causes damage to the country. The motion pointed out that Thaksin attacked Thailand, accusing the country of having had double standards in the judicial system and lacking democracy.

The motion said the prime minister was asked by the Democrats on December 28 to revoke Thaksin's passport but has done nothing and insisted that the issuance was lawful.

The Democrats said they would file a charge with the National Anti-Corruption Commission against Yingluck and Surapong on Wednesday or Thursday.


-- The Nation 2012-01-24

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c'mon! rather than giving a focus on this issue, it would be a lot better if the officials would be one and united in improving the drainage system of the country in preparation for the monsoon seasons. the country has not even fully recovered from the flooding and the post-flood reconstruction hasn't been started at all. how can these people think of Impeachment again?

I suppose if the government MPs and ministers had concentrated on dealing with the floods in the first place, there would have been no reason for impeachment ... again.

well i guess for now, yeah.. flood's gone. but what about in next monsoon seasons? have they constructed anything to improve the drainage system yet? I just don't understand.. what is their ground for impeaching the PM then?

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What's the point of all this? They wont get enough votes?

It's just a constant cycle of childishness with both parties. They should stop & do something useful instead....

At least it's not a coup.

And it brings the whole issue to the publics eyes in detail.

And puts in vote yes vote no blocks who agrees this is OK and who doesn't.

The public can draw their own opinions to be expressed late by voting.

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c'mon! rather than giving a focus on this issue, it would be a lot better if the officials would be one and united in improving the drainage system of the country in preparation for the monsoon seasons. the country has not even fully recovered from the flooding and the post-flood reconstruction hasn't been started at all. how can these people think of Impeachment again?

I suppose if the government MPs and ministers had concentrated on dealing with the floods in the first place, there would have been no reason for impeachment ... again.

well i guess for now, yeah.. flood's gone. but what about in next monsoon seasons? have they constructed anything to improve the drainage system yet? I just don't understand.. what is their ground for impeaching the PM then?

Well listed above:

Yingluck was accused of nonfeasance for failing to revoke the passport issuance order when asked to.

The motion stated that Surapong violated three prohibitions for passport issuance.

Paragraph 2 of Article 21 of the directive on passport issuance of BE 2548 prohibits issuance of passport for

anyone sought by an arrest warrant.

The Democrats say Thaksin is sought by arrest warrants in a terrorism case and five other cases.

Paragraph 3 of Article 21 of the same directive prohibits passport issuance for a

person ordered by the court not to leave the country.

Paragraph 4 of the article prohibits passport issuance for

anyone who causes damage to the country.

The motion pointed out that Thaksin attacked Thailand, accusing the country of having had double standards in the judicial system and lacking democracy.

The third may be debatable for some, but the 1st two are cut and dried.

Edited by animatic
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Agreed it is useless, since Thaksin's people control the police, the attorney general's office, etc. Still, the return of the passport is illegal and should not have been done, and to sit silently would also not be appropriate.

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c'mon! rather than giving a focus on this issue, it would be a lot better if the officials would be one and united in improving the drainage system of the country in preparation for the monsoon seasons. the country has not even fully recovered from the flooding and the post-flood reconstruction hasn't been started at all. how can these people think of Impeachment again?

I suppose if the government MPs and ministers had concentrated on dealing with the floods in the first place, there would have been no reason for impeachment ... again.

well i guess for now, yeah.. flood's gone. but what about in next monsoon seasons? have they constructed anything to improve the drainage system yet? I just don't understand.. what is their ground for impeaching the PM then?

Better read the article again mate.

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In more mature democracies, when a conflict of interest arises, politicians go to great lengths to recuse and disassociate themselves from any decisions to be made to avoid the PERCEPTION of corruption.

Of course, this is hardly necessary when perception is reality.

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In more mature democracies, when a conflict of interest arises, politicians go to great lengths to recuse and disassociate themselves from any decisions to be made to avoid the PERCEPTION of corruption.

Of course, this is hardly necessary when perception is reality.

Yingluck the Immaculate has distanced herself of the issue, ignoring it completely. "I didn't know", "ask me later", "we need to study the situation in more detail", etc, etc...

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If the oposition decided that it wasn't worth fighting against corruption then evil will have won

in pretty good form with the hyperbole today... "evil", really, ?? nice one.

There is a lot of corruption, but this is not one of those cases. This is just plain old, run-of-the-mill politicking

Both sides have much more important issues to deal with, & sometimes they could even deal with them together - that would be a novel idea...


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What's the point of all this? They wont get enough votes?

It's just a constant cycle of childishness with both parties. They should stop & do something useful instead....

In any democracy these kinds of actions are part of a system of checks and balances. This action brings the topic out into the open so that it can be discussed both within the legislature and without. So yes, there is a lot of point in doing this.

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What's the point of all this? They wont get enough votes?

It's just a constant cycle of childishness with both parties. They should stop & do something useful instead....

In any democracy these kinds of actions are part of a system of checks and balances. This action brings the topic out into the open so that it can be discussed both within the legislature and without. So yes, there is a lot of point in doing this.

Exactly! Well said. Thank you.

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Impeachment motion against Surapong and PM Yingluck

The Nation

The Democrat Party yesterday submitted an impeachment motion against Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and Foreign Minister Surapong Towichukchaikul over the issue of a passport to former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Wirat Kalayasiri and Chaiwut Pongkaew, both Songkhla MPs, submitted the motion to Senate Speaker Thirdej Meepian. The motion was signed by 145 Democrat MPs.

In the motion, Surapong was accused of intentionally violating the directives of the Foreign Ministry by issuing a passport to Thaksin.

