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  1. You speak Thai and locals understand what you say.
  2. Wow the OP sees Fascists behind every tree. Doesn't know what a Fascist really is, but in his mind MAGA = Fascist because the term "fascist" is a bad, bad word. Don't doze off there Op or Freddy Fascist will get 'cha in your sleep. 👈 MAGA colours!!! Eek!
  3. Looks as though it's going the way of Kad Suan Kaew and the Promenade. And like others have stated, inflation is beginning to take a toll. Wait until the Thai government hands out 10K per adult and then watch inflation choke the hell out of the poor and middle-classes. More malls will go bust as a result.
  4. By next week there will be articles posted about how poor tourism is this year.
  5. It doesn't matter. Some people get to post any kind of excrement that they what without sources. Other people are required to attribute everything they state with sources and citations. This guy is in the former group.
  6. The original idea in the West was to "bleed" Russia with sanctions and endless war. All it has accomplished has been to make Russia self-reliant, push Russia, China, and the DPRK together, strengthen Russia's military arms manufacturing base placing them on a war footing, while destroying Ukraine's infrastructure including electric generation and putting them into the type of IMF debt-trap from which they will never extract themselves, destroyed the German industrial base by blowing up the Nord-Stream pipeline, and bleeding Europe with now expensive energy from the US, and expensive products to replace cheaper Russian products under sanctions, and then kill more the the EU's industrial base with secondary sanctions aimed at Russian but which simply blow-back on Europe. All the while the US transfers tax-payers money and shovels it into the gaping maw of the Military Industrial Complex. Everyone looses but big arms manufacturers in the US. Meanwhile the West collectively hemorrhages money due to inflation while Western growth stagnates. Conversely the Ruble strengthens against the USD and Brit Pound, and Russia is on course for around 4.5% economic growth in 2025. So much for "bleeding Russia." In the meanwhile the Russian military is battle hardened. NATO does a lot of sabre rattling, but the militaries of the EU and US have never fought a combined arms conflict against a peer adversary. All NATO has done is bombed the hell out of civilians while NATO ground troops lose wars to guys in sandals with AK-47s. Yeah yeah - Americans has the finest military in the world yada yada yada. Ok - put them on the ground in Eastern Ukraine and test that hypothesis. The US hasn't fought a peer adversary since WWII. And personally I don't believe they can - for no other reason than they don't have the logistics or industrial base to support a major war, which is why a US-led fight with Russian or China will end up in a humanity ended nuclear war - which surprisingly and lot of war-mongering Westerners seem to want. Go for it: Poke the Bear, poke the Dragon...see what happens. What the hell, I'm too old to care. My kid's dead so I'm good to go anytime.
  7. At some point in time I'm going to need cataract surgery. One of the things holding me up is that I need to go off of Doxizosin for BHP which is an alpha-blocker two weeks prior to surgery as alpha-blockers can cause a condition called “intraoperative floppy iris syndrome” or IFIS. I control BHP with meds but I can't go off of Doxizosin for two weeks without something else to replace it that is not an alpha-blocker. So I need to try Taffrail. @Sheryl Tadalafil is an alternative medicine that can be used for BHP at low dosages (2.5mg to 5mg) but does not affect the eyes during cataract surgery. So I'm in the market for Tadalafil but not sure if it's OTC in Thailand.
  8. Pack it in a hard case. Don't have a hard case? Buy one. Look on Youtube. They have suggestions for packing guitars for international shipment.
  9. In your Neo-Fascist country I don't think votes do matter.
  10. Congress controls the pursestrings and they went on a spending orgy post-Covid. And after that they just decided to throw all fiscal responsibility to the wind and spend the earning of our kids, their kids, and the kids of future generations. But that's Ok. Hyper-inflation or a nuclear war will probably solve that pesky little problem. And both major parties as well as most Americans cheering on American Exceptionalism and Military Might will let that nuclear genie out of the bottle after a multi-front World War is provoked by the West with China, Russia, Iran, DPRK, and every nation which plans to join to BRICS. Come on. Admit it. 80% of the AN members from the West want their governments to "show China, Russia, and the rest just who the global boss is." However most of those 80% want someone else to go do the fighting and dying - like your kids and grandkids. It's always easy to be pro-war when you ain't got skin-in-the-game. 🐔 So 100% agree. Inflation would have happened regardless of who was in office. And it will continue regardless of who is in office.
  11. You left out one very important option, which is actually a number of other options. Option 4: Anybody Else Other Than A Democrat or Republician Candidate In the "Someone else" category there is Robert Kennedy Jr., Cornel West, and Jill Stein, or my favorite - writing in Taylor Swift or Alfred E Neuman. And there may still be other candidates on the ballot representing other parties other than the D-R Duopoly So unfortunately your poll disenfranchises a significant number of people who don't vote for either of the candidates put forward by The Two Party DuopolyTM and yet plan to exercise their right to vote, and a blank ballot ain't my choice. But I forgive you as you are probably as brainwashed as the other 90% of the average clones out there. Maybe you can have the Mods go back and fix your poll as it's fatally flawed.
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