Yingluck was accused of nonfeasance for failing to revoke the passport issuance order when asked to.

The motion stated that Surapong violated three prohibitions for passport issuance.

Paragraph 2 of Article 21 of the directive on passport issuance of BE 2548 prohibits issuance of passport to anyone against whom there is an arrest warrant. The Democrats say there are arrest warrants against Thaksin in a terrorism case and five other cases.

Paragraph 3 of Article 21 of the same directive prohibits the issuing of a passport to a person ordered by the court not to leave the country.

Paragraph 4 of the article prohibits the issuing of a passport issuance to anyone who causes damage to the country. The motion pointed out that Thaksin had attacked Thailand, accusing the country of having double standards in the judicial system and lacking democracy.

The motion said the prime minister was asked by the Democrats on December 28 to revoke Thaksin's passport but has done nothing and had insisted that the issuance was lawful.

The Democrats said they would file a charge with the National Anti-Corruption Commission against Yingluck and Surapong today or tomorrow.


-- The Nation 2012-01-25

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Paragraph 2 of Article 21 of the directive on passport issuance of BE 2548 prohibits issuance of passport to anyone against whom there is an arrest warrant. The Democrats say there are arrest warrants against Thaksin in a terrorism case and five other cases.

Paragraph 3 of Article 21 of the same directive prohibits the issuing of a passport to a person ordered by the court not to leave the country.

Good to see the specifics of the law finally laid out during this long-standing issue.

They seem extremely straight-forward and the actions of Yingluck's government clearly violated them.

Quite ironically Interesting to see that these rules were signed into effect during the Thaksin regime.

It's reminiscent of another law he signed into effect regarding the return of royally bestowed medals, which three years after he said he would comply with the law, has failed to do so.


Edited by Buchholz
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If the oposition decided that it wasn't worth fighting against corruption then evil will have won

in pretty good form with the hyperbole today... "evil", really, ?? nice one.

There is a lot of corruption, but this is not one of those cases. This is just plain old, run-of-the-mill politicking

Both sides have much more important issues to deal with, & sometimes they could even deal with them together - that would be a novel idea...


Giving a passport to a criminal on the run is "just plain old, run-of-the-mill politicking" is it?

In what world?

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If the oposition decided that it wasn't worth fighting against corruption then evil will have won

phrases like 'evil' are a bit ott, no?

When this deed is taken alongside the other acts of this government I think it's appropriate.

I do, however, understand if you disagree!

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If the oposition decided that it wasn't worth fighting against corruption then evil will have won

in pretty good form with the hyperbole today... "evil", really, ?? nice one.

There is a lot of corruption, but this is not one of those cases. This is just plain old, run-of-the-mill politicking

Both sides have much more important issues to deal with, & sometimes they could even deal with them together - that would be a novel idea...

Giving a passport to a criminal on the run is "just plain old, run-of-the-mill politicking" is it?

In what world?



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Paragraph 2 of Article 21 of the directive on passport issuance of BE 2548 prohibits issuance of passport to anyone against whom there is an arrest warrant. The Democrats say there are arrest warrants against Thaksin in a terrorism case and five other cases.

Paragraph 3 of Article 21 of the same directive prohibits the issuing of a passport to a person ordered by the court not to leave the country.

Good to see the specifics of the law finally laid out during this long-standing issue.

They seem extremely straight-forward and the actions of Yingluck's government clearly violated them.

Quite ironically Interesting to see that these rules were signed into effect during the Thaksin regime.

It's reminiscent of another law he signed into effect regarding the return of royally bestowed medals, which three years after he said he would comply with the law, has failed to do so.


Rules/Laws are made for the poor and non-politico's in this country. They just do what they want when they want to do it. And if you don't like it leave. Didn't you knw that Thailand is for Thai's?

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phrases like 'evil' are a bit ott, no?

Anything to do with Thaksin has been so demonized by his opposition many appear to believe he's as bad as Hitler.

They fail to realize the much greater evil is embedded at a subconscious/systemic level in the political/economic/cultural of Thailand, and is part and parcel of "Thainess" to many of the traditionalists - acceptance of the status quo, everyone knowing their place in the hierarchy, unquestioning support of the views of those above you, unimportance of the rule of law, irrelevance of logic/objectivity/evidence etc etc.

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phrases like 'evil' are a bit ott, no?

Anything to do with Thaksin has been so demonized by his opposition many appear to believe he's as bad as Hitler.

They fail to realize the much greater evil is embedded at a subconscious/systemic level in the political/economic/cultural of Thailand, and is part and parcel of "Thainess" to many of the traditionalists - acceptance of the status quo, everyone knowing their place in the hierarchy, unquestioning support of the views of those above you, unimportance of the rule of law, irrelevance of logic/objectivity/evidence etc etc.

This is quite correct. However, Thaksin was much more transparent than most others and is easily held up to ridicule because he is also so plainly disingenuous. Thais can lie with impunity. "If I said it, it must be right and dare you face me down" appears to be the attitude. A good example of this is the current PM saying that she chose the cabinet and Thaksin had no say, whilst those self same cabinet ministers contradict her. This filters down to the ordinary Thai and my experience of this (oft mentioned on TV!) is my ex hi-so (so she thinks) wife who lied to me until she was blue in the face, she cheated and she did many bad things - but although she knows what she did, I know what she did and so do many others she continues to face us all down. This is called 'Thainess' I think! Its very damaging for all those involved and at the end of the day it will damage Thailand very much, which is sad because the everyday country folk have good hearts (jai dee).

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